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Wii U Successful as Next Gen?



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  1. 1. Wii U successful as Next Gen?

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i would say yes it could but because the wii was a bad console i would say no because the wii U is being dragged down by its brother the wiii and it wont be recognised as much as the PS4 and Xbox one so i will say it wont but it does have potential with legend of zelda and mario

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To those saying that there isn't enough games for the Wii U I agree... But a lack of games doesn't make it a bad console. Thats like saying that a Bugatti with no features except radio, air conditioning, heater, and lights is a bad car... Not the best analogy or comparison, I know, but it gets the job done.

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Lets be real honest here.. The Wii didn't even stand a chance against any gaming platform. I don't think Wii U can beat PS4 or Xbox One. Wii U is more of a pathetic gaming platform, nonetheless it looks like a stupid little idea. I won't have my hopes raised for the Wii u platform, probably just crumple to ashes like all of the other lame creations.

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I saw a Wii u ad a few days go and let my say it was awful


I was 2 kids who wanted a Wii u so they had to tell there parents what it is


The point was Nintendo should have done stuff like this a year ago before the XB1 and PS4 came out the worst part is Nintendo is still going for the family market but the thing is the family gaming market never really happened a lot of the Wiis that were brought collected dust for years because family gaming does not exist Nintendo is stuck in the past and needs to change. :)

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