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Rant time!  Just sharing some of my main complaints about the Dominion playlist.


The Dominion playlist is one of my favorites.  Invasion was my favorite in Reach, and halo 4 has nothing close to as fun as invasion, but dominion is the next best thing.  However, the dominion playlist has seen a lot of changes since halo 4 came out, many of which I am not a fan of.


One of my first problems is that I always get stuck in games full of noobs.  Active Camo, crouching, Storm Rifle, Boltshot Plasma Grenade, T-bagging.  As a Team-based playlist in terms of CSR, you go up and down based on how many games you win, but when I get in games and all of my teammates suck, there's nothing I can do.  Dominion is just too much of a team-based game for me to be able to win by myself, and when only half my games are lost because of retarded teammates, my CSR isn't going anywhere and I'm basically stuck in the single digits (hovering around 7,8,9).


Dominion is no longer the only gametype in the playlist, some variants have also been added:



Just because a gametype is a custom gametype based off of dominion, it does not mean it belongs in the dominion playlist.  Lockdown deserves to be in Action Sack like the rest of the entirely luck based gametypes.  There is nothing more frustrating than being forced to charge into battle, hope you get kills as you randomly shoot your weapons before you die.  There is no time to aim, only time to spam.  To make things even more random and out of control, you have no radar.  The real question here is not only why 343 ever thought this gametype was a good idea, but why people ever vote for it in Matchmaking.  I'd vote for Meltdown, a map I absolutely hate, over Lockdown on a map I enjoy.  Lockdown makes up anywhere from 1/4 to 1/3 of the dominion games I play, and I have never had an enjoyable game of it.  So the question remains, why do people vote for it?


Legendary Dominion

I have not had a chance to play legendary dominion yet.  The reason for this is that no one votes for it.  I had to look the matchmaking updates just to see what the gametype settings are!  From what I can understand, the only thing that's different is that everybody has AR, BR.  This gametype seems to remove a lot of the aforementioned noobiness.  However, not once have I had a chance to play legendary dominion because it's in the third slot and nobody votes for it.


Needed to get this all out of my system in the form of a rant.  Feel free to tell me your opinions on the playlist and the gametypes in it.

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This is late but I actually feel legendary plays very well. With legendary settings, people actually pay attention to base objective drops for grenades, ammo and plasma pistols which was something previously ignored when you could just spawn with one. It makes vehicles much more potent and teams are forced to coordinate to take down wraiths etc. I've been in a few lobbies where everyone votes lockdown, everyone votes normal and sometimes everyone votes legendary. It's all up to who you get paired with unfortunately :/

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aside from the playlist changes that basically limited the power ordnance recieved on resupplies to the updated "balanced" maps. funny thing about some of this stuff



everyone is so sick of lockdown that they would rather vote for it on a very crappy map then play lockdown on a good map. sure you have radar and 3 bases, but with braindead teammates who dont know attacking from defending, they may as well go afk the whole match. when this happens, i say 'screw it' and quit. i would rather be in a game with players who actually put up a decent fight then be with noobs who dont know squat



its an ok gametype. only problem, the low score limit. takes only 10 resupplies to win. all you need is a good place to camp that doesnt include camo or the boltshot and you can put up a defense. there's even ordnance at the other bases that can help with B


legendary dominion

i cant say much as no one votes for it. i assume its a really bad gametype if it cant get 2+ votes. im thinking its probably the very original dominion before the changes came or its something that aids the defenders. though it sure would be nice to play it before it gets removed again. ill even back out just to try playing it


im mainly playing it to get "defender" commendation complete

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