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Halo 4 Analysis


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I am too. If we do meet the famous Forerunners, Then they should rename the game Halo: Forerunner ^_^


the potential from just a brief glimpse of the trailer could take Halo way above any other game, if it is the forerunners with all there advanced weaponry, the options are endless......

I want Halo 4 now lol

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It is confirmed thru 343 that it is the forerunners. One of the staff, I think frankie, said that fans of the novels would recognize through the literature what enemy or new friend that Masterchief and Cortana were encountering. It was most definatly a foreunner ship. the problem now is, are they friends or enemies? Supposedly we are the descendants of the forerunners, so why would they want to kill us? Probably because we destroyed two of their flood defense rings...lmao. How were we suppose to know?

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Technical help call recieved. processing........* Translating...* Sending response........*............


Ok, well that is the great thing about the Forerunners. Everything we have combated against the covenant thus far has been all forerunner relic based. Now, the covenant according to all the lore, have used and re-created pieces of the technology but did so not knowing their true purpose or potential.


For instance. The forerunners had a plasma pistol that shot horizontal rectangular shaped energy bolts. At the same time, they could then turn those bolts into a sword like energy blade for physical combat. We see from the covenant, both a plasma pistol and an energy sword. The covenant weapons makers obviously failed to properly uncover how the tech was used and was not able to replicate it properly, giving us 2 weapons instead of a 2-in-1 combo.


Now, judging from the timeline of all the events, the forerunners at this point have had thousands if not hundreds of thousands of years moving forward tech wise. But more to the point, even at a rapid rate of ascension, all tech developement as well as social and physical growth comes to a crawl. Seeing as how the forerunners are more than likely millions of times smaller in numbers and have no real threat outside their own race, it is highly unlikely such a small numbered people would even think about further advancing their technology. What purpose would it server? They would already be the ultimate force in the galaxy or universe?


But that begs another question. Why are the forerunners here? I think it was due to the Arc becoming active and going to standby. I believe that the forerunners were simply hiding out in a corner somewhere watching all of it play out. I also believe that once the arc became active, that is when the Forerunners decided to get involved. But because they had no new tech developments, they simply could not move to the arc any faster than the humans or covenant. Which is why all of the sudden we see them show up after Chief and Cortana were floating around all that time. I think it was their sole intention of going after Chief to deliver punishment for his role in the destruction of the arc, and the subsequent disbaling of the remaining Halo installations.


In all likelyhood, the force of technology that the forerunners will display will be huge. No doubt about it. But it should not be all that much more powerful than what we have already encountered. Remember this. While the forerunners may have made the original tech, the covenant has spent countless resources improving them destructive capability wise. So to summarize, the threat weapon wise would and should be no greater or maybe even might be a small amount greater than what we have seen.


Oh yeah, also take into account the fact that the Spartans wear the same armor that the Forerunners did. Our armor now at the tech scale of things, far outweighs anything they should have. Maybe....?

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Hmmmm. Humanoid sentinels? I like where that is going. Would make sense for the fore's to upgrade the sentinels at one point wouldn't it? I mean c'mon, the flood are not all that stupid. Putting in a human looking one would make it much easier to engage and contain an outbreak I would assume.

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at the end of halo 3, the chief is approaching an unknown planet. my guess was this was a forerunner shield world. bungie invented the forerunners but never elaborated on their origins or what happened to them. we know they were an advanced race, and we know they were in a war with the flood, and we know that they ultamately wiped themselves and the flood oout with the halos. other than that, we know nothing about them so it was a logical assumption that the chief and cortana would crash land on a forerunner and unlock the unknown past. odds are we will be introduced to a new monitor, and will probably spend most of our time fighting flood. now, the other assumption is that the chif and cortana would leave this new world in a forerunner dreadnought and with cortana piloting, take all of the new information back to earth and give it to the UNSC. now this would be an interesting ending because the UNSC thinks all of the legendary Spartan II's are dead and having the chief show up with cortana in a forerunner dreadnaught loaded with data on the forerunners would be a massive and pleasant surprise. now as for the chief, he could be reassigned to train an army of spartans in the event of another war. much like kurt 051 was the one who trained all of the Spartan III's. that would be an excellent end to the story line which bungie left open. the chief would be alive, and the commander responsible for training a new army of spartans. and another interesting and pleasant twist would be that cortana managed to use forerunner technology to be able to prevent her own rampancy and be able to give this information to ONI which would be able to use it on all new AI's and these new AI's would be able to live forever instead of only 7 years. what do you think of that?

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