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With 2014 almost here, many fans are eager to see what sort of games Sony and Microsoft will be releasing on to their new next gen platforms, the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. Especially important to gamers is seeing what exclusive games will be coming to the new systems, as these games could sway public opinion on the consoles and convince gamers to pick one over the other when they are more widely available. To highlight the upcoming 2014 exclusive games, here are the top five games in the category for both PlayStation 4 and Xbox One.


5. Infamous: Second Son (PlayStation 4)- This game seeks to take the franchise to a new level, as the new console hardware will allow the game to have an even bigger and better open world and even more insane superpowers for users to play around in. Throw in a more charismatic protagonist and the game could be a crown jewel in the PlayStation 4 launch window lineup when it is released March 21.
4. Plants Vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare (Xbox One)- While this game is also being released on the Xbox 360 and PC, the Xbox One version of the game is the definitive one for fans due to the inclusion of offline co-op and Boss Mode. The game seeks to mix Plants vs. Zombies with online shooters, and the game looks to be the sleeper hit of 2014.
3. Uncharted 4 (PlayStation 4)- While Naughty Dog has only confirmed that they are working on an Uncharted game, without saying it will be the fourth game in the series, it is enough to earn the game a place on this list. Considering that the Uncharted games on the PlayStation 4 set a new standard for cinematic gameplay when they were released, having the series come to the PlayStation 4 and do the same thing seems to be a given for the new year.
2. Titanfall (Xbox One)- This game, due in March, seeks to merge single player story telling with multiplayer online gameplay, and so far the game looks to have done that perfectly. If Titanfall is able to do everything that it has promised to do, it could lead to industry staples like Call of Duty completely changing their formula and risk becoming outdated. But besides all that, the game will allow users to fight it out on massive maps with different mech warriors as well as on foot, which could be worth the price of admission all by itself.
1. Halo 5 (Xbox One)- The Halo series was confirmed to be getting a new game in 2014 for the Xbox One, but Microsoft did not reveal if the game is indeed Halo 5. Nonetheless, the series gets a pass for this, as any sort of new Halo title is enough to cause gamers to sit up and take notice. While many people will be watching this game closely to see how it compares to Destiny, the new game from former Halo developers Bungie, there is no reason to doubt that the new Halo game will continue the franchise's stellar record

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I cannot wait for uncharted 4 nagutey dog make some of the best games ever made but the question is will uncharted 4 top the last of us. ? :)

I can not wait for "The Last of Us 2" and I never even played the first one, or own a Playstation... That's how good Naughty Dog is!

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I actually think these are five fairly poor choices.


So far we know literally nothing about either the suggested Halo or Uncharted games, and I don't see why something which is a complete unknown deserves to be on a 'Top 5' list - just because they happen to come from big-name franchises, I suppose? While they might well turn out to be the greatest games ever made, they could equally be huge failures and since at this point we don't even know what either of them will actually be about, I feel like their spaces on this list could have been used for something much more interesting.


As for Plants vs Zombies, in addition to not being a next-gen exclusive it's not even a platform exclusive and so I have no idea what that's doing on there. Plus, it's essentially an over-glorified tower defense arcade game with some great visual design: certainly fun enough in its own right if it follows its predecessors, but hardly the kind of thing that would sell a system.


Titanfall and Infamous are probably the only two things that I'd agree with on that list, but even then I have a few reservations. I haven't played either of the preceding Infamous games but it seems like the newest instalment is essentially going to be basically the same thing but with a shinier coat of paint and on a bigger scale, and I honestly can't say I'm excited for Titanfall as I think we've probably got enough in the way of 'realistic', iron-sight multiplayer shooters with futuristic elements at the moment.


I guess what most disappoints me about this list is the lack of innovation. All that we seem to be getting excited about are games which either follow the same tropes as those of this generation, or which are actually direct sequels to franchises from this generation. We're getting so much extra power with the newest console generation, but instead of trying to explore new styles of gameplay, craft more engaging stories or just generally push some boundaries, we're cranking out the exact same stuff as we have been for the past eight years but with slightly better graphics.

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Honestly, Destiny is going to be a must watch game as well this year. Since Destiny is coming from the creators of the Halo franchise, many Halo fans are going to be keeping there eyes on this new game to release in September of 2014. But I must say myself, as a halo fan, I will be watching for some sort of Halo 5 game to come out this new year.

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