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Ideas For A More Improved Spartan Ops


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Hello let me start off with saying this may sound like Halo Blasphemy but it is an idea that i think is a great one perhaps to keep people fresh Add an option to spartan ops it may sound like im saying copy Call of Duty Ghost but lets face it Halo is Better so it can only perfect it . In Ghost you can select up to 10 squad members to play as individually now lets say we take this concept and put it in halo spartan ops and by this i mean you give the player the option to have 3 or 4 more spartans they can customize so that means its like doing the same thing to each of these spartans as you can do to the first spatan like the loadouts the armor and lettign you drop this 3 man team along side you in single player mode of spartan ops.

The reason Im getting to this is because sometimes it can take a while before I find game online with three other players and im not guaranteed three pyers plus its automatically put on legendary, then theres the constant lag in spartan ops when playing with other people and i would prefer to play spartan ops over matchmaking sometimes. 

My solution to this is what i explained above. so lets say im playing halo 4 only 2 friends are online ones playing Ghost the other just wants to play matchmaking and im stuck in a Spartan Ops game with only three Players its lagging bad im getting frustrated all our armor looks different so we look like a mix match fireteam, Then suddenly im just tired and quit like iv seen so many people do its so frustrating seeing people quit out of a spartan ops game but its understandable when your lagging so badly thet the game seems pointless to keep going in.

So lets say these updates are put in and now i can get online go to spartan ops then instead of clicking find a game i go to customization and now there are 4 options just like Naming loadouts there are 4 spartans each customizable to there own style and you can even name each so i leave my first one the same then i go to the second one and out recon armor on him set up his loadouts then go to the 2nd and place scout armor on him or her then to the 3rd one and put warior on her then to the 4th and yea you get the picture so now i have 4 different spartans but all playable individually in spatan ops and all i got to do is select which one i want to play as. it doesnt end there either now we go back to the selecting of the game so i notice im basically solo on spartan ops playing but i still want to play but not solo but alos not with other random players or deal with the massive lag issue in spartan ops find a game mode. so i go to the select a level solo one i put it on normal or easy because i just kinda want to relax and play. Now heres where it gets interesting i dont want to be the main focus of every covenant energy blast up my booty so i decide to click an option to add fireteam memeber and when i do this it allows me to add from just one to all 3 other customizable fireteam spartan members to the team to join me in my game. and then i add then give them there prefered loadout for the game then i click start match, the match begins the cutscene ends and there i am standing with my team that i created my very own fireteam crimson with matching armor colors and emblem and they play Now thats a fireteam. Now im playing by myself but not alone got me a team and theres no lag because im not playing on a shared connection im enjoying spartan ops im looking at a team im proud of since i made it myself and im able to pick Whatever episode and chapter i want to play on the level i want to play this is a very basic concept as well.

Let me add that i will enjoy it if the AI players were like the ones on reach unkillable and worked very well its almost like the concept of the level on reach when you go back to castle base with 4 members of noble team and you play as one the others are computer controled just now you have a bit more control over what they look like and how many join you and maybe also a type add on like maybe give one a sniper personality another a striaght shoot to thrill and another a tactical one and have these as options for each one to pick whether you want a full tactical style team to a whole team or a whole team of marksman mentality its up to the player it adds a mor eof hey thats my team to the game and mabey some cutscenes including one of the spartans or all of them.

I would like to end this on the note that i know this is a great idea for spartan ops and alot of current gamers would love to see this and this can also bring in new gamers and maybe bring back those who have traded in there halo 4 for call of duty and were dissapointed with that game and this can be the draw in for them back to halo. i would Really appreciate A feedback on your thoughts on this and i hope this is taken very seriously and hopefully ill be downloading an update to the game and seeing my vision and idea brought to life thank you for you time i know your very busy and if i do get a response i will appreciate it very much.

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