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What is youre new years resolution

Caboose The Ace

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These things start one day and end a few days later but a few brave roman soldiers try to stick to them and do < not me because I never do one


Of course I am posting about new years resolutions what they are is something you are going to change about what you are doing now to make you're life better < I think  


So the big question is what is yours ?



BTW I don't have one because I cannot be bother really. :)

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Don't drink any Coke or Pepsi, at all.


Or drink it at least once a week or 2 weeks even, if you really love drinking Coke and Pepsi, that's what I'd do just encase I start to have a craving. As soon as you say to yourself, "Right, I won't be drinking this anymore or for a while" you will start to crave for it. :) But, some are stronger than others when it comes to that so, good luck. I know I couldn't do that. I drink Dr Pepper all the time, but as of lately I've been drinking a lot of water, not so much of these past 4 days because it's Christmas, I've just been on a rampage with drink (Not as bad it you may think it sounds, lol).

Edited by ShockGazm
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This summer I decided to give up coke and Pepsi and well ...........


I saves me money

I only drink water and milk now so I am having less sugar

I am not longer having aspartame


And well 3 big reasons there. :)


EDIT I also drink coffee

Edited by Ranger447
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Big Goals:

Well... I will continue to not drink any form of soda. (Just water, Milk, and the occasional coffee)

I will do my best to guide new members into the promised land.

I will do my best to get more fit.

I HAVE to get a decent paying job.
I HAVE to finish up my Associates Degree.

I NEED to buy a car.

I NEED to save up money for my wedding. lol


Lesser goals:

Get to level 200 on Runescape. :3

BE boss at BF4 and Ryse. 

Buy Halo, Titanfall, The Crew, and Destiny for Xbox One.

Have enough 

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