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What needs to be added to halo 5.


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I think they should add.There should be a secondary campaign allowing you to play an elite. So that you can play with the covenant. Also they should add the elites back, and you should be able to change different parts of your elites armor so its like your spartans customization.

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I think it would be awesome to play as the Arbiter again, it would be interesting to see his story over the 4 years John 117 was in cryogenics. I also wouldn't mind if elites were brought back too, to be honest I think it brings a bit more to the Multiplayer when you have people using elites rather than just Spartans all the time, though they were taken out of Halo 4 because Elites and/or Covenant didn't play a big role in the game. But, I've also never really been bothered about the Elites in Halo Multiplayer, so I guess ultimately we'll have to see what happens.

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In the first issue of Halo Escalation, you read a little about the Arbiter (Thel 'Vadaam) and see his new appearance. I don't want to give away too much information but I would recommend picking it up. It hints towards the next Halo game and is fun to read. :)


Yeah I read a little bit, it's pretty good. I like the Arbiters new armour, looks pretty cool. It's good that they gave him a new look, it would make sense considering John was frozen for 4 years.

Edited by ShockGazm
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Playing as Elites isn't a big deal to me, because I don't like playing as them but they do have a lot of people that want to play as them so it would be in 343's interest to put it back.


If the next Halo campaign takes place along the story line of Halo Escalation it would be cool because we have more species back such as the brutes.




The comic portrays the Brutes as hostile but not the UNSC's enemies, So in order to have the campaign like the comic 343 will probably have to put Brutes as allies. Also we don't know how the chief plays out in the comic if at all so there might not even be a way to put the comic into the game at all without having a major plot twist.

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