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A Canonical Playlist? Read Text First


Would you play a Canonical Playlist?  

5 members have voted

  1. 1. Would you play a Canonical Playlist?

    • Yes - It Would Be Great
    • Yes- But Not Much
    • Maybe
    • No- I Wouldn't Like It
    • No- It Would Suck Bad

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Helps if you have read any of the books


I have been wondering for some time if the producers of the Halo games (First Bungie, Now 343i) would make a game or game type which would follow the canon of the books. During such a game type, it would cause players to think about their actions rather than just going along and jumping into groups of covenant and such. It would also show how Spartans had to be self-sufficient in the field and look after themselves should they be injured etc. Or, if they are grossly out numbered for example , how they need to use tactics to thin out opponents to a manageable level for example.


Using canon, such features of this would include such things as:


Plasma damage - Once you get hit with your shields down, it damages your armour and affects game-play E.g - You're hit on your leg by a plasma bolt and it knocks out your shields and burns your armour- making it weaker and less resistant to damage. Another effect could be thus -You're are hit and lose your shields and are hit in again in the chest by an entirely new plasma bolt- Your armour melts on your chest (making chest area less resistant to damage) and you suffer internal damage - Harder breathing= reduced Sprint/ movement- lack of Oxygen to the brain causes slight disorientation (Augmentation reduces shock effects (Unless you're a Spartan III in which case shock is nullified almost completely)).


Shock/ Injuries and treatment : Shock and Disorientation could be displayed in a similar effect to a COD Stun Grenade (split vision, black dots, slower reactions etc.) and could be caused by loss of blood or by trauma (Punched by a Brute for instance, thrown back by an over pressure wave (shock wave) from an explosion, Large injuries such as dismemberment or plasma burns are also an example) . Any small injury could usually be fixed by using Biofoam and Stimulants to combat blood loss and/or disorientation etc until treatment could be sought, while more serious Injuries and thus a limited lifespan for the Spartan may result in having to make a sacrifice (Like Carter's >'Halo: Reach' or Sam's >'Halo: The Fall Of Reach') or if on death (MIA/WIA) - armour detonation (Like Grace's > 'Halo: First Strike'). One example, the trigger hand is rendered unusable for some reason (plasma damage for example- lost fingers etc.), the weapon would have to be swapped to the other hand and it would have to be lowered should a grenade need to be thrown. Tending to yours or others injuries could be done using a open menu (as seen in Halo Wars) to select treatment by holding the trigger button while aiming at the wound (for teammates) or holding X (for your self), using the joy sticks to select treatment and A to accept. Needless to say, a trigger guard would be in-place to stop teammates from wasting ammo and injuring each other (Some people :evil: )


There are a lot more features which could be added in that department too (That was the 'Self Preservation' Department :D )


More helpful features to the player maybe thus;


Heads Up Display- A TACtical Map for planning use E.g arranging 'distractions' (Blowing up a building), planning stealth attacks and traps etc. Also using the HUD, be able to place NAVigation points on positions, targets, patrols etc. Also, have the in game option (Press back for example) to change your motion tracker to a live Camera link to what a team mate is seeing (Like in Ghost Recon: AW2 (It could be featured in other games too)) for better Co-ordination. I had thought about the effect of using hand signals when a player was close to enemy equipment (They would detect radio transmissions and find the Spartans) but that would require Kinect which none are too keen on. However, acknowledgement lights would be a viable replacement and would be possible with the buttons available. Using the additions bought from the armoury, effects to game play rather than aesthetics looks would added too (Which I think would be amazing). One example is the use of the camera attachment to give members of the squad a view of what you are seeing. Another use could be the HUD attachment which could help detect active camouflage or could grant VISR (as seen in Halo ODST and read in 'HeadHunters').


Spartan Strength and Agility- We have all seen the insane use of melee in the Halo games. In ODST a few melee's kill brutes when, in actuality, the ODST would be dead and the Spartan II fighting it (As proved by John and a brute> 'Halo: First Strike) would be struggling. We all want to be able to use our arms and legs to inflict maximum damage which is why, I propose in this, you should be able to do that. I propose that you could just use the melee button to create a quick smack with the weapon or hold it, similar to an assassination, to create a combo (when fighting a tougher target e.g An Elite) or to create a push back (against a Brute or Hunter) or to just a create a quick and concise kill (E.g a neck break against Jackals, Grunts etc.). Also, Spartans could much faster than the game describes and also much slower too- and they could sprint for a very long time. They could side step and counter most threats quickly and effectively with their MJOLNIR armour further augmenting their skills.


There is so much which could be done with this. What do you think? Vote and Comment


Please point out any mistakes too


I'll add any more ideas to this as they come in (My own or Yours)


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