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Copyright & why it sucks

Snipe MD

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Hey this is SNIP3m101 here with a issue that i'm sure everyone has dealt with at one point in there life...copyright.


Copyrights a Bi :censored:, Copyrights are the rights that are reserved to a specific company or companies that prevents third-parties from getting profit from work they did not produce. as a machinimator, we pour our hearts, our souls and our time unto our videos, and what does youtube do? "This video has been deleted by [insert Bulls :censored:  company here] on copyright grounds...sorry about that.". Do they think we make money off these things? ask any machinimator, MIK3 WB, Arbiter617, Alexo, they don't make any money, and when we make a royalty-free video, with 500$-priced royalty music, Royalty-free sound effects, and a massive disclaimer at the end of our videos, the company(ies) that think that our products have copyright infringements look closely at the video, trying to find ANY copyright infringements, then when someone in the video says "that was almost as bad as the american version of the one-piece theme," bam! they delete the video. Halo machinima is a bit more lighted up on, despite Anime up-loaders & abridgers suffering the most from this.


If we don't make money on our project, don't delete it. Just because we post season 1 of Naruto on youtube does not mean the person going to get on "The Ellen Degeneres show", or something, they just wan't to post and/or subtitle the videos that you lazy   :censored: s couldn't do.


This post will probably be taken down for any number of asinine reasons, such as the constant use of censors, or the part about Naruto and/or One-piece, so enjoy this post while you can, because if people can't understand how big a deal this is, then a future machinimaor might have his/her hopes and dreams crushed by the Naggy B :censored: that is copyright.




SNIP3m101 and all the people at 101 productions.


(location is new BTW)


P.S: Next week after I post "The Leet World: Special Edition", I will post the 3rd "Oh, the trauma" Post, so be sure to look for that.

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I like copyright because it protects someones property and doesn't others make "official" ripoffs.

Although I do hate the YouTube copyright stuff...... We just need new laws in place for that. The old ones don't match today's standards of content creating. 

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I like copyright because it protects someones property and doesn't others make "official" ripoffs.


Although I do hate the YouTube copyright stuff...... We just need new laws in place for that. The old ones don't match today's standards of content creating. 


That's exactly what I was thinking.


Copyright can do a lot of protecting, but many people use other people's things to create something original.  As long as there is credit for the orginal art then it should be less of a problem.

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