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How to be a videogame voice actor, by Halo's Cortana.

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How to be a videogame voice actor, by Halo's Cortana

10 tips from Jen Taylor, the woman behind Master Chief's AI accomplice

Voice actors generally don't conceive, write or render the characters they voice, but the right actor can do more for a character than the combined efforts of dozens of coders, artists, designers and writers. Among those you may actually recognise at a glance is Jen Taylor, the voice of UNSC Artificial Intelligence CTN 0452-9 - otherwise known to Halo players as Cortana, Master Chief's holographic accomplice, sort-of-girlfriend and surrogate mother.

We spoke to Taylor about the trials and tribulations of videogame voice acting at large, and voicing Cortana in particular. Beware: the below contains mild series spoilers.

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1. Give studios options during an audition

Bungie couldn't decide if it wanted Cortana to be British or American. So I gave a couple of different options. They basically said: "We like your voice. We'd actually like her to sound like you. We want her to sound like the girl next door. We don't want her to be too naggy, we want to make sure she's pleasant to listen to."

2. Take each job as it comes

You'll laugh at this, but I didn't know Halo was popular until they called us back to do Halo 2! But it wasn't until Halo 3 that I thought, "okay, this is really popular." Every time I finished a Halo game, I always thought, "That was fun." As an actor, you have to just finish a project doing the best you can and put all your effort and your talent into that project and figure. So, with Halo, every time I've thought: "Hooray! I get to come back! I get to flesh out this character a little bit more!"

3. Try not to think about how significant your roles can be

That's not something I ever think about. I'm glad people enjoy the game. It becomes more obvious when I go to expos, seeing people who are really affected by it.

4. Know what characters mean to the story and to each other

Cortana is your friend, but Bungie didn't want her to be a romantic interest. It wanted her to be the tool that helps you... Cortana and Chief's relationship shifted along the way; it's heartbreaking for them. They've been together over eight years. Saying goodbye to your best friend, and the person helping to save your life constantly... it's got to feel totally empty.

5. Think about who it is you're playing

So much of finding a new voice is what you get from the direction and the tone that the developer wants. There are also some technical ways to get there. Is this a younger person or an older person? Is the voice high, low, scratchy, clear? There are all sorts of tonal things that you can go for, but ultimately, you're trying to tell the story these game makers are creating and giving them the character that they want.

6. Flesh out their backstory, even if it's just for you

The more you know about the story, the better. I know a ton about Zoey that I don't think was ever revealed in the game. My fiancé was playing it and he was like, "we didn't learn these things you told me," but they must have fuelled the character in some way.

7. Be ready to step into a character's shoes

I did motion capture for Halsey [in Halo 4]. It's so fun. It's almost like theatre. I think it's really helpful as a voiceover actor. When you're in the studio, you're using your entire body. With motion capture the player gets to see that.

8. Imitating other voices is a good place to start

You figure out versatility, and then you start to figure out how you can make characters solely your own. But it starts out where you're imitating because that's what you know how to do. That's what I did.

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9. Don't be intimidated by famous names playing parts

It's hard for voice actors, because people are excited to hear about movie stars. I'm happy that people are excited about animation and videogames, but I hope there are still roles for the rest of us.

10. Enjoy it

It's fun! You can be whoever you want to be. You're not limited by your body. You can be an old lady, you can be a young person; it doesn't matter. That's really freeing as an actor, to have no limits.




Very Interesting and Excellent article to read. Also those are some cool and fantastic tips to know and to also read about.
Edited by Azaxx
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Good tips. Although, it's not fully decided that Cortana is still alive, because of what happened. The best come back for her, would be like if Master Chief was in danger and she suddenly appeared and helped him get out.


I personally think she'll come back. There are several possibilities. Getting Halsey to help may be a problem though.

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