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I have a few rules of my own when your playing Xbox Live with me.

Rule 1: No Tea Bagging.

Rule 2: Treat me and everyone else in the Server with respect.

Rule 3: Don't Spam me Messages or Friends Request.

All of the Rules i have to give out and thanks everyone for Respecting them.


Hello Everyone. This is FEAR FR33BORN speaking and i will like to tell you all everything you need to know about who i am and what i do. I am Gamer, Entertainer, Art/Graphic Designer, Music Artist, Sponsor Organizer and i help community websites and advertise peoples pages, websites, clans, videos, forum threads, community's, clubs, groups, and anything to support people. I am from Fosston, Minnesota, United States and i've lived here all my life and i am taking classes for Art/Graphic Designing and my future job is to work at 343 Industries and help them make video games and if i can want to have another job for making music for people as well if possible. I am part of many website's i am part of Halo Community, The Real Forums, The Halo Forums, The Halo Council, Twitch, XBL Gamer Hub, Grifball Hub, Rooster Teeth, Forge Cafe, Ready Up Live, Major League Gaming, Gamespot, Tumblr, Raptr, Youtube, Youtube Social, 343 Industries.org, and billions of more websites i am because i want to do want i can to support Website's and other community's and clan's and groups need for support. I am 19 years old and i have been part of the Halo Community for some time now and i am on it almost 100% of the time because there's Great people and great events to have fun on and many more to the website and i would do anything for this Site because it's amazing website for Halo Social wise in the Gaming Community. There's things i been looking for years in my gaming life and its always been a Montage for Halo games and Call of Duty games because i want to well known for gaming and be more in tournaments then anything else in the world. I spend my life playing Team Swat on Halo Reach, Halo 4, Halo 3 and keeping rank as being the #1 in my State for Team Swat because having a great Achievement come great Reputation and all i want is Great Reputation in this world and nothing more. I have been playing Halo sense Halo Combat Evloved was launched and i have nothing against the Halo series and the games Bungie made where amazing and now that 343 Industries owns Halo now i want be part of it and help them make halo. My friends on Xbox Live i love playing with are HC Survival and HC Superstar BR and all the members and staff members from Halo Community as well and i also enjoy playing with Coolhandjim73. RaGnarock 2215, REDNECK NINJA14. STA CROHNS. STAxTOASTx, B1azinCharizard. Beached Bru 420, Cruel Divinity, D4RK A3THER765, ddwear13, DisjoinedHook37. Eltharad. GHosT x FuSiioN, Gr0up X. H35 Overkill, HC ItsDUFFY, HC Velociraptor, HEY VOLSTAR, Life Remains, Perfect Demise, tH Hype, TadpoleAB1608, K1LL3RWOSQ1TO, zFR33BORNz. ThatBump, xSPARTANEL1TE and millions more gamers i enjoy playing games with. I love listening to Halo Soundtracks when i am on Halo Community because its very comforting to do. 

Thats all you need too know about me and i would love to game with you and your friends sometime so Send me a Message or Game Invitation sometime.
Check out my Fan Page's.
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I hope I would qualify to play with you guys... 


- I don't speak unless spoken too


- I do not pressure anyone to do anything they don't wanna do


- I always ask for permission before I do anything (even speak as mentioned earlier)


- I always say "Please" and "Thank You" even to enemy's or people who don't deserve it


- I wait until given an order before making a move, unless I am given "Leader Status", to which I would pass it to someone more deserving or someone who wants it more


- I never Tea Bag even if they ask me too


- I never quit unless its 100% nessacry


- And I play for fun, but take it seriously

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No teabagging? Awww. But that's the way to communicate! :(


Anyways, welcome to the forums!


I can't even use the Shout Box. lol

You need a few posts first, which you should have now.







I recommend familiarizing yourself with our rules, before you make your own.

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good luck



No teabagging? Awww. But that's the way to communicate! :(


Anyways, welcome to the forums!


You need a few posts first, which you should have now.



I recommend familiarizing yourself with our rules, before you make your own.




Good luck on the forum, you'll need it.



I hope I would qualify to play with you guys... 


- I don't speak unless spoken too


- I do not pressure anyone to do anything they don't wanna do


- I always ask for permission before I do anything (even speak as mentioned earlier)


- I always say "Please" and "Thank You" even to enemy's or people who don't deserve it


- I wait until given an order before making a move, unless I am given "Leader Status", to which I would pass it to someone more deserving or someone who wants it more


- I never Tea Bag even if they ask me too


- I never quit unless its 100% nessacry


- And I play for fun, but take it seriously



Welcome to the forums hope to see you around in the shoutbox!


And I agree, Halo is a great place in the virtual universe to play and meet new people. 



Welcome to the forums! Hope to see you at future community events!


Also if we play together I'll be breaking that first rule a lot  :laughing:


Thank You Everyone and i will be glad to be the event's of this website. I don't know exactly how active i'm gonna be on here but i will try to be as active as i can because i'm part of Major League Gaming and doing allot of event's and tournaments already but i'll try and see when i have open time to do few a on here with you guys. I'm already enjoying being on here already so lets hope that this continues more! I also have my own Rule's because i have friends i play BTB and MLG with that don't like Tea Baggers and that doesn't like people trash Talking even though i Trash Talk but i don't Tea Bagg unless the other team is really loosing but i normally am playing With them guys 100% of time but if any you guys really wanna game sometime on Halo 4 just send my Gamertag a Message - Gamertag:  FEAR FR33BORN

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Hello and welcome to the forums! 


Your the one who sent me a friend request, I accepted it, thinking it was someone else. But thats ok. lol. 


I dont really like playing with a ton of people, I just normally prefer to have a couple to play with at any one time. I also dont do Big Team or MLG. I am not that great with an AR, I actually kinda despise it as well as the BR. I dont ever play Halo 4, but I prefer just playing Reach. 


I do love Reach Swat, its my most favorite game. On occasion I do like to play FireFight. And I dont tea bag unless I get tea bagged first. Which I definitely despise being tea bagged. Its very unnerving to me. But even if I want to tea bag the person who did it to me, I dont. Mainly because I cant figure out who did it. Oh well. lol


Anyways, welcome to the forums again, and I hope to see you around. :)

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