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Reddit user sets up website of internet browser games for the Xbox


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Reddit user CitadelSaint has set up a site called xboxie.com that has a collection of HTML5 internet games that we can play on our Xbox using our controller. After he learned that these types of games work on the Xbox Internet Explorer using the controller he searched for games and put together the site. 


"The name XBOXIE is (Xbox + IE) but pronounced “Xboxy”.
As most of HTML 5 games are designed with Keyboard in mind it means there is very little with controller support. After googling for hours to find working games I decided to put together a site with every game I've test and I know that works."
There are a total of 38 games on the site at the moment but there are more on the way say's the reddit user in his post

"Over the next week I will be adding hundreds of games to the site (But I've been programming all today so I've decided to give myself a break)"


He states he will be contacting indie dev's who make these types of games and ask to put in controller support so that they are playable on consoles. We can also submit games to the site, if anyone has discovered any other games that work on the Xbox's IE and that are playable with the controller you can submit games to the site by clicking the submit button at the top if the page and he will add them to the database. 


Check out the site 


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Am I the only one who thinks this is the coolest thing in the history of ever?! This man deserves an award.


However, I have a feeling Microsoft doesn't support free games for their consoles, and there might be legal issues in the future...


Stupid Micro$oft...

Edited by Quantum
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