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Titanfall Viral Advertisement Update Leads to Viral Promotion!


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An interesting look into the recent Titanfall advertisement, now updated, has led fans on a duck hunt to solve it.


The United Kingdom advertisement was in-fact updated recently, to include a miniscule detail hinting at a possible Viral Promotion Contest. The small update includes flashes of Binary code, which when decoded by fans, led to a site, containing a set of rules and regulations for an "Xbox One Advertisement Glitch Contest". While Titanfall is not immediately noticed, going through the registration leads to a site based on the name of the infamous Hammod Robotics, a Titan company. There is also a pintrest board, containing pictures of blossom, a reference to Angel City, a Titanfall map.




Going along with this, prizes are revealed. These include Xbox One consoles, signed artwork, games, and in-game DLC. Microsoft has not replied to these rumors yet.


Source: IGN.com





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