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The Sniper of 343i.org

Is not JL

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1. Okay.

2. When I don't feel like I'm writing posts and handing them to a blank wall to read.

3. Not that hard.

4. I'll take any.

5. It's modeled after Tigrex. Well, it IS Tigrex. The name is simply symbolic.

1. I am fine with an "Okay" :D

2. lol

3. I am a slow reader, let me feel accomplished!!

4. I'll have it below then.

5. Sounds awesome....whats a Tigrex?





Name: Gemini

Appearance: Light blond hair, blue eyes that in a literal since 'flow' like the ocean, scar across chin. Wears dark clothing to better blend in with the environment

Weapons: Dual revolvers(variations in bullets), slightly extended Wakizashi.

Skills: Skilled in gun-fu, a prodigy of mixed martial arts, a master in sword play, and an expert marksman, one with the shadows.

Bio: At a young age, he was abandoned as a child out in the wilderness of 343i City. He was already adept at survival in the jungle for that is where his first home was. Later on in life he ventured into the city, he met a man who taught him everything he knew, later on the man disappeared. Sadly he never found out who the mans name was, so he never knew what to call him. After the man had disappeared Gemini had turned to thievery, trying to support him-self in day-to-day life. When he came to the age of 15 he took on 'tactical' jobs, that called for his area of...expertise. During one of his 'jobs' something had changed in him so he quit. As of lately he has been spending more time with his friends, he believes that no man can truly exist with out them.  

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By now anything I think up has been thought up by someone before. I live on a planet with 7 billion people currently alive and countless more having lived prior.


Name: Gemini

Appearance: Light blond hair, blue eyes that in a literal since 'flow' like the ocean, scar across chin. Wears dark clothing to better blend in with the environment

Weapons: Dual revolvers(variations in bullets), slightly extended Wakizashi.

Skills: Skilled in gun-fu, a prodigy of mixed martial arts, a master in sword play, and an expert marksman, one with the shadows.

Bio: At a young age, he was abandoned as a child out in the wilderness of 343i City. He was already adept at survival in the jungle for that is where his first home was. Later on in life he ventured into the city, he met a man who taught him everything he knew, later on the man disappeared. Sadly he never found out who the mans name was, so he never knew what to call him. After the man had disappeared Gemini had turned to thievery, trying to support him-self in day-to-day life. When he came to the age of 15 he took on 'tactical' jobs, that called for his area of...expertise. During one of his 'jobs' something had changed in him so he quit. As of lately he has been spending more time with his friends, he believes that no man can truly exist with out them.  

since? No, Sense*.


dark clothing to better blend in with the environment Because the environment is always le DARRRRK


Skills Gary Stu level 99


as a child Lol u have parents. *****


already adept at survival Gary Stu level 999


he met a man who taught him everything he knew, later on the man disappeared Don't know his name? That's okay. I do - First name Deus, Surname Ex Machina. 


him-self A useless hyphen. Himself*


age of 15 Age? w0w. I'll assume from my deduction skills that you, Gemini Dragons, are also 15 at this point. In any case, this piece of canon will probably remain as headcanon for you since by now we've established that a bunch of **** happened one era ago and who knows how long ago that was lol


called for his area of...expertise. So a job, the full purpose of which is the reveal the extent at which Gemini is a Gary Stu. I see.


During one of his 'jobs' something had changed in him so he quit Backstory/Character development level 99


he believes that no man can truly exist with out them Nobody has friends in this city. Also, Without*. Useless space.



Sorry, I simply had to break it down piece by piece. Hope it helps in the future if you do this type of thing again.




I'll put you into the story someday when I write a chapter or something.


Not sure why the axe is a guitar, 

because d38boss

Edited by Meteor Storm
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  • 2 weeks later...

Chapter 18: Vaults, Trolls, and a hint of a Gary Stu


Silver sonic energy strummed from the blade of Boss' axe, sending shockwaves down Ranger's sabre each time the two weapons clashed. Each time they swung, the resulting 'clang' noise seemed to have a new track added; one that reverberated like an electric guitar - one that continually forced Ranger back.


Is this a different power of his? Or is it just an extension of that....distortion? Ranger thought to himself, knowing full well that if he didn't crack the code as to how Boss' abilities worked, he was doomed.


But it seemed that, at least now, there was no need for him to win. If a blade cleanly passing through a body, and said body being perfectly fine afterwards was shocking, then the next action shocked Ranger out of his stupor.


The moment he gained a significant distance from Boss in retreat, there was a flash of lightning and a blast of thunder that rocketed the streets. Both combatants cringed, hiding their eyes behind their arms instinctively to avoid the sudden glare of light erupting in front of them. 


Slowly, the light died down, and as Boss' arm simultaneously fell away from his face, he noticed that his opponent was now kneeling on the ground, head down.......towards the new figure who had appeared where the lightning bolt had struck. Standing at the center of a clean ring of charred earth, golden lights dancing across his outfit, for a moment, even Boss was tempted to kneel before this holy figure.


Just a moment.


The figure completely ignored Ranger and stared straight at Boss. Boss gulped; his stomach immediately queasy, as though there was a sudden revelation that an insect was crawling up your back, and any sudden movements would get an unfortunate sting as a consequence.


"I've seen enough," the figure said, though whether that sound came from a mouth or from the area around them, nobody in the vicinity could tell. If Boss' own voice could be described like the hiss of a snake, then this could very well be the Elephant - loud, unyielding, unmoving.


Potentially destructive.


He turned towards Boss.


"I offer you a chance."


Boss blinked.


*     *     *


Drizzy_Dan blinked. Where was he? Moments ago he'd been in the middle of a fight, arms and legs flailing against an assailant, and the next thing he knew he was now.....


He looked up at the ground, and then he looked down at the sky.


I'm a barbecue, he thought for a second before immediately attempting to stretch his arms against the ropes that wrapped him against a giant rod, to no avail.


Looking around, he realized that there were several other large rods, each of them stabbed into the ground. Ropes were wrapped around those rods as well, tying up every member of Drizzy's party.


Focusing his mind, the ex-mod began to recall the events prior that had led them into this situation.


20 minutes ago......


"Are we there yet?"


"Are we there yet?"



"Are we-"


"No, and for the foreseeable future we don't be, so I think it'd be best if we simply focused on walking," Drizzy responded. With that, silence washed over the group once again, muting them apart from the gasps and grunts for air that they made as they continued to traverse the dangerous terrain. This time, they were travelling in a valley. All the mountains that surrounded them were jagged, as though they were crooked, rusted daggers stabbed through the ground. The valley itself, though, seemed fine; albeit full of dead grass, it still seemed to be a better route to take than atop the mountain ranges that surrounded them.


They travelled like that for a few minutes, until Drizzy noted in the corner of his eye - smoke. Smoke that wasn't expanding - that is, a controlled fire; and that meant people. Immediately he paused, his hand held up to signal towards the others behind him. Trained eyes immediately began to scour the region, looking for traps, dangers - anything of the sort. They were within a foresty region, the path they were taking going up and around small hills, so Drizzy wasn't exactly able to see everything. Trees and hills blocked the line of sight between them and the fire - and although the fire could be useful, it could also immediately shut down their travels through the realm of the banned.


"We advance slowly," he said, "And every step you take must be the exact same as the steps of the person before you."


He took a step forwards, hearing only the crunch of dead leaves beneath his foot. Another step.


Nothing seemed to come from the direction of the fire.


Slowly, Drizzy began to follow the path forwards, foraging the best tracks through the woods that would hopefully take them to a vantage point where they'd be able to see what was sustaining the fire.


*     *     *


"A chance to do what?" Boss muttered through gritted teeth, his weapon still raised. 


Rather than answer the question, the figure tossed satchel towards Boss.


"Since it seems everybody has, in the fear, ran in unison away from here, there is nothing that I cannot limit from my words. Deep beneath 343iCF is a vault - hidden within which is a treasure I wish once again released for the world to experience. The first person to reach it, of course, would gain the biggest share."

The word 'vault' had already net Boss' curiosity; so when the word 'treasure' had been uttered, Boss immediately knew that he had no chance of backing out.


Especially not when the person telling you seemed to be a god.


"The actual entrance for the vault is not reachable for you, but there is an alternate route. Within that bag is the map, and the key. Release the treasure for the world to revel in again. That is all."

The figure turned, not a single beat missing from his speech's rhythm as he stepped towards Ranger, and yet another lightning bolt blasted the ground. In it's wake, there was no trace of both Ranger and the other figure.


Boss reached down and opened the bag, even as the other two 'Pricks' approached from behind him. Several objects were within, but placed at the top of the simple satchel was a datapad. The moment Boss' hands came into contact with it, it lit up, revealing a screen upon which there were several dots.


Squinting, Boss took a look again at the dots, looked at the other information on the screen to verify it's legitimacy, and immediately grit his teeth in annoyance and disgust.




*     *     *




Eerily, as they approached the source of the smoke, there was nothing out of the ordinary - at least for being banned. No monsters howling. No weird bugs crawling around. No spambots. This felt too quiet to be real; watching his every step, gazing at everything around him, Drizzy was tense. There seemed to be nothing -


They turned the corner around a tree, and immediately gasped at the sight they saw.

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  • 7 months later...

If you post more the readers will come to you...Hopefully...


And if having few readers bothers you maybe there are some ways to attract more readers, I can't think of many off the top of my head but maybe you can...

Actually you could offer to expand the list of characters.Getting more people involved could attract more attention.

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