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In Memory of Justin Carmical


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I know this topic is probably going to get removed, but I needed this here, for my own sake and Justin's. This thread will talk about Justin Carmical, a famous YouTuber, who on Thursday 23rd, 2014, shot and killed himself.


I want to say how much of a fantastic person Justin was. He always smiled, laughed, never a dull face or frown. He was a man like no other, and he seemed so happy. His channel mainly did import Japanese games, but did feature other content. He worked directly under Nostalgia Critic and Thatguywithglasses whom you may have heard of. He also often co-partnered with the famous internet star, Angry Joe, or Joe Vargas. I never knew Justin personally, I watched his videos once or twice and they were pretty hilarious, always got a good joke or two in.




Now the controversial part... Justin's suicide. He had dealt with depression for some time, and on Thursday, his wife pleaded with him not to do it. Justin was a loved man, and it may never be known what drove him there. What we can do though, is help those who are dealing with depression. For Justin's sake, please if you or someone you know is dealing with depression in some way, direct them to a Suicide hotline or website. The people there are kind and more then willing to save a life. You will never know how much you're wanted, and never know how much we miss you Justin. Rest In Peace buddy.


I'm putting this in spoilers, because the video contains some language, but this is a reaction video, and I promise you won't regret watching it.



And before I go, I would like you to see an excerpt from one of Justin's streams.




Thank you for taking the time to read this topic, and if you can take a minute to say a prayer for Justin and his family, I'd appreciate it.


If you're dealing with Depression visit this link.

Please donate to Justin's family: Fundraiser

Edited by Edward Kenway
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Controversial or not, it's a topic that people need to be reminded about. Depression is a silent killer; it eats away at a person on the inside, yet they're all smiles on the outside to cover that up. And without any sort of help, they will end up on the verge of suicide... or beyond it. It affects millions of people, and takes the lives of those we love.

That's why increasing awareness of this issue and encouraging people to get help are the best courses of action for everyone to follow. If you know someone who is depressed, and you don't do anything to help, you may end up losing them too... help now, while you still can.

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