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people getting banned just for quitting a game, or being reported by little whingers cos they are getting shot in the game


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what is with this banning crap for people who quit the game , what gives the game developer the right to ban people simply because they quit the game, there are times when you have to quit cos someone comes to the door or the phone rings or you have to use the outhouse, and then you've got the little what I call whingers in the game who put in a vixacious complaint simply cos they are getting beaten in the game and yet the ones like the bloke I copped yesterday who made threats of physical harm doesn't get banned , instead the game developers thought it would be easier to ban the one complaining,

I have only had my xbox for a week now and already I have seen players who make filthy rude comments extreme foul language , and then you you have the kid who was on the mic arguing with his dad and telling his mother rude things to go do with herself, all over the mic during a game and yet when I put a complaint in it was easier for the game developers to ban me than investigate.

the game developers need a good swift kick up the tooshie, for this ruling they have started about people quitting and they really need to do something about the nasty players in the game, especially the man who came on mic during a game expressing about his male appendages constantly and what he was going to do with them to a young boy and yet he is still online not been investigated nothing,

if the game is going to have people talking to each other on the mic then the game developers need to take more affirmative action about abusive disgusting players


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Welcome to Xbox! Umm, With your banning though, That isn't them doing it. It is a system, and after you quit a certain amount of games it penalizes you, In Halo 3, They would take XP away from you for quitting, But Halo: Reach mainly had matchmaking bans for being a quitter. Most situations you have explained you don't always need to quit for, Unless you are leaving your home of course. And as for little kids, They are everywhere, Most of them can be nice depending on how you treat them, But a lot are also going to say every cuss in the book. Glad you have an Xbox and all, But if you don't consider how the children act, or the way the games engine works,  I recommend a different choice of games and/or console.

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This isn't 343i we're just a fansite. 


Also you're new to online gaming aren't you? People say disgusting things all the time on the internet. Sometimes they get caught. Sometimes they don't. The only thing you can do is ignore them and report them BOOM problem solved. 

As for quit penalties I like them because I hate the fact people can leave my game. 

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There are always immature little brats on online communities.


Also the quit penalty is to stop people from ditching their teammates. If one guy quits, his team is short a man. And his position can't be refilled without a join in progress system...which is clearly a bad idea.


Ignore the idiots, they won't affect your gaming ability unless you get angry. And while anger does cause a burst of strength in real life, in a video game it will just make you lose focus and die horribly.


And don't quit matches unless something important forces you to.

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