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343i CF Youtube Channel Trailer


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Salutations members! And welcome to the first ever Community YouTube Project!

Before I explain the task I just want to inform you what "Community YouTube Projects" are. They will usually involve brainstorming ideas for a video or setting up a date where we can act out the video or even casting members for a machinima or voice cast. All Community YouTube Projects will be posted on the official 343iCF channel. If you have an idea for one please send me a PM.

Anyways moving along what the 343i channel needs is a trailer! Why a channel trailer you may ask? Well channel trailers will inform any traveler who stumbles upon our channel about what the forum/channel has to offer. 

Now into the brainstorming. Production will begin later once we have settled on a few ideas. 

The channel trailer will be around 2 - 3 minutes in length and will feature/highlight a lot of the cool things about our forum including: Contests, Community Events, Affiliates, Podcast, Shoutbox, etc

As for execution I would like it to be a Machinima style video with the speaker announcing the highlights.

Now what do you guys think? This will be the channel trailer for the foreseeable feature and I want this to be excellent. 


So please submit your ideas below on what the trailer should have!


Don't worry about video editing or capturing the footage I can handle that. 

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I think it'd be great to have a channel trailer! Give the channel a more professional feel and informs users what type of content they can expect.


If I can, in anyways assist in this let me know. 

Well you can assist by making suggestions/ideas on what you think should be in it. 

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Well you can assist by making suggestions/ideas on what you think should be in it. 

Ohh, I see.


Perhaps it could showcase content that users would be able to expect in the future, like the Podcasts, Tournaments, Forge Contests, etc. Maybe have Church (or anyone, but I think Church would do pretty good) narrate while showcasing features of the forum and clips from some of our community events. Enough to give everyone a good overview of who we are and what we're about.

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As you know, I'm always available for voice acting.

Oh I was looking for that Boston Boss guy........ Maybe you know him?



Ohh, I see.


Perhaps it could showcase content that users would be able to expect in the future, like the Podcasts, Tournaments, Forge Contests, etc. Maybe have Church (or anyone, but I think Church would do pretty good) narrate while showcasing features of the forum and clips from some of our community events. Enough to give everyone a good overview of who we are and what we're about.

Church would be good if we were doing a commercial trying to sell a product.


We need to convince people to subscribe


We need hypnotoad



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  • 2 weeks later...

First of all, I recommend that you don't get fancy on the graphics. "Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication" - Steve Jobs. This quote has helped me soooo much on school assignments, a lot lf other designs in life. Just pick a nice vibrant color and give it a subtle gradient, then put any words or description that you wanted to put. Second of all, make sure whoever is narrating has a really good HD microphone, and a soothing voice. I know I'm not a pro, but these are two of my recommendations for quality. As for the actual video, maybe you could have a collage of different things about 343iCF or something. But it'd also be really cool to have some nice music in he background, like some Halo music or something. :)

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