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Transformers: Extinction

Axilus Prime

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Yes. In ROTF he was rebuilt with parts from a weaker Decepticon, and in DOTM he was very injured (and also tired from the events of DOTM the game, which is a prequel to the movie).


Now he is stronger than in his original form, and even though Optimus is a more skilled fighter now than he was in TF1, he is still gravely outmatched.

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Chapter 11.




Optimus grabbed his sword and gun off the ground, then looked back at Lockdown. He was on the ground, with a circle of Autobots around him, standing over him. Ratchet raised his buzzsaw to finish him off. "Wait, Ratchet!"


Lockdown began to laugh louder than anyone had heard him laugh in a long time. "Is this repentance, Prime? You think we will spare you simply because here and now, you give up killing?"


Optimus walked up to Lockdown and pointed his gun at his head. "No, Lockdown. The act of killing does not make you evil. The act of killing innocents does. And you are far from innocent." Ignoring Lockdown's sudden look of rage and disgust, Optimus slammed the barrel of his gun into Lockdown's remaining eye. "Where is MEGATRON?!"


The Autobots looked at Optimus in shock, though they had no time to ask any questions. Optimus yelled out in pain as metal in the back of his neck tore. He quickly moved his gun to shoot behind him, knocking Lugnut off his back. When he turned, he saw no one there.


A thick green liquid sloshed in from Optimus' left and splashed onto the area where Lugnut should have been. Some of it got on his face, upper body, and right shoulder, sinking into the cracks and crevices all over his body, revealing his form. "NO!"


Optimus looked to the right and saw Sam, holding a bucket with bits of green paint still inside. Immediately he knew what was coming next, and kicked the area between Sam and Lugnut. As expected, Lugnut ran straight into the kick and fell over. "Autobots, take him down!" He turned to face Lockdown. "Where is Megatron?!"


Lockdown simply laughed, his eye clearly on something. Optimus looked in the direction Lockdown was looking in while the Autobots chased after the fleeing Lugnut. "Belay that order! Defensive positions!" He turned again to shoot Lockdown, only to find he was no longer there.


"Huh?" The question Sam was about to ask was answered when he looked to the sky. Countless Decepticons were soaring towards the ghost town. Leading them was a jet of clearly Cybertronian design.


Dino rolled away from an incoming missile, then got behind a small building. From his cover, he fired two sniper rounds. One shattered the cockpit of an incoming jet, the second set off an explosion inside it and sent it crashing down.


Sideswipe drove in and transformed. His body was burned, dented, and sparking. "I'm here to help!"


Ratchet opened his mouth to speak, then stopped at the look Sideswipe gave him. "All right...where is Sam?"


As all the Autobots took up positions with cover and started shooting the incoming Decepticons out of the sky, Ratchet transformed, drove up to Sam, and opened his door. "Get in. There's a way you can help."


Topspin saw a tank and some construction vehicles driving towards them at full speed. "Incoming, on the ground!" He threw a grenade into the crowd of approaching Decepticons.


A shining gray Mercedes SLS-AMG drove to the front of the crowd and transformed in a spinning motion, kicking the grenade back at Topspin. It blew up in his face, knocking him to the ground. "Soundwave superior, Autobots inferior."


Optimus shot two jets out of the sky. "Topspin, Sideswipe, fight the ground teams! Roadbuster, Dino, target the fliers!" He fired a few shots at the Cybertronian jet, but as expected, they did little to his archenemy.




Ratchet drove past the fallen Trypticon and stopped at the wrecked military base. "Let's hope some things are still intact!" He opened the door for Sam to get out, then transformed. "Wait here." He shoved rubble aside, ignoring the flames that licked at his arms to no end.


"What are you looking for?" Sam approached the building, intending to help, then stopped when he realized he couldn't exactly move any of the rubble himself, much less withstand the fires.


"In the labs, there were some scientists working on a project. I helped them, and I think it will work."


Bumblebee? "You mean...you saved him?"


"Hm?" Ratchet shoved aside a particularly large chunk of rubble, then realized what Sam meant. "No. There wasn't enough of his body intact to put together the basic parts that sustain Cybertronian life."


Sam closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and sighed. "Ok. What is it, then?"




Sideswipe spun, cutting off the arms of Constructicons while firing his shoulder machine gun at anything that tried to aim at him. A tank Decepticon fired at him, so he jumped and flipped over the shot, landing on the head of a large Decepticon bearing the parts of a garbage truck. He crossed his swords on the Decepticon's neck and pulled them back, severing its head. A large blast made seemingly of nothing hit him and knocked him off. When he looked up, he saw Soundwave with his sonic cannons both pointed at him. Instead of firing on him, he turned and shot the tank Decepticon with his shotgun.


Soundwave fired twice, but each shot missed when he was wrenched from his position by two large claws. He transformed and spun around, in Stealth Force mode, then fired machine guns at Topspin.


"Now that's not fair!" Topspin spun behind cover, then came back out as a car bristling with weapons. "To you!" He fired on Soundwave, vastly outmatching him until the Decepticon started firing grenade launchers. A series of explosions flipped Topspin and sent him into a convenience store.


"They're coming down on us!" Dino shot one more Decepticon out of the sky, then realized he needed to reload his sniper rifle. "Damn. Too late." As the armada transformed in midair and landed in various positions around the Autobots, Dino switched to his submachine gun and shot apart all the armor on the chest of one Decepticon.


Roadbuster ran in and tore out its spark, then fired missiles on two more Decepticons. "It's all ground fighting now, Prime!" Before he could fire again, a missile hit him from above and flipped him. He landed on his head.


"Don't be a fool!" Dino yelled as he pulled a Decepticon towards him using his wrist blade and cord, shooting him with his SMG all the way until he got up close, at which point there was so little of him left he simply fell off the blade. "They won't completely give up their air assets!"


"Stay in close quarters!" Optimus commanded. "Make sure any airstrikes they conduct hit some of their own!"


From above Optimus, Galvatron transformed and shot downward. This time, however, Optimus was ready, and dashed to the side, rolling and getting back on his feet. "Megatron!" He shot Galvatron in the face.


Galvatron turned to the side. Even to one of his power, a shot to the face tends to hurt a little. "I am...Galvatron!" His next shot hit Optimus, sending him crashing into Sideswipe. "Come back here, Prime! One shall stand, and one shall fall!"


Optimus swung his sword and cleaved the tank Decepticon in two. "Sideswipe, keep them off me!" He transformed into Stealth Force mode, dodging Galvatron's next cannon shot by moving to the side. When the barrel of his cannon flashed again, he thrust his wheels downward with pistons, propelling himself upward and over the shot. He transformed into robot mode and swung his sword. "Hyaaaaaah!"


Galvatron ducked under the slash, then rushed at Optimus, tackling him through a building. He grabbed Optimus' sword and threw it aside, then split open his cannon. It shifted its parts, covering his forearm. Finally, his forearm lurched forward, straightening out all the parts into a gigantic sword. "Where are the humans you hold so dearly, Prime?!" He raised his sword. "Where are those you have fought so hard to protect?!"


A plasma cannon shot Galvatron in the face, momentarily blinding him. "Right here!"


Optimus shoved Galvatron off, then shot him repeatedly while running backward to his sword. While doing so, he saw the source of the plasma cannon--a black and yellow mech very much resembling Bumblebee. In place of the fallen scout's torso, however, was a cockpit, through which Sam was vaguely visible. "Sam...you've saved me again." He picked up his sword, but then saw a gray and black Freightliner Argosy driving up behind Sam. Immediately he hurled his sword at it. The blade smashed through the windshield and impaled what was behind.


Lockdown roared in pain just as Sam turned, in his mech armor, to face him. Sam immediately fired on him, but his shots did little damage. Lockdown transformed fully into vehicle mode and rammed the mech's legs, sending it to the ground. He slowly, painfully transformed, pulling the sword out of himself when his arms formed. The sword slipped from his hand while he was completing the transformation.


Optimus rushed at Lockdown from behind and grabbed the sword, but before he could attack, he was rammed full speed by Galvatron in jet mode. "Aaaaaaigh!"


Galvatron transformed and grabbed Optimus, hovering on his foot and back thrusters, then tossed him up and transformed again. When he rammed him again, it was in such a manner that he was held up by Galvatron's jet form, allowing him to fly him to the outskirts of the ghost town. Finally, he transformed again into robot mode, hovering, and kicked Optimus away before landing firmly on the ground. "Now, there will be no more interference."




Sam was still trying to get up off the ground, helpless to defend himself against Lockdown. "No no no no no no..."


Ratchet drove up to Lockdown, transformed, and tackled him to the ground. "Sam! Fight someone else! Lockdown is too strong!" He swung his saw at Lockdown's face.


Lockdown grabbed Ratchet's arm, holding the saw away from himself. "I am too strong for you as well, medic." With one arm, he threw Ratchet aside.


Ratchet fired his machine gun at Lockdown to slow him down so they would get back to their feet at the same speed. "Stay off him!"


Lockdown activated both hand cannons and shot Ratchet, knocking him back and halting the fire. With his other hand cannon, he blasted apart Ratchet's machine gun. "I will kill you, medic, and the rest will follow just the same." Parts of his upper arms slid up, locked together, then pointed forward again as shoulder cannons. He fired repeatedly, sending Ratchet through the front and back walls of a small building.


Ratchet stumbled back, getting hit again every time he tried to stand. Parts of him bent out of shape, exploded, and fell. "Aaaaargh!" He ran behind another building, then transformed his right arm into his repair ray and used it on himself. Some parts of his body moved back into place, and some dents evened out. When Lockdown came around the next corner, he was met with a buzzsaw to the stomach.




Roadbuster and Dino fought back to back. Roadbuster fired on jet Decepticons, keeping them from getting too close. Dino pulled any that tried to get to cover back into Roadbuster's line of fire with his blade and cord, while sniping any too far for Roadbuster to hit accurately with his machine guns.


"There's a big one, focus fire on it!" Dino sent his blade into a large helicopter Decepticon, then pulled him in. Before even getting halfway there, the Decepticon cut the cord with his back rotors, in the form of a saw. "Merde! I'm down both blades!" 


Roadbuster whirled around and fired missiles at the Decepticon, who was forced to take a few steps back when they hit. "Keep them off my arse, this one will take some time!"


Dino transformed into Stealth Force mode, firing missiles at Decepticons both near and far. One ran in from the side, picked him up, and threw him through a building. When he got up, the Decepticon was firing wrist missiles at the building, which collapsed on Dino's head. His yell was muffled by the rubble.




Sideswipe slid across the ground on his wheel-feet, extending his legs out and balancing his upper body on his sword. Sparks flew up from his sword as he tripped Decepticons, who were then shot in the head by Sam.


Soundwave transformed to robot mode and shot Topspin repeatedly, sending guns flying right off his vehicle mode. "My accuracy is one hundred percent."


Topspin reversed, only to be stepped on by a Mixmaster-class Decepticon. The Decepticon slid his foot, sending Topspin out from under it into a kick from Soundwave. Topspin transformed and dodged a shot from the Mixmaster, who was now in stationary cannon mode. "Help me out, ya ninnies!" Shots from Soundwave constantly struck him until his body collapsed and fell apart.


Soundwave laughed slowly, until a familiar plasma cannon shot him in the back repeatedly. Knowing a shot to the face would follow if he turned around, he transformed first, then drove at the mech's feet. Bumblebee?!


Sam jumped over Soundwave, then turned around. He saw Soundwave, already transformed, firing on him. Though he could feel no pain from the shots, he had to keep backing up his mech's feet to stay balanced. He was unskilled, slow, and awkward in his movements, though finally he managed to send a volley of lock-on missiles at Soundwave.


Soundwave transformed his sonic cannon into a machine gun and shot most of the missiles before they could hit. "You are no Bumblebee."


As Sideswipe shot down Decepticons, they continued to get replaced by new ones coming down from above. Realizing they could not use effective airstrikes when the Autobots and Decepticons were grouped so close together, the entire Decepticon armada landed.


Sideswipe's shotgun flew out of his hand. He turned and saw barrel flashes coming from an invisible foe. Lugnut no longer had green paint on him, and was once again on the attack. DAMN IT! DAMN IT ALL TO HELL!


Boomsticks flew in and immediately detonated, evidently 'cooked' before being thrown. Decepticons were knocked to the ground all around Sideswipe, and Soundwave was cut short of a punch that would have shattered Sam's cockpit. Sam looked up while getting back to his feet and saw hundreds of soldiers flying in with wingsuits. Leading them was Lennox, who hurled a second boomstick at Soundwave, then spread his arms and legs wide again to catch the air on his suit's 'wings'.


Sideswipe stabbed and decapitated Decepticons as they fell. "You guys are here?"


The soldiers landed with their parachutes, then removed the flight gear. "You've saved us countless times. Now it's time for us to save you." Lennox told him.


Decepticons transformed and took to the skies. Above the battlefield, C-17 planes were dropping more and more soldiers to assist the Autobots. Missiles blasted apart the planes, while machine guns shot soldiers right out of the sky.


Sideswipe suppressed the urge to curse. "All right, we need to regroup with the other Autobots and whatever soldiers are helping them out!" He transformed into Stealth Force mode.


Sam fired on Soundwave, but could not keep up with him when he transformed and drove away. "I think he's trying to regroup with help too."


"Don't chase him," Lennox ordered, "wherever he went, that's where we'll kill him."




Soldiers fired on Lockdown from all sides, but they did little damage. Ratchet was heavily damaged on the ground, trying to push his lower leg back into his upper leg. "Fall back, he'll kill you!"


The soldiers ignored Ratchet, firing grenades and high-heat rounds in an effort to keep Lockdown from killing him. Lockdown, naturally, welcomed this. He killed several soldiers with a single shot from his shoulder cannon, and though the shots knocked him around, it became easier and easier to maintain balance the more soldiers he killed.


"Rrrrngh!" Ratchet pulled on his leg as hard as he could, positioning it properly again, then stood. "Stay off them!" He punched Lockdown in the face, then pulled him by the shoulder and cut off both cannons with his buzzsaw. He was forced to let go when Lockdown kicked him back.


Lockdown grabbed Ratchet's head and pulled it down, bashing his face into his knee. "End this pretense of being a protector!" He threw Ratchet aside, then finished off the rest of the soldiers in the area with his hand cannons.




Optimus swung his sword at Galvatron, who parried easily with his huge blade. "You Autobots will all die on this day, alone!" He shoved Optimus back with his sword, then transformed his left arm into a shield once again.


Optimus saw the soldiers airdropping in the distance. "No, Galvatron. The Autobots are never alone!" He shot Galvatron in the face repeatedly, then got in close and kicked him in the stomach. "Hyah!" He swung his sword at Galvatron's face.


"Rrrngh!" Galvatron ducked, then bashed Optimus to the ground with his shield. "Then they will die with you! Join them in extinction!" He slashed down at Optimus.


Optimus shut off the heating on his sword and turned the flat side towards Galvatron, holding the tip of the sword up with his other hand, pushing up on the flat side. Galvatron's sword slammed into his, pressuring him even more than he had prepared for. "Rrrraaaah!" He pushed up with all his strength, but it was not enough. He transformed and drove full speed into Galvatron's legs, tripping him, but leaving his sword behind. He transformed again, spinning, and kicked Galvatron in the back as he got back up. "The Decepticons were the ones who faced extinction before, Galvatron!" He punched Galvatron in the face when he turned around, then picked up his sword. "And now, they will be again!" he yelled as he slashed. His sword struck Galvatron in the face, knocking him down and leaving a shallow cut.


Galvatron transformed his right arm back into a cannon and took aim, but Optimus slammed the wheel on his ankle on Galvatron's face and spun it full speed. Galvatron flailed his arms in pain, missing constantly, then finally transformed and flew out from under Optimus, causing him to fall. When Galvatron transformed again, Optimus turned around and saw him hovering with parts of his face mangled and shredded.


Galvatron roared and fired his cannon, knocking Optimus down. Though Optimus kept a grip on his weapons this time, Galvatron didn't stop. He fired again, and again, and again, sending Optimus flying. Optimus' gun exploded in his hand, leaving him without one. He transformed and drove aside, boosting to speeds no ordinary truck could reach. He swerved around harshly and transformed while jumping, sending himself flying at Galvatron. His sword was mounted on the wrist of his handless arm, and he slashed...


...at nothing, as Galvatron's next shot hit Optimus square in the chest and sent him crashing to the ground.




Roadbuster fired on a police car Decepticon known as Barricade in vehicle mode, chasing him around a corner. When Barricade turned the corner, boom sticks were planted in his feet and he was punched in the face by something resembling Bumblebee.


"Yellow pest!" he bellowed. Barricade got to his feet, but with the next two explosions, he no longer had any. His face landed on Sam's plasma cannon as he fell, and his head was blasted apart before he could even realize that Bumblebee as he knew him no longer existed.


Decepticons all around them fell to slashes from Sideswipe, sniping by Dino, and ceaseless machine gun fire from Roadbuster. Soldiers flanked the Decepticons, hammering them with grenades and gunfire. 


Lugnut approached the battlefield, hidden. He noticed nothing at all, preoccupied with shooting Decepticons and keeping them off the soldiers and Autobots. It was perfect. No one could hear his footsteps, or even the creaking of his movements caused by the late Topspin's attack on him. Not with all the gunfire raging through the ghost town. But who to attack? Every Autobot could easily be stabbed in the back. None seemed distinctive...until he saw the body of the Autobot he first killed, walking around and fighting.


That was simply an insult to Lugnut. To him, it was as if his work had been made worthless, as if the one Autobot he personally killed was now once again alive. What penance is that?! Angrily, he extended his blade and drove it through the back of Sam's mech...laughing and laughing at the sound of Sam's scream.

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Aaand here's Chapter 12.




Lugnut's laugh was abruptly halted when the mech's arm swung around and shot him in the face. His yell of pain signaled that the cannon was aimed correctly, and several more shots followed, pushing him back and forcing his blade out.


Sam whirled around, revealing a hole in the front of the cockpit where the sword had been, right next to him. His left arm dripped blood from a shallow cut. An SMG formed from the hand of the mech's left arm and shot Lugnut. Sam tracked him with it, adjusting his aim and making sure he could see where the sparks from impact flew. With his right arm, he fired his plasma cannon at Lugnut whenever he was sure of his position.


Lugnut transformed, getting out of Sam's line of fire, but then realized he was being shot again. HOW?! He transformed again and fired on the mech, seeing areas on his own arms where the metal had been blasted straight through. Spilling the liquid on himself was an imperfect method of cloaking, and as such, deep enough injuries were clearly visible. Immediately, he came at Sam with his swords.


Sam fired the mech's shoulder missiles, keeping Lugnut at bay while he awkwardly walked backwards. Controlling the mech was far more complicated than controlling one's own body. Suddenly, he realized he was tilting back a little too far, and swinging the mech's leg back didn't help at all. He fell, back on the ground, and saw Soundwave standing over him. "No no no no!" He fired on Soundwave with the plasma cannon, but the Decepticon jumped out of his line of fire immediately.


Not a single shot hit Soundwave. He was not willing to die the same way again. He charged up his sonic cannon and shot right through the cockpit. "This is as close to avenging myself as I can get."


Bent metal and broken glass fell around Sam, but none of it landed in a manner that would strap him down. As Lugnut ran forward to stab him, he forced both of the mech's feet to kick him away. A gray hand suddenly came into view in front of him, then came down. "No..." He reached to his side and pulled a boomstick off the cockpit's damaged inner wall, and thrust it into Soundwave's hand.


"Aargh!" The boomstick hurt, but it would not be enough. Soundwave quickly reached for Sam again. "Perish."


The mech's right arm swung inward, blocking Soundwave's arm, then pushed it to the right while angling the cannon toward his hand. "You first!" Sam yelled defiantly. The cannon fired on the boomstick, detonating it prematurely and destroying Soundwave's forearm. As Soundwave recoiled in pain, Sam got the mech back on its feet. It was easier this time, after having had to do so before. "I need help! I can't take two of them at once!" He positioned himself so he could see Soundwave and Lugnut at the same time, and pointed a gun at each of them.


"You are correct." Lugnut fired a missile at the mech's damaged cockpit.


"Good thing that isn't the case!" Sideswipe cut in, after shoving Soundwave into the path of the missile. Before Soundwave could fall on the mech and knock it over again, Sam reflexively kicked in his direction, and the mech followed suit. Soundwave fell forward, towards Sideswipe's sword.


"No!" Lugnut rushed at Sideswipe and slashed with each sword faster than the Autobot could react. Both of his arms came crashing down, separated from his body.


Sam fired both missile launchers, his machine gun, and his plasma cannon at Lugnut, driving him back to keep him from finishing Sideswipe off. He continued to advance while firing, but then realized his handheld weapons had ceased to fire. He cursed under his breath as Lugnut began to come back at him even under the missile fire.


Soundwave started to get up, then fell again when Sideswipe kicked him in the face. A second time, he transformed and drove away.


"Damn it!" Sideswipe saw Lugnut running at Sam and kicked, but found his leg in the Hunter's arms.


"Damn YOU!" Lugnut pulled Sideswipe's leg, intending to make him fall, then found that he could not.


Sam looked at both of them, trying to find an opportunity to fire. "I need a clear shot!"


Sideswipe was spinning the wheel on the leg that was on the ground, using it to skate around in whatever direction Lugnut pulled him without falling. At the sound of Sam's voice, he looked at Sam, then looked at the ground. Looked at Sam, looked at the ground. Back and forth. And then it hit Sam.


Something on the ground.


Sideswipe saw Sam's change in expression and allowed himself to fall. When Lugnut turned his attention back to Sam, he saw the mech holding one of Sideswipe's arms and swinging it down at him. He cried out in pain as his right arm was torn from his body. A kick to the back of his leg sent him falling down.


"Get him, Sam!"


"This is for Bumblebee!" Sam thrust Sideswipe's arm down on Lugnut, driving the sword through his sparkchamber. He looked into Lugnut's eyes, seeing fear and anger, but no remorse. There was no real difference between Hunters and Decepticons after all. The mech swung its arms, pulling the sword up through Lugnut's sparkchamber and out through his head. Sam looked down at Sideswipe. "Dino, get Ratchet!"




Ratchet transformed into vehicle mode and drove at Lockdown, but was shot off course by his hand cannons, and landed on his side. He groaned as he transformed back into robot mode, then yelled when his face met with Lockdown's foot.


Lockdown stomped on Ratchet's left arm, holding it down so he would not use his buzzsaw. "I defeated Optimus Prime. How can his lapdog defeat me?"


"You beat him only because he did not yet know how you fought...but the two of us together, when you had no element of surprise...you were outsmarted. Outclassed."


Lockdown aimed his cannon at Ratchet's face. Without a word, he fired. When he moved his cannon aside, expecting to see the shattered face of a dead Autobot, he saw a mangled but functional face, held together by a repair ray that had been shooting it from right before Lockdown had fired. Angrily, he moved his leg to kick aside Ratchet's right arm, but once he had done so, Ratchet's buzzsaw was digging into his foot before he could fire again.


Ratchet pushed upward with his saw, then got back up--straight into a shot from Lockdown's other hand cannon. He fell, then saw both cannons pointed at him. No!


Missiles struck Lockdown from the left, throwing his aim off and even knocking him to the ground. He did not even feel anger when Ratchet took the opportunity to get back up, simply tired of this and resigned to the fact that the medic would once again manage to live a little longer. He shot both Autobots, then stood up again while they recovered. "You will both die."


Dino drove at Lockdown's feet, throwing his aim off once again, though it failed to knock him down. Lockdown aimed down at Dino and fired on his roof, blowing a hole straight through it. Dino transformed, swinging around on one arm to get behind Lockdown. Lockdown did not even turn to look at him, effortlessly kicking him down with a backswing. Instead, he looked for Ratchet--and found him coming straight at his face in vehicle mode.


That did knock him to the ground, and Ratchet wasted no time in transforming. "You may wish to enter stasis," Ratchet yelled while cutting one of his cannons off. "I'm performing surgery!" And with that, he cut off Lockdown's other cannon. Before he could deal a killing blow, Lockdown's forearms had transformed and once again had hands, wrapped aroung Ratchet's neck.


"I am performing murder." He threw Ratchet aside, then stood and transformed his face into gun mode.


Dino ran straight in front of Lockdown, aiming his sniper rifle. Recognizing that Dino was the greater threat when he was on his feet, Lockdown aimed at him first. Dino fired his sniper rifle, sending the bullet straight down the barrel of Lockdown's gun face.


"Graaaaaah!" Lockdown flailed around in pain, transforming his head back to normal. His mouth was bent and warped in on itself, with parts shattered and a bent-up bullet lodged inside. "Grrr....hrrrrrr...." For a second, it seemed like he was attempting to speak.


Dino, however, turned his thoughts away from such things when Lockdown transformed to Stealth Force mode. The fact that his windshield had shattered was visible when he fired on the Autobot with everything he had.


Ratchet leapt straight at Lockdown, driving his saw into the back of his driver's area and swinging it around through various parts of him. Lockdown turned his aim on Ratchet, but with every gun that faced him, another ceased to function when a part vital to its operation was cut. He transformed, trying to get away, but Ratchet lunged forward, lodging his arm inside his body when he was halfway to robot mode. His arms and legs finished forming, but his chest could not fully close with Ratchet's arm inside. "No..."


Ratchet pulled his buzzsaw towards himself, tearing his arm free right through Lockdown's sparkchamber. He looked down at Lockdown, unable to make out any expression on his face.


Softly, hoarsely, he spoke his last words. "Megatron...has already returned. Your fate....your extinction...is...sealed."




Optimus parried, dodged, and retreated further. He could not push thoughts for his friends and allies from his mind. As he fought, losing ground every second, he kept on glancing at the battlefield.


Galvatron sent Optimus to the ground with a powerful swing. Even though he had parried it, the force behind it was too much for him to stay on his feet. "Think not for your allies, Prime. They are as doomed as you are!" With another swing, he knocked Optimus' sword from his arm. "I once told you that you lost because you fought for the weak."


"I fight for those innocents you would harm, Galvatron, whether they are weak or not."


Galvatron rushed at Optimus, shield in front of him, then sent him to the ground again with a hard kick to the chest. "I was wrong! You lose because you are weak!" He swung his sword at Optimus again.


Optimus rolled out of the way, then transformed. He drove toward his sword, but felt a sharp pain in his rear and transformed. "Gaaaah!" Transforming brought only more pain, and he landed in robot mode with the wheels missing from his hips. Gaping, sparking holes took the place of the metal that would have held them there, and he felt pain in his back. When he looked at Galvatron, he saw him charging at him, leaving behind the rear end of his truck mode.


Optimus grabbed his sword off the ground and tossed it up, then ducked under Galvatron's slash. He caught it in his wrist, then thrust up at Galvatron's chest.


Galvatron jumped back and transformed, firing on Optimus and knocking him down. He flew over Optimus and transformed behind him, then activated his cannon again. "Die." His first shot sent the blue armor on Optimus' head flying off.


Optimus moved with the force of the shot to get out of the way. "Hnngh!" The second shot struck him in the shoulder, sending him crashing aside. He grunted and stood again, but the next shot hit him in the chest and knocked him down, exposing his sparkchamber.


Galvatron ran at Optimus, transforming his shield and cannon back inside his arms. "I will rip your spark from your body with my bare hands!"


Spark... Optimus looked down at his chest, seeing his exposed spark. It brought to his thoughts again the fact that the Matrix wasn't inside him...but where was it? When Galvatron left, he returned with an army. It was...inside Galvatron.


Galvatron leapt into the air, then came back down towards Optimus, roaring. He did not land. "What..."


Optimus was focusing his gaze on Galvatron's chest, hand held in front of him. Blue light shone brighter and brighter until it could be seen from behind the armor in front of Galvatron's spark. He stood, keeping his hand up, and Galvatron rose higher as he got to his feet.


"No...no..." Galvatron activated his thrusters, trying to escape and control his own movement.


Instinctively, Optimus swung his hand down, slamming Galvatron on the ground contrary to the power of his thrusters. "Galvatron....begone!" He swung his hand around, sending Galvatron crashing into the ground over and over. He ran back toward the ghost town, leapt into the air, and swung his arm. The Matrix inside Galvatron pulled him, allowing Optimus to hurl him through a building.


Galvatron grunted on impact, shaking rubble off himself angrily. How is he doing this?! Is he--


Galvatron's train of thought was broken utterly when he was pulled towards Optimus' fist. The force with which he was forced to fly into it shattered the armor on the side of his head, and when he tried to strike back he was violently swung around and through another building.


Optimus swung Galvatron through the battlefield, through the lines of fire, bashing him into several Decepticons so hard his body literally tore through them. "Hyah!" He swung him at the Decepticons attacking Sam, just as the Autobots made their way to his position. Galvatron activated his cannon, aiming it at the Autobots. Optimus moved his fingers, spinning Galvatron and throwing his aim off. "Autobots, attack!" He sent Galvatron flying by Ratchet. "Cut his cannon!"


Ratchet sawed off Galvatron's cannon, most of the force coming from the Decepticon leader's flight rather than Ratchet's arm. As he charged into the battlefield with Dino and Sideswipe, now with his arms reattached, Optimus slammed Galvatron through every building his gaze fell upon.


"Graaah...hrrr..." Galvatron gasped and roared in pain. Smashed, bent parts of armor fell off of him, and his face was mangled nearly beyond recognition. "The Matrix!" Hastily, he opened his sparkchamber, spreading aside the plates of armor covering it, and forcibly ejected the Matrix.


"Haaaaaaaaaaaaaah!" Optimus charged straight at Galvatron, sword held behind him. Galvatron threw the Matrix aside, then looked up at Optimus--much too late. A single cough escaped his mouth.


His gaze fell upon Optimus' sword, glowing radiantly. Its tip he could not see. Why...why can't I see it? He wondered in confusion as the world seemed to vibrate and fade in and out around him. It was then he realized that the sword was buried in his spark, slipped between the plates of armor he spread apart to remove the Matrix.


Optimus glared down at Galvatron, then thrust the sword in further. A second cough escaped Galvatron when the sword came out through his back, and he dropped to his knees. Optimus looked into his enemy's eyes, and for a second heard faint sounds, attempts at words. Perhaps a final curse. Perhaps a plea for mercy. Perhaps even remorse. But it was a coward's remorse, one that he would never have felt if he were not about to die at this very moment.


And it was with the light fading from his spark and eyes that he did.

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Optimus pulled his sword from Galvatron's body. It slumped down on the ground, lifeless once again. He walked to the main battlefield, now devoid of any combat. The Autobots, Sam, and NEST forces stood together, surrounded by Decepticons they had laid back to rest. Ratchet looked at Roadbuster, who was staring at what remained of Topspin. Sam, Lennox, and Optimus exchanged nods.


Though we lost many, we gained much as well. We had never forsaken the humans, and in turn, they have not forsaken us.


Sam stood in yet another base, waiting to see what would happen. He felt a tap on his shoulder from someone behind him, then looked at it. A NEST badge was now on his combat uniform, and when he turned around, he saw Lennox.


Though perhaps we will always have enemies...


The bodies of the Decepticons were loaded onto C-17s. Sam later passed by a room in the base with only the weapons taken from the corpses inside. On a screen he saw the corpses in a metal room, being crushed between two walls, and smiled.


So too will we always have friends and trusted allies, who we will face them beside.


Outside the base, Ratchet shot Dino with his repair ray for a few seconds, then transformed it back into a hand and gave him the thumbs-up. Optimus levitated the Matrix in front of himself for a few seconds before grasping it in his hand and looking to the sky.


I am Optimus Prime, and I send this message to any surviving Autobots taking refuge among the stars. We are here. We...are home.

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I'm fairly sure it would be if someone were to animate/act the whole thing. I wrote the story by visualizing stuff in my head and transcribing it, and each (average) chapter's visuals played out in 10-15 minutes. With 12 chapters, it would add up to about a movie's length, maybe a bit shorter than the first three films.

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The novelizations have extra things that weren't in the movie though. I meant, if this was made into a movie with nothing omitted.

Even if half of the things in the novel were not in the movie - and it isn't like that - there would still be a lot more material in there.

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Even if half of the things in the novel were not in the movie - and it isn't like that - there would still be a lot more material in there.

I didn't say it was to that level.


Maybe it has something to do with how certain words will cause a different mental image in every reader's mind. I'm fairly certain it would be at least a 1h30m long movie. Since I didn't write any scenes that had no purpose other than comedy, that naturally would cut down on the length.

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