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Sledgehammer Games announced as 3rd Call of Duty developer


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According to recent reports, Activision has officially announced Sledgehammer Games will be working on games for the Call of Duty series! This means, from here on out, there will be 3 developers working on COD games - Infinity Ward, Treyarch, and Sledgehammer - and it also means these developers will have 3 years to work on their titles, instead of 2.


The studio previously worked cooperatively with Infinity Ward on Modern Warfare 3 after the departure of Vince Zampalla and Jason West, but the game they are releasing in 2014 will be their first full-fledged Call of Duty title.


Here's what Sledgehammer founders Michael Condrey and Glen Schofield had to say about the partnership:


“Having the honor of developing the new, next-generation of Call of Duty is a developer’s dream come true. All of us here at Sledgehammer Games have a shared vision to create the best work of our lives. The next Call of Duty represents a new era for this amazing franchise, and we look forward to sharing what we have been working on.


Today is just the beginning, there is so much more to come!”




Well, I'm pretty excited for this! Hopefully the 3-year development period will take some of the pressure off the devs. and we'll start seeing some really good Call of Duty games once again!!!

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It'll be great see Sledgehammer's take on their upcoming COD title. I'm also curious to see what kind of improvements Treyarch and Infinity Ward can make with this extra time.


Treyarch already does a lot of great stuff in the 2-year dev periods so I'm sure 3 years will make their games even better! IW on the other hand... or at least the new IW without Vince and Jason... has been goofing big time ever since they released MW3.

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3 companies on 1 gaming franchise is stupid. But, can't complain, they'll have more time to make a game that's actually good for a change. I honestly don't care about COD anymore, Ghosts was complete **** and they need to take notes from good gaming companies that actually care and communicate with gamers. Also gives other companies a chance to strive when it comes to taking a crack at creating their version of multiplayer for whatever game their making. I'm sick of COD always being the dominant multiplayer game. I understand why don't get me wrong, but it's for the wrong reasons. The COD series is the most over-rated game to exist. Maybe now they can create something that's actually worth paying for. I wouldn't trade an apple to buy a copy of Ghosts. There's my small rant, had to say it.

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Yeah, just shows Activision is bleeding Treyarch and IW dry... Don't know why the devs haven't taken the money and ran by now.


Yeah, you can see that when you notice how dry and uninteresting the campaign and multiplayer are. I guess if you were playing with friends, only then would COD be fun. But, overall it's a pathetic attempt to create a next gen game or in that matter a game in general. Treyarch, InfinityWard and Sledgehammer games should work together. Heck, they should just erase their current names and come up with a new one. But, that won't happen. I'm just happy that I don't have to see another COD game for 3 years. Call of Duty is already running dry, what on earth could they come up with that's going to be new and interesting. It's just going to be another typical COD game/games that just have better graphics and maybe a longer and slightly better campaign. I don't know, 'nor do I think many people care. Man, I love to rant, haha.

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I'm just happy that I don't have to see another COD game for 3 years.


Oh, you'll still be seeing a new one come this November! You won't be seeing a new game from Infinity Ward for another 3 years though... that's just as good, in my book ;) I'm optimistic for the next game Treyarch puts out... Kinda weird because I preferred IW to 3arch up until the release of MW3.

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Oh, you'll still be seeing a new one come this November! You won't be seeing a new game from Infinity Ward for another 3 years though... that's just as good, in my book ;) I'm optimistic for the next game Treyarch puts out... Kinda weird because I preferred IW to 3arch up until the release of MW3.


Oh yeah, completely forgot there was another game coming out this year. Yeah, I've preferred Treyarch over Infinity Ward ever since Black Ops. Black Ops 2 wasn't a bad game either, pretty descent mulltiplayer (Though some maps were just meh) and the story was good. Hopefully this year treyarch really bring something to the table, Ghosts has been the worst COD so far, not a lot of positive notes to be said about it. I found the story a bit boring which the same thing can be said about the characters, multiplayer is just terrible (Worst maps I've played on) and I guess their version of zombies okay but it's nothing special. At least now that they have 3 year, we should hopefully be able to expect more from them, 3 years is a lot of time to make a game and if they ruin their opportunity to show us what they can do, then I can say for me personally I'm forever done with COD, unless one company say Sledgehammer games really brings something out of the bag. I'm interested to see what the new COD will be like for this year, I don't mind Treyarch, their the one company I still have respect for.

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Treyarch isn't making this year's Call of Duty.


The studio previously worked cooperatively with Infinity Ward on Modern Warfare 3 after the departure of Vince Zampalla and Jason West, but the game they are releasing in 2014 will be their first full-fledged Call of Duty title.

Edited by Mudkip Sucks
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