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Maestro's Birthday Bash!!


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First off, before I say much of anything, I want to thank adam91 for bringing the good news that this weekend is a FREE GOLD WEEKEND! I was going to get a month's worth of Live a little while back. Before then, I was going to redeem a code given to me by Bnus, but it turns out that code was redeemable only in the states. Regardless, this idea has been floating around in my head for awhile.


So, here are the important details:

GAME: Halo 4 + Forge Island

TIME: 2pm-6pm PST, February 15

MIC: preferred but not required

GIFTS?: I DESIRE ALL THE PRESENTS (seriously though, no)

BYOB?: Yes :P


I know it's a bit impromptu. If I had known about this free weekend earlier, I would've prepared more. So if attendance is low, as in four or fewer people in total, we may end up derping around in campaign, forge, or Spartan Ops. Either way, fun is the goal and fun shall be had!



Courtesy of the talented pharmacist of 343i City, Vitamin PWN


And here's a song too. :D

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I gotta say that I like the response that this impromptu birthday bash has been getting! If everyone who says they'll try to show up does show up, then we'll have a group of 11 people including myself! :D

I want to try and finish building something before the party actually starts, so I'll be on much earlier than 2pm PST. If you want to join me and get your forge on, then drop me a line! My GT is Maestro9318.

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I'm proud to say that this impromptu playdate was a bigger success than MMMMM! Although the Manor Mystery map didn't work out too well, every other minigame worked beautifully. :D

Koridai was a big hit, and a 5v5 match on the high seas was just what the doctor ordered. It was a shame that our pirate in pink wasn't there to enjoy it. Also I noticed an error where the red ship didn't get a weapon in the rat's nest, unless someone took it and it went overboard. I'll have to look into it.

Ro Sham Bo Hallway is always a fun game, unless you get an automatic weapon. But you mustn't fear if someone on your team has a Boltshot.

A test run on JXZAW's "Dockyard" went well; can't wait for the new and improved version!

Holy Gamelon Route 666 is a good time for Flood, no matter which shape or size they are! Even if the Flood are actually Monitors! :o

Good times abounded on Pbrabbit's "Blue Team" map with good ol' fashioned Slayer and Sword Slayer! If you're reading this, Mr. Lead Rabbit, one of the teleporters on the top level is broken. D:

Everyone got their exercise by running on a precarious plot of platforms avoiding a Banshee bent on banishing blokes into the drink! Unfortunately, no one survived. :o

Odd Runner made an appearance! Everyone exploded in a cheerful blast at least once, and fun was had all around!

But remember... redneck selection favours the crimson spines. Shotguns and Scattershots got special treatment in the forested maps of Requiem, as everyone broke out the moonshine and put on their best hillbilly voices!

Finally, the Guardians racked up a bunch of kills on Tumble Rumble as an avalanche of Kill Balls, Soccer Balls, and Dice charged down the hill towards the final five players!


Thanks everyone for joining in on the fun! This was a great way to start a new decade in my life. :D

I'm sorry if I forgot to invite anyone. There was a lot going on, and it was tough to invite people and monitor the party at the same time. My sincerest apologies if you were one of those people! D:

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