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A challenge if you are up for it


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This is a gameplay challenge to people willing to try it. I call it Halo Limited, others know it as Halocapped.


The idea behind it is extremely simple. You and a team of 3 others all go into a match using nothing but a primary weapon. Each of you has the same primary weapon. You can choose any of them but choose wisely.


Beyond this weapon you are not allowed to have armor abilities beyond mobility. You can not use grenades and melee. You are allowed to pick up other weapons but you can only hold them, not use them. The only weapon you are allowed to use is the primary weapon you have selected before hand. You are not allowed to use assassinations either. If there is ordinance enabled you are only able to call down power ups such as overshields, damage boost and speedboost. Power weapons are, again, not allowed.


Try to win in public matches. This is a challenge that is possible to complete, though extremely difficult.




This video was captured by a guy called Fuzzle. It is a match of Halo Limited that I participated in and he recorded. It proves that this can be done even with crap for weapons. Oh and the people we were playing against were all part of a "clan" together, which made it all the sweeter.


If you are feeling up to it then give it a shot and post a vid if you got a capture card or whatever. If not then oh well, at least you get to see an awesome video.

Edited by Vaulting♥Frog
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