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New Lego Star Wars 2014 Summer Sets

Halo6 Follower

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I know what you are thinking: "Argh, not this guy again, i just commented on his last thread!" but bear with me because i have an announcement that we will all enjoy (at least the Star Wars fans, anyway) 


as you could have guessed from the title, these are all of the new Star Wars lego sets for Summer 2014: Please Enjoy.





First up, we have 'The Phantom' a lego set based of a vehicle in the upcoming tv Series 'Rebels' 






In my opinion, this set seems a bit rushed, and more time could have been spent on it improving the layout etc. 




Second set released is everyone's favorite Snow speeder. I won't include an image for this one due to the fact that it is very similar to the last Snowspeeder that we got, the main difference being mini figures. 




thirdly, we have another B Wing: 



at this point the Attach photo button wasn't working, so google image is your friend lol.



The B-Wing looks around the same as the previous one, apart from making the middle space more 'chunky' and room for more proton torpedoes in the form of flick-fire missiles. 




The next set is my favorite: 'The Jedi Scout Fighter' (type that into google images for the picture) I really like the 'flow' of this vehicle, especially the two separate wings on the rear compartment. The placement of the guns at the rear make the ship quite visually appealing and avoid that 'clunky' feel. The Mini figures for this set are also worth a mention. You are getting 4 new figures unique to this set, including Jek 14.




Next up is the infamous Mos Eisley Cantina. This set has it all, (a new) Stormtrooper, Han Solo, Luke, Ben Kenobi, you even get the Figrin D'an and the Modal Nodes (the Biths singing during Episode IV!) How cool is that, I’ve always wanted those guys in lego. In terms of the actual building; it has a very good layout. And can be folded together to form one big cantina, or spread out so you can recreate the scene from episode IV.




The next set is also from the new Disney TV show ‘Rebels’ and appears to be some sort of Gunship. The set is titles “The Ghost” so google image that for a picture. This set is really cool in the fact that it comes with 3 Exclusive mini figures and an updated Storm trooper figure! The actual ship seems a bit ‘bulky’ for my liking, but nonetheless I feel compelled to buy it.




Now the set that you have all been waiting for! A new AT AT has been released! The AT AT comes with a poster, and spring firing cannons. The mini figures are all new; we get 2 Snow troopers, an AT AT pilot and what appears to be General Veers. This set is by far the largest being releases this summer.




Another really awesome set is the announcement of a new Imperial Star Destroyer. Although the model appears to be quite small in comparison to the last Star Destroyer we got, It appears to be more Victory class or even Acclamator sized, a big disappointment, if you asked me. Once again, we are getting 5 new mini figures, including a new Darth Vader figure that I must say looks amazing.



The last set being released comes in the form of a, rather late, Advent Calender; with an exclusive Santa Darth Vader.



So, after reading that massive blob of text, what is your opinions, what sets will you be getting and why?



As always, thanks for reading.



Kind regards, H5 f.


(i apologize that i couldn't get any images for everyone, but it just didn't want to cooperate with me after the first one)  





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I'm a big lego junkie, like seriously, look:




And I'm a huge star wars fan, so naturally, my interest is peaked. I'm not all that excited they're going back to the original style of crimson red and such for the logos, I preferred the Clone Wars era white and blue and stuff. But, I'll be looking at the rest.

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oh my god not this halo 5 follower kid again jesus christ




In all honesty, I would play with legos but... I don't know. Never bothered. They look awesome though.


[EDIT] Forgot to say; nicely written. Maybe you could have specified why you thought ____ was ____. Like when you said you thought the first one was a bit rushed. Either way, very nice.

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oh my god not this halo 5 follower kid again jesus christ




In all honesty, I would play with legos but... I don't know. Never bothered. They look awesome though.


[EDIT] Forgot to say; nicely written. Maybe you could have specified why you thought ____ was ____. Like when you said you thought the first one was a bit rushed. Either way, very nice.



Thank you for the kind words, i don't write a lot of articles. I think this is my 5th or 6th out of the whole time of me being here, so my grammar is probably pretty bad. I'll improve it for you next Article :P 

I'm a big lego junkie, like seriously, look:




And I'm a huge star wars fan, so naturally, my interest is peaked. I'm not all that excited they're going back to the original style of crimson red and such for the logos, I preferred the Clone Wars era white and blue and stuff. But, I'll be looking at the rest.


yeah, i have to agree with you there. That is quite an impressive Lego collection! 

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You have quite the collection there Omega! 

 Thanks for this news H5F, I haven't bought a Lego set in over a year now, but I might not be able to restrain myself with some of these...I'm looking at you AT-AT.
Also I thought I might share this link on StarWars.com there are a lot of high quality pictures there, as well as some sets not shown in the article/video. 

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You have quite the collection there Omega! 


 Thanks for this news H5F, I haven't bought a Lego set in over a year now, but I might not be able to restrain myself with some of these...I'm looking at you AT-AT.


Also I thought I might share this link on StarWars.com there are a lot of high quality pictures there, as well as some sets not shown in the article/video. 




Thanks for the kind words Zebra. I knew you would be excited by the AT AT. 

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