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Remove the garbage


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Remove the active camo loadout, it is abused my garbage snipers that think they are "better" than everyone else. Remove promethean vision, it's yet another cheap retarded tactic abused by these "mlg" tryhards. And get rid of the boltshot, since when is it Halo when you can spawn with a shotgun. Absolutely retarded...

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I would like to point out something. Me too I hate a lot the invisibility, the boltshot, the promethean vision and a lot other things. But I accept it. Why? Because I know that if 343 put the same weapons and other things from the last Halo in the new one, it would be boring because it becomes repetitive. Every gaming companies have to change future games, not to stay in the level of the old games. So they need to do upgrades!


If you absolutely want to remove those things of Halo 4, I give you 3 choices:

1. Please post a topic with good arguments in Halowaypoint.com, the official 343industries website.

2. Become better than the "noobs" you hate so much.

3. Stop playing Halo 4.

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Besides all of the points said above, the two armor abilities are fine like they are and are fair. Promethean vision works only so well, active camo has it's ups and downs to. Boltshot is fine too, you know they have it so avoid getting close then.Simple.

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These 'weapons' only work well if placed in a good loadout or if you know how to handle them. And all of these can be dealth with quite easily. Although I might agree with you on the Boltshot, it needs a bit of work.

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My first instinct problem wouldn't have been 'go to waypoint' but oh well. 


Everything you say makes sense if not for the fact that no matter what, a good player will still do good. If every MLG tryhard were in a game, each with the same skill level, each using promethean vision with tactics and thoughtfullness it will all be still. They hop into a lobby with newer, noober, and less skilled players? Naturally they will dominate using the tools at hand.


Same with Active Camo. Same with Boltshot. Arguably overpowered and certainly a crutch but if I die, I die. It's my fault I did something stupid that ended up ruining my 70+ kill streak, and while I'll be mad and pissed and angry I wouldn't see it as the weapon's fault.


To cure myself I go and hunt whoever killed my like a madman.



Anyways, balances.


-PV shows on the minimpa where the user is, user's face glows, it mucks up color and everything, depth perception is gone so spatial awareness is REQUIRED.


-AC distorts when you move around, sound and radar is messed up so you can't detect stealthy players flanking you, at close range you're easily visible.


-Boltshot is shotgun, then I use rifle and kill them at range. lul.

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Yeah, anyone with a braincell would know that saying "Remove Active Camouflage because it's OP and the Snipers think their all that" and "Promethean Vision is for those MLG tryhards" really isn't going to change a thing. They are in the game now and will never come out of it. Though both of your reasons are not exact and can be argued against easily, maybe you should take a step back and realize if that's what you're thinking when you come up against these abilities in-game, it would appear a new game is a must have for you. If you're not enjoying Halo 4, play a different game. Heck, if you haven't played Skyrim yet (If you haven't then what are you?), then play that. Play a game you'll enjoy and or are curious about (Maybe a genre you haven't played before), not a game you're willing to complain about on a community forum, in this case Halo... which isn't the 343i main website for the hundredth time.

Edited by ShockGazm
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