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Movies You Love That Were Overlooked by Everyone


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(disclaimer: putting this in offbeats just to be safe.)


So, there are a lot of great movies, most do very well in the spotlight, but we have a few gems that no one ever seems to really look at or reference much. Seeing UncookedMoa's thread on Games that were overlooked, I thought I'd do some of my personal favorites in the cinema that nobody really cared about.


The Nightmare Before Christmas-


This movie might not be considered the most overlooked movie, but, this film has really been forgotten now. It was so gritty and dark that Disney actually released it under Touchstone Pictures just to avoid any controversy, similar to Who Framed Roger Rabbit, however this film is in general more twisted then just plain silly like WFRR was. I look back on this film now and honestly cannot believe I watched this as a youth, because of how freakishly scary it is! That is kind of why I like it, it puts a spin on not one but two holidays and makes something that is actually very enjoyable. It has a good plot with a good message, the modeling is really nice, and the musical numbers do sound Disney, with a horror spin on them. Some of them are incredibly charming for the picture they appear in, others really highlight the films roots in scares. All in all, this is a really good film. The only problem is deciding to watch it on Halloween or Christmas? 


The Perks of Being a Wallflower-


Hallelujah, a coming of age film about teen romance based on a book that is DONE RIGHT (Looking at you Twilight). This emotional and realistic vision of an out of place teen finding his way with his group of friends in High School is a sad but real picture of what really happens in the world. It doesn't say it's going to make fun of these events, nor say how bad they are, it conveys them and lets the audience react for itself, a feat in films like this. This movie seriously deserves an award for it's utter brilliance, and... It never seemed to really take off after launch. It got viewers, it got awards, and then, kind of like the movie above, people moved on. We need to keep movies like this close to us, as it shows us that a movie can handle a serious story-line dealing with realistic events without picking a side, and just conveying them.


Titan A.E.


Everyone hated this movie, I don't get it... It had cool looking animation, a decent storyline, and quite a bit of emotion, mystery, and action all mixed into one. Why did nobody really ever get into this movie? The marketing was so off, is why. It wasn't sure whether this was aimed at old Sci-fi fans or young kids. This led to a bomb in sales, but in the end, the movie was really good, not my favorite title ever, dialogue could be weird at times, and there were some plotholes, but in the end it was an enjoyable experience that I'd watch again.


Treasure Planet


This movie was the ultimate gem lost in the rocks, a feat in movie history, both animated and not. I am a huge fan of pirates and action, as referenced by whom I'm named after, and I loved Treasure Island, but I also love amazing environments in the reaches of space, and sci-fi stuff, this movie blends all that. Then they throw an emotional bombshell at you like a rocket that makes this film gold. My recommendation, after reading this, go buy Treasure Planet, there are quite a few copies for a cheap price. You will not regret it, and I'm not spoiling the story, which is one of the best Disney stories I have seen in a very long time. It's music is pretty good too, go buy the soundtrack after you do that. In fact, buy everything with this movie stapled on it.


Yes, those are my four, disappointing? Add yours below!

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After Earth. :3


Yeeees. I really don't know why everyone hated it. It was a really good movie :)


Okay I think some overlooked movies that were freaking awesome were:



Riddick (and Pitch Black and Chronicles)

Repo Men


Law Abiding Citizen

The Thing (2011)

Resident Evil: Retribution

Cowboys & Aliens

Tron: Legacy


Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance

Total Recall (2012 or 2013 I think)

Red and Red 2

Super 8


Can't think of any more right now.

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Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines.


Oh yes I forgot!


Terminator: Salvation

The Book of Eli

Talladega Nights: The Ballad of Ricky Bobby

2010 (sequel to 2001: A Space Odyssey)

Doom (Loosely based on the Doom games, but I still thought it was pretty good)


Mimmic (and all the other ones)

Transformers 3: Dark of the Moon



And that is the end of the Self Destruct show for the time being!

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Tron Legacy
Treasure Island
Treasure Planet
Tomb Raider (1&2)
Indiana Jones: Raiders of the Lost Ark
Real Steel (AWESOME MOVIE!!)
Jack Reacher
Enders Game
You've Got Mail

Edited by Darth Mayh3m
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