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Halo 5 Toy Hints at Boltshot's Return.

Ghost Recon

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Halo 5 Toy Hints at Boltshot's Return.



Halo 5 developer 343 Industries has released of a Master Chief toy from the company’s upcoming first-person shooter. The Xbox One project has few details at this time, but Todd McFarlane’s take on the Xbox brand’s biggest hero is holding a piece of hardware that looks to makes it return in the Xbox One project.

The Z-110 Directed Energy Pistol, better known as the Boltshot, is being grasped by Chief in the above image. The Promethean Forerunner weapon was first featured in Halo 4, and while most of the angry Halo commenters would argue that the gun is a bit overpowered, it’s likely that 343 has done some work with the weapon in order to make it as balanced as possible.

It’s just a toy, though. For now, we’re not even sure if the thing’s actually going to be featured in the game.

Unfortunately, we don’t even have an exact release date for Halo 5. Most of the rumors place it in next year’s release calendar, but we’ll likely hear more when E3 rolls around this summer.




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