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Re: 343 Disappointment


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First of all I would like to give a shout out to the clowns that started the sophomoric remarks that resulted in the topic being locked.  Additionally, as I confessed in the "OP" I am ignorant of online gaming discussion and very much appreciate those who redundantly informed me again thrice...


I realize now this forum clearly was not the place to complain about 343 (although my name suggested otherwise, it was a parody off of Will Ferrell's response to internet questions.  By the way if you haven't seen this video, I highly recommend it).  In regards to lag, it would seem that most are in agreement that my internet connection is at fault.  I was reluctant to concede this as Halo 4 is the only online game in which I experience these lag issues (all other online gaming I experience absolutely no problems).  Perhaps it requires the most data transfer for the games I play (if I confess I'm also ignorant of computer science will the nerds' onslaught continue?).  It is indeed encouraging to hear that hackers are as prominent as the prize I won for my OP calling out Halo 4 - my man Edward Kenway knows what I'm talking about.


I'm not one for addressing individuals, most of the time I think it's counter productive, but I do have some thoughts in regards to HatsuneMiku's comments. One, he seems to be very obsessed with my name - he addresses it 4 times in the first 5 sentences. I think that was a little ridiculous, like my name.  Two, you seem to be contradicting yourself by slamming my "first impression", my OP comments, then "agreeing that people are welcome to criticize a game, by all means..." yet your entire post clearly has the feel that agreeing with people and criticizing a game, are, in fact, not welcome...


I appreciate all the respectful comments.  I'm not sure why a new member would receive such critical remarks for a fellow player who really does love and enjoy the Halo franchise (if I didn't I wouldn't be on here writing this).  At times I do get frustrated with the Halo 4 game, but it's only because I expect a certain level of playability that often times comes with a high standard. Anyway, HatsuneMike is probably correct; I won't post much on here, if at all, but I do appreciate what you guys do here in the nerdom of Halo 4.




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I can understand where your coming from with lag issues. All throughout Reach (and occasionally Halo 4) I had terrible lag. It was due mostly to my weak internet connection, and the only solution was to get a new Router (I think thats what its called... Im not very knowledgable when it comes to Internet), but unfortunately at the time I had no way of getting one. And so I had to truck on with crappy connection.


It wasent until recently that I got a new Router, and better Internet. Plus I find (at least for myself) that Halo 4 has less lag issues then I had with Reach.


Im sorry to say Im not sure what you could do to fix the lag. I think turning off the Router, or disconecting from it for a little while may help. Maybe even disconnecting any other devices from it may also releave some of the weight from your Router, so it dosent strain from playing 4. Other then that the only other option I would think is to get a new router, but dont take my word for it. Im just now getting all the Internet workings and stuff.


Now concerning the conduct of Members whove negatively replied to your topic, I shall say that it was very inexcusible. They should not have replied in such a rude manor, but In their defense, I think your username had a part in it. Not trying to nag, but it did seem trollish, but now that you have explained I can see why you had it.


Even though the replies were unjustified, I hope you can remain a part of the Community. We do have good people here, and it would be wonderful to hang with you around the Forums :)

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I guess I'll say something since you're mentioning me, my username is ShockGazm by the way. Anyway, I'll just give short-ish answers but knowing me I'll drag on a little. Firstly I only mentioned your name once, but I agree I did mentioned the word in my first paragraph "Username" about 4 times but that's really irrelevant since I was just pointing it out and simply had to use that word more than once to do so. The fact your name was suppose to be comedic was truly unknown to me and I don't doubt all members didn't have any knowledge of it's purpose. I mean, I do have a sense of humor but you can't know that through text.


Regarding why I kicked off a little is due to people who just seem to post on this website just to complain about Halo 4, this isn't something that bothers me that much but it seems for those few members that joined, only joined to say what they needed to say about the game (On times it's straight bashing Halo and sometimes just complaints or issues) and never return. Your username didn't help that case, "343sucksabigone", in my defense I thought this was just another joke made by someone to bash Halo a little and leave.


Maybe I was contradicting myself a little but recently it appears people post on here just to complain, there's no relevance to it and it won't change the outcome of Halo 4 or even 5. Yeah, I may be contradicting myself a little there, and I know it's unfair that it's at you but from my perspective, I've heard so may complaints about Halo I could sell a 300 page book about it. I mean, if you're having issues with Halo, regarding Halo 4 online, especially when it comes to lag issues, you can only really try and call someone to help you with making your internet better or moving your console in another area to try and grab a stronger connection. Regarding Halo itself, nothing can be done to change it (Or at least it's unlikely).


I don't mean to be disrespectful to you in anyway, I'm simply stating why I said what I said and I do welcome you as a member, even if it's an occasional visit. ^_^

Edited by ShockGazm
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Listen, I believe you had some serious issues on your post, believe me, I only criticized how you conveyed your problems, not why. As said by Hakuna, a first impression determines how you're seen by others, if your post says things that seem aggresive and on the offensive at a certain title, there are going to be those who spot only that and will defend the title with their life. I never defended Halo 4 in a fanboy-ish way, but rather stated that your problems are NOT with 343i and are with your own connection.


Good to see you're starting to straighten up your posts at least with this, I appreciate that greatly.


Anyone attacks OP like last thread, or attacks each other, I'll request the thread be locked yet again, Ciao. 

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As said previously, no one purposely attacked you, but when you make such an aggressive post with a name like that, in all fairness, what do you expect?

I was nice to you and gave you a truthful answer, hackers are rare in halo now, and if there are any you meet then like 1 in every 100 games (if that), its you mostly, its not the connection of other people or servers. Saying the majority are hackers is a ludicrous statement.

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