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Grenades Shield and Health


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when i say "headshots more effective' im talking about reach where it didnt matter if you got shot in the head with shields or not it would be the same damage, i want it back to h3. Back to grenades, in real life you die from the shockwave of a frag, from the distance of shields popping in halo, make them better. and plasma grenades im ok with the way they are but from a long way away they can kill you so if they keep it like that i dont care. And i guess i would be fine with the frags too.


Well, actualy....in real life you die from shrapnel from a fragmentation grenade(the name tells you that). Not to mention in real life the kill radius from a Frag is 10 meters, a pretty big area. However, this isnt real life, its halo. also, Plasma grenades do not even exist in real life as we know it. Not to mention, in all reality, if you have an over sheild, what would it matter where you were shot at if the shield covers the entire body? You would have to disrupt the shield, then go for the head shot for a quick kill. These arguments are just plain dumb.

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The fact that the shield covers you entire body doesn't mean you therefore have to make it so hitting anywhere does the same damage. You could argue that the power supply for the shield being further away means that more shield power is needed to absorb headshots or it's distance means it's intensity is less, or any number of reasons. Take the example of my idea for weapon ballancing http://www.343industries.org/forum/index.php?/topic/369-weapon-damage-and-range-balancing/.

Just because the idea might not make sense in some ways, if it makes the gameplay better, then who cares? It's not like this stuff is set in history, it's a fictional universe!


As for armour, i disagree it would make sense for halo. I like the idea of tool kits instead of health packs if it was though. Therefore rechargeable health, but not rechargeable armour. If you take shots to the arm, that will be weaker, so if you shot there again it could do more damage to the arm, or maybe even go straight through it to the health? I dont really want it, but just thinking of a few ideas for it if it was.


Not sure what the grenade debate is, but btoh frags and plasmas are too strong in reach. However in halo 3 i felt they were awesome. Obviously add some of the cool features that were included in reach, such as damage for hitting someone with a grenade, and a decreasing damage range (maybe means range can be a bit bigger than halo 3, like reach, but damage would be less)

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