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Source Engine 2.0 News and Next Gen of Valve Games


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Gabe Newell, a head individual in charge of Half-Life and numerous other Valve titles has hosted an IAMA thread on reddit today, and was asked about the Source 2 engine by reddit user motoxalex.  GabeN provided a response concerning the engine, speaking about it's focus on user-created content.




GabeN actually replying to a post about the new Source Engine is incredibly important, as it confirms the fact that the Source 2.0 Engine (S2E) actually exists. Before GabeN's post, some screenshots of a level from L4D2 re-rendered in S2E was leaked on the internet by user CBOAT, and Left 4 Dead enthusiasts became very excited (On the second picture, the one on the left is the current Source Engine while the one on the right is S2E):





This confirmation of S2E may also suggest that a new influx of Valve games may be incoming; aka all current Valve games, but with a 3 instead of a 2 :P (Half-Life 3, Left 4 Dead 3, Team Fortress 3). However, don't go shouting "HALFLIEF3 CUNFIERMEDD!!!!!!11ONE" at the top of your lungs just yet; the creation of new Valve games is still just my speculation, but the existence of S2E is confirmed.

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I would love to see a Left Four Dead 3. Love those games and the random violence it includes. 

Absolutely true. L4D2 is already a fantastic game, and the Steam Workshop makes it even better. I really hope they don't take the Steam Workshop from L4D3 like they did with CS:GO. It would ruin game in my opinion - half of the fun is just installing goofy mods and skins.

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