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Watch_Dogs Developer Confirms 8 Player Free-Roam!


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Watch_Dogs, Ubisoft’s new open world title, is confirmed to have a multiplayer free-roam with at least 8 players.


When a fan asked Ubisoft Montreal’s creative designer Jonathan Morin if Watch_Dogs would have multiplayer with at least 8 players on Twitter.com, he replied confirming the idea. Since Watch_Dogs’ latest update, the confirmation of it’s release date, as well as the restoration of it’s trade mark, the game seems to be getting back on the tracks as it was superbly popular among gamers after it’s reveal at Sony’s Press Conference. After the delay, the game lost quite a bit of footing and was all but silenced among the community.




Watch_Dogs is set for launch May 29th on Xbox 360, Xbox One, PC, Wii U, PS3, and PS4 platforms.


Are you excited for Watch_Dogs' release?

Edited by Edward Kenway
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