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My idea for fixing vehicles in Halo 5!


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So I've been thinking to myself recently, What if 343i implemented some sort of vehicle fixing mechanic into Halo 5? I mean think about it, How many times have you been getting into killing sprees in turrets on the back of a Warthog and it just turns out that you have a bad driver? He then crashes into a wall and the vehicle is already a bit damaged from bullets a Banshee then comes from behind *Banshee Bomb wizzes through the air*  BOOM! That's it you're all dead immediately. You see this enrages me because I know other games have implemented vehicle fixing, a famous example being Battlefield and the engineer class.


Now I know what you may be thinking "No H5WBC that would be way too overpowered". But actually no think about it, if you worked extremely hard for something such as a Vehicle Repair Blowtorch or something along those lines. Not many people would have it, methods for getting this "Vehicle Repair Blowtorch" I have come up with so far are: Getting 10K or 20K kills with a certain weapon, maybe the sniper rifle or the DMR. Or having a sort of prestige rank system and having engineer specialities as one of the last prestige's, possibly 5th or 4th prestige. I mean the more experienced the super-soldier the better his abilities haha ;).


But yeah I think this would fix a lot of problems with the game as sometimes the team really really need vehicles without having to wait for it to spawn again, as vehicles can be really handy at certain points, and being able to fix them before they explode would help  :). And as I say if you're on a roll getting killtacular/killionaire medals in the back of a Warthog it's just enraging having that point spree suddenly stop just because of a bad driver, anyway just an idea doesn't have to be taken into account :D. And if you have any other ideas to expand to this idea please comment them down below, and I always appreciate any feedback whether it be positive or negative, so don't be afraid to comment what you think down below :).

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I don't think it's necessary or beneficial for multiplayer.


There is one reason that stands out the most and that's vehicle respawn times. Say for any given map the respawn time is 250 seconds, (that's about 4 minutes and 10 seconds) and the game time limit is 15 minutes, assuming you're talking about big team battle, a good team will have the ability to hold on to 3 entire spawns of vehicles. Six if they nab the enemy's!


Not only this, but Halo is based on skill and balance. A skilled should work towards playing smart to keep his vehicle in one piece, not making brash decisions then literally 'fixing' those mistakes.


Again, these are my opinions and I'd be happy to hear as to why it wouldn't be over-powered.

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I do understand what you're trying to say and do agree a little bit, although what I'm trying to say is that it would be beneficial for new players if people in the passenger seat could have a repair tool to repair damage that a newbie has done to a vehicle :). I mean think about it, it's annoying for the whole crew of the Warthog if the newbie makes a silly mistake in and it messes up the whole crews K/D and messes up their sprees :D. And as I say if you have a whole team of newbies they tend to make a lot of mistakes with vehicles, this actually happens to me quite a bit so that's why I think it would be beneficial to multiplayer, so it may be a good idea to give really experienced players a repair tool. And even if it isn't beneficial it's still quite a cool new feature, Don't you think :)?

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It is beneficial to no one. This is a mechanic that should never be in an FPS Halo game. 


Not only does it disrupt team skill and makes vehicles even more overpowered. I see your concern with "bad drivers" and stuff but if you join a public game by yourself you should expect that. If you join a public game with your friend then you guys should decide what role the other player gets. 


Imagine a Mantis that just camps behind the base all day because they can get repaired and never destroyed. I understand you like this, but it is one of those "sounds good on paper" ideas. Don't forget to mention 343i should actually fix Halo multiplayer first before even adding new drastic mechanics. Game development is no easy task my friend. 


Now this isn't a bad idea it just has no place in public Halo matchmaking. I can see it being used in custom games now that could be fun, but like I said. Let 343i balance and fix all the wrong they have done first then think about adding new mechanics

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I don't think that needs to be added. When you get in a vehicle with a random you know that this guy may get you killed, so if you don't like it only get in with players you know.  


Also there is part in the loadouts that allows you to live after your vehicle explodes which could buy you those few precious seconds to get to cover. So if your one that uses the vehicles a lot I suggest getting that one.

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Vehicles being non-repairable should be the tradeoff for them being faster and more powerful than your average infantry player. I also feel like vehicles are being destroyed more quickly than they should, but it isn't because of other vehicles, because vehicles should be fairly effective against each other.


I feel that small arms fire should not be able to do significant damage to vehicles. Weapons like the br, dmr, and sniper are precision rifles, not anti-tank rifles. That being said, these rifles should be used to pick off occupants of the vehicle, not to damage the vehicle itself. Halo 2 and 3 did vehicles extremely well in this regard. If you want to destroy the vehicle, find an explosive power weapon. Grenading the vehicle will flip it over, and boarding the vehicle gives you the opportunity to steal it. All of these methods take some degree of skill. Spawning with a hitscan precision rifle and spamming shots into a Warthog does not.

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Perhaps it could be implemented into its own gametype. There could be a variant of king of the hill or CTF where you can take the vehicle back to your base to repair it, to its spawn point away from the objective.


Alternatively, the driver could park it in a garage or on a specialized repair pad. The vehicle could only be repaired slowly over time when it's not in use.

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Vehicles being non-repairable should be the tradeoff for them being faster and more powerful than your average infantry player. I also feel like vehicles are being destroyed more quickly than they should, but it isn't because of other vehicles, because vehicles should be fairly effective against each other.


I feel that small arms fire should not be able to do significant damage to vehicles. Weapons like the br, dmr, and sniper are precision rifles, not anti-tank rifles. That being said, these rifles should be used to pick off occupants of the vehicle, not to damage the vehicle itself. Halo 2 and 3 did vehicles extremely well in this regard. If you want to destroy the vehicle, find an explosive power weapon. Grenading the vehicle will flip it over, and boarding the vehicle gives you the opportunity to steal it. All of these methods take some degree of skill. Spawning with a hitscan precision rifle and spamming shots into a Warthog does not.

No, what I was saying is that you need to get 10k or 20k kills on other players with Sniper or DMR not tanks :).

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No, what I was saying is that you need to get 10k or 20k kills on other players with Sniper or DMR not tanks :).

I understand what you are saying. You said that vehicles are currently weaker than they should be and proposed the welding tool for vehicle repairs.


But I believe that there are better ways of making vehicles stronger again than keeping them the way they are now and adding a repair tool in, like buffing vehicle armor. Still, I'm not against having a welding tool for repairing vehicles. Perhaps it could even be used to EMP enemy vehicles. If ordinance returns, I guess it could fit in as a killstreak. If not, it could work as a map pickup too.

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How about this: UNSC implement new-found Forerunner technology into their own vehicles using the Janus Key. Since they have to reverse-engineer the discovered technology, not all of it will be readily accessible right away. One of the newly introduced technologies would be light regeneration. UNSC vehicles can perform self maintenance at increased rates. The storm also gets a hold of this technology due to Dr.Halsey's 'methods' ergo we have a reason for vehicles to do this. it is my understanding that everything in matchmaking has a reason for being the way it is, just like this. you're welcome

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