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Playstation 4 Review

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This took me along time to write so enjoy. :)





The controller



Compared to the PS3 controller the PS4s is light years away in every single aspect...


The Analog sticks on the PS4s are nice smooth and responsive and during long play sessions stick much more than the 360s ever.


The controller buttons X,Square,tringle and circle are all well nothing much to write about them.


The triggers R1,R2,L1 and L2 all are well made and work well and yes they are good for shooters and I would say on par with Xb1s and 360s triggers




and now the new additions to the typical controller design...


When I first heard about these I thought it was a bad idea but after using them I can see their potential.....


The touchpad is actually a good idea and can be used like in killzone shadow fall you have a AI bot called owl....


You swipe left for owl to do one thing

Right for another

Down for another

up for another


And in doing to see frees up the Dpad for other uses.


Next is the light bar and this I see less potential in but I don't mind it really ...


In killzone shadow fall for example it can be used like this ....


When you're health is good the light is green

When your health is medium the light goes yellow

and when your health is bad the light goes red


So overall a good controller with no real Cons to it really.




PS4 design



This is a minor thing but the design of the PS4 is very good and looks are spaceship like and awesome with a awesome light bar in the middle and the console is jet black.




The dashboard




I love the PS4 dashboard why because everything is separate ...


You want to watch TV go to the tv section ...


Want to play one of your games go to your games section....


you get the idea everything is separate and the dashboard looks like a new gen dashboard would look like with a cool calming music in the background and to top it all of everything is easy to access I really love it compared to the 360 one...



The online



PSN is infamous for failing and being hacked but I am happy to report that with my experience with the PS4 this Is not the case the service has not gone down once apart from launch day. But that is expected with almost anything and the service also runs smooth and the price for it is cheap and you also get free games every month but at the moment most of the free games are indie.



My favourite indie game right now is Resogun.

Edited by Caboose the Ace
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Nice review! It was short-sweet-and right to the point!


And it didn't sound biased to me, so I like it even more! 


I personally like both consoles. My dream is too someday own a Wii U, PS4, and Xbox One. But for now I will have to stick with Xbox 360.


PC = Best Graphics/Audio/Most Features/Modding support


PS4 = XB1 = Two awesome machines that could do more together than either could ever do alone.



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Nice review! It was short-sweet-and right to the point!


And it didn't sound biased to me, so I like it even more! 


I personally like both consoles. My dream is too someday own a Wii U, PS4, and Xbox One. But for now I will have to stick with Xbox 360.


PC = Best Graphics/Audio/Most Features/Modding support


PS4 = XB1 = Two awesome machines that could do more together than either could ever do alone.



Here ladies and gentlemen, we have the Master Race Multiplatformer in it's natural habitat. :D Good job Stig!


I must say, I do see some points of bias in the review, but I do believe a lot of points were spot on too, the design looks nice on nearly everything, my only problem with Sony is they can't match the designs of the DualShock and the actual console, both are designed well, but they don't match, the Xbox One however at least keeps the style. 


However, I own a PS4 and it is a good console all-in-all.

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