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Mafia 2.0 [Forum Game]

Is not JL

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I think we know who dies here.


The GM grunted. Originally he'd been playing Titanfall, but it seems that playing the campaign mode without an opposing team means you need to wait forever just to get into a lobby. Which was stupid.


Either way, he had some lynching to do, and free time to do it. The first to die was therubyprincess, who dropped dead without any warning. Off came her ID, the words 'Mafian' being clear as day.


Then Fishy died next, everybody suspecting him. Too bad everybody didn't realize he was a Civilian.



4 Mafians and 5 Pro-Town remain.



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Ok so Ill rewrite the story for Jl


It was a dark stormy night and therubyprincess was looking out of her 3rd story balcony window.


Then Bnus came and pushed her off.


"The toast is in the oven" whispered Bnus in his radiocomm.


"What did you say" replied Delpen.


"HSFJEFJRNGRG" replied Bnus


"HDBRJGVTRGTOY" replied Delpen.


therubyprincess - mafia


"Everyone knows the truth" whispered Fishy "I'm done for"

In the next moment the water from Fishy's fish tank is drained.

Fishy died instantly

Little did he know Bnus was just cleaning his Fish Tank

Bnus doesn't show any remorse and flushes Fishy down the toilet. 


Fishy - Gold Fish - Civilian   

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That's still not logical, what if I was a lungfish? :o


Even if I wasn't,I was flushed down the toilet instantly after my tank was drained. And if you've ever fished, fish don't die instantly. So in other words, I live! Except I've been restricted from voting...

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That's still not logical, what if I was a lungfish? :o


Even if I wasn't,I was flushed down the toilet instantly after my tank was drained. And if you've ever fished, fish don't die instantly. So in other words, I live! Except I've been restricted from voting...

I'll have to redo the story then


It was a dark stormy night and Delpen violently killed Fishy in his tank.


Fishy - Death by Delpen - Civilian 

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I still live in the bowels of the numbers 7, thank you very much. That's how the letter 2 came about. If you flip 2 vertically and horizontally you'll get 7 with a big belly. -and I still get to vote, fish 


Edit: Since 2 + 2 = fish, you must be full. Having a fun time being constipated with me? lol

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...Damn it! Fishy was a civilian helping the Mafia because he thought it would be fun...just like he said in the shoutbox. That does explain why a group of people in which some certainly had to be Mafia voted for him...


Oh well. By that time it would have been too late to change votes. And a double agent is no help to us.

Oh, and if you guys really want a rewrite of the scene, here it is.


Disclaimer: I am not pretending to be a better writer than JL when he is actually trying.




"Where is the executioner?!" Delpen yelled out. "We have two executions here!"


Caboose's ghost zipped around the town, poking its head in every building it passed. "Nope, nope, nope...gah, I need some cookies to keep searching like this."


"You can't even eat," Mayhem said.


Axilus Prime, tired of waiting, walked around the town. He looked at everyone without moving his head, his eyes hidden behind his shadowy black visor. His eyes fixed on one person, though he did not walk toward her. Rather, he walked right by her, but still looked at her through the corner of his eye.


therubyprincess found a Spartan's tight grip around her neck. She struggled, though she couldn't help but be dragged to the noose.


"He's gonna do it himself?" Aiden thought aloud.


"Hang her by her entrails!" Ruby's ghost yelled out. "Let's finally kill one of these Mafia scum!"


Axilus pulled out his M6G pistol and fired it 3 times into the air. The crowd's yelling stopped. "therubyprincess. On charges of being suspected Mafia and having a name that cannot be grammatically correct, you are hereby sentenced on this, the eighth or ninth day of the fourth month, depending on your time zone, which is strange because we all live in the same town, to hang by the neck until death."


He tightened the rope around her neck. Still, she did not hang, because her feet touched the floor of the platform.


"No entrails?" Ruby's ghost sighed.


Axilus pulled out an Energy Sword and cut a square in the platform. therubyprincess' weight pushed the square down, and she dropped, now choking on the rope tied around her neck. She coughed and sputtered, slightly foaming at the mouth, until finally, her whole body went limp. Her ID fell out of her pocket, and Axilus picked it up. "Citizens," he said, "we have let a Mafia hang."


Cheers erupted from the whole crowd, save for the newest ghost. Which cheers were dishonest remained to be seen.


"Now let's hang FISHY!" Delpen grabbed a large fish from the crowd and threw him to Axilus.


Axilus caught the fish, whose weight and momentum knocked him over.




I am in no way insinuating that Fishy is fat. I simply think a fish with the height of a human would be quite heavy.




"Argh..." Axilus got up, then tried to tie a rope around Fishy's neck. That was rather difficult when there was no neck to speak of, and the rope just slid off. "Ok..."


Ruby's ghost spoke up again. "Entrails...?"


Axilus simply held Fishy down. "On this, the whateverth day of the fourth month, you are hereby sentenced on charges of being suspected Mafia and lacking a neck, to be stabbed in the head." He activated his energy sword again.


Fishy did not speak or struggle. He simply stared blankly at Axilus. As the sword came down, his face changed. When his ID fell out from between some scales, Fishy died with a smile.


Axilus looked at the ID. "No..."


The crowd anxiously looked at him. He tossed the ID to them.


Fishy, a civilian who only pretended to be Mafia for fun, was dead.


As Axilus descended the stairs from the platform, a house with an open window caught his attention. Playing Titanfall on his Xbox 360 sat the GM himself. For a second they made eye contact, and the GM smiled with amusement. Axilus kept that to himself.


"It's not over. We must let all the Mafia die."

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I helped no Mafia, I can't take the joke any longer. Lol. I just used it as a cover up story for my bad calls. Lol. If you want proof, ask any of the Mafia. Until then, I think my actual death will be of laughter.

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I am not going to post any more into this thread...I am officially waiting for the next game to come out. So death to Delpen9 and hope he gets killed...I don't care who he is. I officially am putting a hit out on him. I don't care who's side he is on, unless he is already dead. If that is the case than I hope to meet him here in Hell. If not please just kill him. Because I have not been on in a while.

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I am not going to post any more into this thread...I am officially waiting for the next game to come out. So death to Delpen9 and hope he gets killed...I don't care who he is. I officially am putting a hit out on him. I don't care who's side he is on, unless he is already dead. If that is the case than I hope to meet him here in Hell. If not please just kill him. Because I have not been on in a while.

I hope you die in hell!... so youll go in hell #2 and I wont have to see you. 

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