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Mafia 2.0 [Forum Game]

Is not JL

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JL, you forgot to mention that therubyprincess was also lynched.


2. Bnus
3. Connor Kenway
6. Ledgend1221
7. Axilus Prime
8. Unease P34nut
9. Delpen 9
14. Mr. Biggles
16. BeckoningZebra1


Holy slag. 4 Mafia live. There is an equal number of pro-town and Mafia. One of us is moderator, so we can still kill Bnus...but we need to all vote.

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Mafia wins. They had a plan that was pretty much going to let them win whether or not one of them were lynched in this round, but thanks to the stupid efforts of both the Moderator (At this point, who else can it be other than the one everybody knows is?) not doing anything and Aiden Pearce deciding to stop caring, Mafia were guaranteed a win.


Good job guys.


I've received multiple....."requests" to host 3.0, including from Sikslik, Bnus and Biggles. I personally would be ok to host 3.0, but if you guys want to give it a try and have me be a player, or if needed, help out in the background, either is fine. Work it out between yourselves, I guess.



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I'd run it JL, as long as someone can co-host with me.


Mafia wins. They had a plan that was pretty much going to let them win whether or not one of them were lynched in this round, but thanks to the stupid efforts of both the Moderator (At this point, who else can it be other than the one everybody knows is?) not doing anything and Aiden Pearce deciding to stop caring, Mafia were guaranteed a win.


Good job guys.


I've received multiple....."requests" to host 3.0, including from Sikslik, Bnus and Biggles. I personally would be ok to host 3.0, but if you guys want to give it a try and have me be a player, or if needed, help out in the background, either is fine. Work it out between yourselves, I guess.



I'd run it JL, as long as someone can co-host with me. Other than that, I'll host it for you so you can actually play.

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Mafia wins. They had a plan that was pretty much going to let them win whether or not one of them were lynched in this round, but thanks to the stupid efforts of both the Moderator (At this point, who else can it be other than the one everybody knows is?) not doing anything and Aiden Pearce deciding to stop caring, Mafia were guaranteed a win.


Good job guys.


I've received multiple....."requests" to host 3.0, including from Sikslik, Bnus and Biggles. I personally would be ok to host 3.0, but if you guys want to give it a try and have me be a player, or if needed, help out in the background, either is fine. Work it out between yourselves, I guess.



Well I did vote jerk. 


The detective wouldn't talk to me. 

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Damn it. No one listened to my voting callout.


Oh well, I wasn't entirely unprepared for this to happen.


Anyway, JL, I don't want to host Mafia 3.0, but if you don't have time to write up a scene, I can write it for you. After all, all I need to know to write the scenes is the required outcome.

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it would help if i knew who's hosting mafia 3.0


*     *     *


The eyes of the host glazed over his handiwork - the city, now wrought with the darkness of the Mafia. Even as the pocket universe for Mafia 2.0 came to a close - literally, as it began to suffer from the big rip. Everything was getting smaller, more compact, and at the center of it all was the portal to Mafia 3.0. Despite the victory that the Mafia now embellished themselves in, the subconscious notion that all the players were simply trapped toys within an endless cycle of game after game of fear, deceit and death forced them onwards.


First the dead rose, their bodies sparking to life once again as the Staff of infinite powers' glow shone upon them. Somewhat dimwittedly, and certainly hoping for a better game, the dead players walked through the portal, grumbling about their k/d ratio dropping due to lag or the whatnot.


Then, everyone else slowly piled through, whether it be due to knowing where they had to go, or if the universe crushing in on itself was simply encouraging them to get out before they faced the effects of being stuck within a crunched up pocket universe within the subspace of t3h 1nt3rwebz. 


The host chuckled. After over a year of planning, his plan had succeeded. These members were now forever stuck within the cycle of games, doomed to play Mafia till - 


"Hey, dude, that was a cool game. Can I host?"

The GM paused, then turned around to look at the voice. There was a guy there, behind a dimensional portal that.....wasn't exactly supposed to be there. That wasn't the surprising bit, but the guy who came through certainly was. 


"You want to host? Ummm....."


The universe shuddered, and the GM beckoned with his hands. "Before we decide who hosts or anything, we may as well go to the new game first. Before we end up stuck within the death of this universe."


And with that, they walked through the dimensional portal as well, leaving this carbon copy of 343i City as it crushed itself into oblivion, the last lights fading away into nothingness.

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