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Mafia 2.0 [Forum Game]

Is not JL

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To prove that I am not a Mafian here is a screen shot of Delpen9 asking if I was  a Mafian...I know this looks weird but to back me up after he saw my post stating that I was civilian he shouted in the shout box..."I think I made an error" or something along those lines...





this proves my innocents!! I think?


And I exposed a Mafian! and I believe Bnus is too because they have been communicating frequently!!!! That means I take away that NULL and vote Bnus!!!!

(falls over laughing)


That was an absurd move on Delpen's part. However...


Delpen can't be Mafia. All the Mafia know who each other are. In addition, he isn't on the suspect list for the sniper, and someone on every suspect list, according to the rules, is guilty.


Therefore...he is pro-town. We can't kill him.

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To prove that I am not a Mafian here is a screen shot of Delpen9 asking if I was  a Mafian...I know this looks weird but to back me up after he saw my post stating that I was civilian he shouted in the shout box..."I think I made an error" or something along those lines...





this proves my innocents!! I think?


And I exposed a Mafian! and I believe Bnus is too because they have been communicating frequently!!!! That means I take away that NULL and vote Bnus!!!!

The only reason I could be susptecting you is that you still use windows xp you monster!

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Suspect List for Frozen's killer

Ruby Rose - 5

Bnus - 0

Caboose the Ace - 2

Null - 4


Suspect List for Yang's killer

Axilus - 3

therubyprincess - 0

Null - 8


People not yet voted: BZ1, Biggles, Fishy.



Does anyone have interest in co-hosting right now? It's not exactly anything big you have to do, like organize the roles, but I sleep through much of you guys' voting and it'd help if somebody could keep an up to date record of the votes. We could co-host the next game.



If everybody gets the most recent list of votes and adds or removed their votes and posts the new list in every comment. That'd help I think.

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If everybody gets the most recent list of votes and adds or removed their votes and posts the new list in every comment. That'd help I think.

I don't trust you guys.


Also, that voting list is just what you guys can see. I hold the legit list, and it may or may not have slight differences.

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Suspect List for Frozen's killer

Ruby Rose - 5

Bnus - 2

Caboose the Ace - 2

Null - 4


Suspect List for Yang's killer

Axilus - 4

therubyprincess - 0

Null - 9


Hanging 1


"First up, Axi - Oh wait," The GM muttered, before sighing. "Guess you get to live this one, since everybody decided to null."

He turned towards Ruby.


"Ruby Rose. You're a scythe wielder like me. You know what happens when a viscilus twirl mixed with a crow slash does, right?"

Ruby frowned. "What?"

"You had the most votes. You're about to die. Goodbye."

And with that, the GM slashed his weapon, instantly sending Ruby to the corpse heap. "Wow," the GM muttered as he stared at the corpse, "Reminds me of blood rose."


"Blood rose sucked," somebody muttered, and the GM nodded. "It was a pretty cool fanfic at the start, then the writer decided to plotty-plot plot. Kids, don't read it. Adults, don't read it. Not just because it sucks."

Ruby Rose, Civilian, Lynched.


"Heh," The GM chuckled.


Night roles, PM ASAP.

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BZ1 is acting very odd. I've seen him read the posts and I know he does.


Delpen is also trying really hard to get info out of me. He kept asking if I was the dectective(the blanked name in my picture was him). If I die next you know who did it. 


Fishy I second that action. :)

I showed you proof I wasn't in the mafia aND YOU VOTED FOR ME??


Ruby never even showed his PM box. Just  a screenshot of one PM!!

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*Frustrated that Ruby Rose didnt take my offer* You were about to die anyway, so you had nothing to lose by posting your blank conversation page. Most of the people who voted to lynch you were pro-town *sigh* 


My intuition is telling me that we are on a course to killing off all the civilians. We have 5 left now i believe. 

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NO ONE BELIEVES ME!!!!!1 Every time I play A game of Mafia whether its at school or someplace else Nobody ever believes me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I still will play this game though because it is interesting...but come on! how was I acting suspicious!!!!!!! 


You should all be ashamed!!!!! lol...Im not joking  <_<  :mad:   :nono: 


now every time one of you dies im going to laugh very very hard, and make fun of the person untill there is no tomorrow!!111


And requesting to see somebody's PM thing is kinda stupid since they can delete their messages...

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What did i do i have no clue who i am didnt get a pm i even told delpen i dont know 

Ummm.. you told me at first that you dont remember receiving a PM, BUT afterwards you told me you were mafia. Whats up with that?

NO ONE BELIEVES ME!!!!!1 Every time I play A game of Mafia whether its at school or someplace else Nobody ever believes me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I still will play this game though because it is interesting...but come on! how was I acting suspicious!!!!!!! 


You should all be ashamed!!!!! lol...Im not joking  <_<  :mad:   :nono: 



I want everyone who DIDNT receive a PM to SAY THEY ARE A CIVIE.... Actually, I want every pro-town member to say 'ME' then give a picture of their PM box. Anyone who is incapable of doing that will be on the 'suspect' list of mafians. Incidentally, my laptop doesnt have the screencap option. so...

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Saying you're cicie and posting your inbox kinda ruins the game since the fun part is the mystery! Don't take away the fun!

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that is kind of a not so good request...mafia will know who all of the pro towns are, and people can fake their identities too, you know that right?

Yes youre right. Before this starts we need to find out more ways to determine if someone is protown. 7vs6(if you include the sniper)


So the people who cant do screen caps can share their PM with someone who has. ONLY 1 PERSON SHOW THEIR SCREENCAP! Then we can get people to share PM's with you proving they are protown. 

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I change my vote on yang's killer from null to auxilus

That hurts.




My laptop also lacks the screencap button. But, guys. 


All the Mafia know who each other are. Revealing ourselves as pro-town will not help them in any way. Revealing special roles among the pro-town will.


Also, whoever the sniper is, he has aligned with the Mafia. As the rules state, he can be a solo operative, or join either side. JL's post said Yang was killed by Mafia.




I don't get why everyone suspected Ruby. There really weren't any grounds for that, and though he (to anyone confuse here, the actual user is male though his profile name is female) didn't actually expose a Mafia, his screenshot still supported his claims of innocence.


Strangely, people suspected me without cause in the exact same manner.


I believe the Mafia are among the voters right now. Those who both voted for Ruby and appear on the next suspect lists should now be considered lynch targets.


Let all the Mafia die.

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Screen-cap your PM... If that can be faked easily then we are screwed.  If we know who the pro-town are then we can kill the mafians. Before this starts though, can the mafians kills more people than the pro-town? Is the sniper biased?


Those can be modified easily

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