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Halo gametypes suck


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Griffball- worst team oriented game I've ever played. I've played it in halo3 during the beginning, but betrayals got really bad during halo reach. Every game I played out of 50 games straight I recorded that me and my sister have carried our griefball team at least 47/50 of those games. Our strategy is to wipe enemy team in mid, grab the ball and haul butt running the bomb straight to their side while my sister hammers away at them. The strategy works well, but I must say, when someone else on our team happens to get the bomb, they hold it forever and when they F up and drop the bomb it's almost always dropped right by our base(because we all know carrying the bomb by our own base is the typical griefball player mentality right?). Hell, when I think things wouldent get any worse, 2 teammates quit on our team and we still destroy the enemy team 3-0, to my sister who is newer to reach but not halo3, this was a great feat for her. unfortunately, we would come across games where our team+ the enemy team would try to spawn kill us and we would still win(most of the time). I just can't stand how we are constantly carrying our team 97% of the time in this playlist, it is really frustrating. I mean, I'm not even that great at reach even though I've played almost all halo games since release but come on. Hell, my sister who is 12 knows how to move the bomb just as well as most of the players we compete against. It's just really sad that this game has come down to really low skilled players who just betray their teammates knowing there are no consequences ie. removing the betrayer.


Well I know you are probably inking, "well that's just griffball". Unfortunately, it's the same way with Big Team Battle.


Big Team Battle- Where your teammates are your worst enemy, even worse when you acquire a power weapon. This playlist is horrible when you think you picked up a sniper rifle, Laser, or Rocket Launcher. I've had teammates destroy my shield to where I'm close to death to try to intimidate me to handing over the weapon. Furthmore, it even leads to them betraying me multiple times just for "insert weapon name". Funny thing is, I can't even boot em 50% of the time. And thats not even half of my problem, I get into games where idiots will imtentionally destroy their own vehicles just so the enemy can't get it... But come one really, destroy your own wraith?? Or even ghost? These vehicles are big game changers.


All I'm trying to say is that this games skill requirements are so low to a point that I think I'm just going to quit all halo games as a whole. Last of all, this crap wouldent happen in a skill based game such as gears of war 3, I'm fairly good at that game but I know when I go to play a match I won't be the one dragging my team down or relying on incompetents to kill me for my power weapon or feed the enemy kills let alone betray me. I'm just sick of the nonsense that goes on, but I have realized that halo and call of duty do not require as much skill as some of the other games I've played. And to tell you the truth, at least I know that in these other games I'll get a team just about every game that had a few people who are better than I am in different category's, besides having dummie halo idiots who wouldent know how to read a strategy guide even if it costed them their life. Now I do know there are many skilled and great halo players out there because a lot of people I met before in halo3/reach/halo4 who are very talented, but the games I've played recently were just piled with awful "team" players who k we nothing about teamwork. Nortmally I very patient when it comes to these kind of things, but I've realized how much BS a lot of these idiots do in gametypes that really mess up not only myself, but other peoples gaming experience. If you want to play a really good team based game, I suggest try out gears of war 1-3, it's a very well designed team effort-game, but it goes to show the team that doesent work together loses almost EVERY time.


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We aren't 343i, we're just a fansite so there is nothing we can do to fix these gametypes for you buddy.


On the other hand I actually quite love all the gametypes in Halo.


Yeah I know, I'm just letting everyone know what gametypes have the most BS involved in em. And these 2 happened to be the first to pop in my mind atm.

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It sounds to me like you're more upset with the players you're being paired up with in matchmaking more so than the actual game mechanics that are used in the gametypes themselves. You're angry because your teammates are "dummie halo idiots" that aren't very good at the game, team-kill, and drop out.


You do realize that this is not isolated to these two playlists, right? Furthermore, this is not a problem isolated to the Halo franchise. This is a problem within the gaming community itself.


This problem exists throughout every game that has ever had online multiplayer, and will continue on to every future game that has online multiplayer. The reason being, that 343 Industrustries (along with every other video-game company out there) does not limit the games they make to be sold only to the people that are good at the game, nor should they. The game is shipped out world wide and whoever has $60, Internet, XBL Gold, and a clean slate has every right to matchmaking as you do.


Now, I already said that this problem isn't going anywhere, but here are some steps you can take to improve who you're matched up with.


-Set your Halo: Reach Pysche Profile to search for players that are 'good teammates.'

-When you join a match that has good players, go to their profile and choose the option to prefer pairing up with that player in the future.

-Use gaming communities (like this one) to find people you can add to your friends list and play games with.

-Join a clan.

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All I'm trying to say is that this games skill requirements are so low to a point that I think I'm just going to quit all halo games as a whole. Last of all, this crap wouldent happen in a skill based game such as gears of war 3, I'm fairly good at that game but I know when I go to play a match I won't be the one dragging my team down or relying on incompetents to kill me for my power weapon or feed the enemy kills let alone betray me. I'm just sick of the nonsense that goes on, but I have realized that halo and call of duty do not require as much skill as some of the other games I've played. And to tell you the truth, at least I know that in these other games I'll get a team just about every game that had a few people who are better than I am in different category's, besides having dummie halo idiots who wouldent know how to read a strategy guide even if it costed them their life. Now I do know there are many skilled and great halo players out there because a lot of people I met before in halo3/reach/halo4 who are very talented, but the games I've played recently were just piled with awful "team" players who k we nothing about teamwork. Nortmally I very patient when it comes to these kind of things, but I've realized how much BS a lot of these idiots do in gametypes that really mess up not only myself, but other peoples gaming experience. If you want to play a really good team based game, I suggest try out gears of war 1-3, it's a very well designed team effort-game, but it goes to show the team that doesent work together loses almost EVERY time.


If you're that mad about bad teammates, stay on this site and find some to play with.


You may enjoy the gametypes and the game a lot more then.

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You're just complaining about teammates, not the playlists.


Except for the destroy-your-own vehicles bit, because that's tactics, not griefing. You said it yourself; it's a game changer. Why let the enemy have it, when you can get a fresh one, especially when you know exactly the time it was destroyed and thus you can time grabbing it easier?

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Hey idiot, it's called player feedback, and yes, they have an integrated app to help you avoid these trouble players.  Your argument is invalid as everything you stupidly posted did not at all explain why the "GAMETYPE" itself was bad.  All you did was cry about how the players in the gametype ruined it for you.  Next time you post something.....re-read it before you hit the "posty" button.  thanks.....END RANT

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Like everyone has said: your problems lay with the Teammates and not the gametype itself (Though Grifball has a very stupid mechanism for letting you teamkill ALL THE TIME, and I think it's pretty idiotic to have it in there... Same goes for Betrayal in general. It needs to go).


Anyhoo I think your problems should be fixed so long as you continue to play in the playlists. I can guess that the higher your CSR goes, the better the players you'll get.


But there are other options that everyone else has pointed out, so it does not mean the end of Halo for you. :)

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You could always join playdates around here! We aren't jerks in game.


And Grifball is always a gong show. It's one of the easiest gametypes to abuse thanks to betrayal and spawn-killing galore, but excellent for getting Energy Sword and Gravity Hammer commendations.

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Hey idiot, it's called player feedback, and yes, they have an integrated app to help you avoid these trouble players.  Your argument is invalid as everything you stupidly posted did not at all explain why the "GAMETYPE" itself was bad.  All you did was cry about how the players in the gametype ruined it for you.  Next time you post something.....re-read it before you hit the "posty" button.  thanks.....END RANT

I dont see how my arguement is invalid seing how i pay money to play this game and voicing my opinion on how crappy the gametypes are made like letting people betray others in griffball, and the old betrayals buring living dead which made no sense at all. I could spend hours on end complaining about how crappy some of the gametypes are, but i guess its people like you who get paid $$ by 343i  to derail legitimate threads made by people who have a legitimate excuse to voice their opinion on this website...Idiot.

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Okay, hate to say it, but this is completely invalid. The third word in your BtB argument was "Teammates" and the second word in your Grifball argument was "Team". It's obvious your problem isn't with the game types or 343i, it's with the people you match up with. Halo Reach is a very old game, and a lot of people have moved to Halo 4 or Halo 3, a lot of good players. I suggest jumping on those two if you have a problem with the people on Reach. Ultimately, like said above, it is your teammates.


Seeing as the OP is a rant post and that some replies on here are getting very out of hand, I suggest requesting a Moderator to lock this, or those who are part of the conversation keep it peaceful. Ciao.



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Invalid...LOL. Did you even read what you posted? Awww sorry they didnt include the friendly fire off. Its called teamwork! Just like in real life if you hit a friend, he gets hurt. Again your problem isnt the gametypes, its the people you game with and your own failed understanding of the gametypes. I wish i got paid for my knowledge....

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Invalid...LOL. Did you even read what you posted? Awww sorry they didnt include the friendly fire off. Its called teamwork! Just like in real life if you hit a friend, he gets hurt. Again your problem isnt the gametypes, its the people you game with and your own failed understanding of the gametypes. I wish i got paid for my knowledge....


I can see if they added friendly fire on CoD seing as how its closer to real life than halo, but u have to be kidding me, you compared halo to real life... And if you actually read my post you would realise that these gametypes suck due to the fact that one can get betrayed a million plus times from their own team. 

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