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Mafia 3.0 [Forum Game]


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Delpen is not Mafia.


I claimed to be the Medic and asked for the detective to contact me in the hopes that a Mafian would contact me claiming to be the detective with false information. Then I could learn the identity of a Mafian and I would know everyone he accused was innocent, and everyone he said was innocent was Mafia.


Sadly no one fell for it.


Hmm I knew your medic thing was a lie and I think it was my fault that the mafia knew not to go for it because I accused you of lying :P

Anyways I believe you. Delpen is not mafia sorry about that Delpencil. 

Hunch or just a pick?

You will suffer the consequences for going against the almighty Bnus

No one should ever dare challenge me not even the mafia for I will kill them personally with my own crumbs. 

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Actually just to make Delpen9 mad, I vote Yoshi...That is what you get for wanting me dead when I did not deserve it! Than laugh and Mock me!

That is the spirit Ruby!

Death to those who oppose the almighty Bnus!



Don't you dare kill Yoshi, Bnus.

This his crime for voting against me. Only a mafia would want me dead because they know I know them in and out.

Yoshi can be 100% Pro-Town but he voted for me out right. I am almighty. I am all knowing. I must strike down those who oppose the mighty fiber of Pro-Town.

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That is the spirit Ruby!

Death to those who oppose the almighty Bnus!


I just voted Because I do not like Delpen9 and just want him mad, I disagree with the "almighty" part of that...I just want him mad. And if that means voting Yoshi then that means I must vote Yoshi...

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I just voted Because I do not like Delpen9 and just want him mad, I disagree with the "almighty" part of that...I just want him mad. And if that means voting Yoshi then that means I must vote Yoshi...

Well you failed. Hahahahaha


I'm just going to wait and see what Yoshi turns out to be. Where's the popcorn? 

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The Newcomer shook his head. Only eight citizens cast ballots at this town hall meeting. Hopefully these votes are the ones that will change the game. He glanced inside the ballot box, and smiled. The marks were fresh, and there were no hanging chads. He grabbed the ballots and organized them by vote. He recounted the numbers he had, and double checked. He stood, turned to the city, and took a deep breath. He exhaled and spoke, 


"The votes are as follows:


Silent Alpha: 0 votes


Ledgend1121: 0 votes


The RubyPrincess: 0 votes


Null: 1 vote


Yoshi1176: 3 votes


Bnus: 5 votes



Therefore, in 24 hours, we shall have an execution. The convicted may send me his last words. Guards, take him into custody."

Edited by Sikslik7
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It was a pleasure, ;)


Good luck Civies. At this point you'll need it.

Dont be like that

You won the vote

I'm done for. Mayh3m betrayed me. 


Actually Mayh3m changed his post after Sikslik7 closed the vote. So that means if you count Mayh3ms old vote then you're dead but if you count his edit AFTER the poll close then I die. I hate to be this guy but I wouldn't mind us both dying Yoshi. 

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Actually Mayh3m's vote was changed before I posted, he told me to wait until he did.


Ledgend's  edited vote came in after I posted that the polls were close, and thus, does not count

Edited by Sikslik7
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Oh well really wanted to see this until the end


Bye everyone.


Mayh3m is a jerk and I want revenge. Prepare to die next round Mayh3m and I will make sure your death is quite the show. (I want everyone to know I am joking Mayh3m is a great guy and last game I tricked him so I guess this is his revenge)

he told me to wait until he did.

Is that even allowed? I'm not butthurt or anything but I mean shouldn't people change their vote on their own accord. The GM shouldn't wait for anyone to edit or change anything when you have a deadline you have a deadline. I know there isn't anything against the rules but I believe the GM shouldn't do favors(people can disagree that is fine)


People can call me butthurt but if the same happened with Yoshi or someone else I would agree. As much as I wanted Yoshi dead I wouldn't ask for extra time to change votes. I have to admit Mayh3m beat me at my own game and I give him massive props for that I think that was extremely deceptive and clever. But that isn't fair that the GM waited for someone. Do us all a favor and in the future when there is a deadline keep it. No waiting for anyone unless they weren't active for the entire time of voting.(Mayh3m could have edited his vote long ago he didn't need to ask you to wait for him to change it)


Might as well reveal it early to show I don't care that I died: I am Mafia.

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I announced in the sb that I was going to close the polls in five minutes, and Total Mayh3m told me to wait while he edited his post. He did, and took under five minutes to do so. I then closed it. Something wrong with closing a poll and giving people  few minute warning?

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I announced in the sb that I was going to close the polls in five minutes, and Total Mayh3m told me to wait while he edited his post. He did, and took under five minutes to do so. I then closed it. Something wrong with closing a poll and giving people  few minute warning?

No but you never stated that in your post. You merely said "He told me to wait until he did"

Since Mayh3m did edit his post in time he is in the right but make sure you word things correctly. I am not on the site 24/7 so I have 0 idea if you announce these things. 


Also announce when posts will close in this thread too. Like JL used to go "24 hours left" or "12 hours left" in the actual thread so that way if someone wasn't in the shoutbox but came to view the thread they could be like "oh better do blah blah blah" (Of course that is your choice. Or make a status update like I've seen you do. Not everyone is in the shoutbox and some members aren't very good at time *I'm looking at you maifians* my bad for accusing you of doing favors but just word your things correctly because or at least tell us you announced it in the shoutbox because the way you made it sound like you did a favor)

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That vote didn't seem right. I'm confused about how Yoshi ended up winning. This is good though.

Total Mayhem, good job, and Yoshi will live to see another day!

The truth about Yoshi will surprise you.


He may have won our little innerteam disagreement but I will have my revenge over mafia member killing another mafia member. 

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