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Mafia 3.0 [Forum Game]


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Bnus do you know who the mafia are then ? :)

No. I am now rethinking who I have chosen to be potential mafia based on this recent nutty accident. 

If I get an updated list I will post it here. Although I still think Delpen9 is mafia(Sorry buddy)

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And there we go!

You all hung an innocent man because just one person provided an invalid point to do so.

I hope you learn from this and think for yourself in the future.


Let Bnus Hang!

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What you were attempting to achieve is irrelevant. You're not a credible source of information to help the pro-town, so I really shouldn't listen to you.


Don't take that the wrong way, I don't hate you or anything. But my goal is to win.

Never have I once stated I was a credible source of information or that you should listen to me. I really think that those raisins got to your head :P

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     The crowd watched as the carriage slowly came to a halt. The door was slowly unlocked and opened. Guards escorted Unease P34nut down the long path, with the city watching from the sides. Rotten cabbages and tomatoes sailed over the crowd and onto the ground around him. Slowly he reached the steps of the old wooden gallows and climbed. The knotted rope stood waiting for his neck. He stepped up, but was too short for the rope. He was forced to stand on top of a stool while the hooded executioner put and secured the rope around his neck. The Newcomer pointed to P34nut and asked the crowd, 


     "Is this the one you want dead?" The crowd roared in a bloodthirsty approval. "Very well, any last words prisoner?" Unease P34nut looked up, gazed out upon the crowd, smiled and exclaimed,




     And with that, the lever was pulled, and like a rock the P34nut sank, and died. The fall seemed to break his neck. "Must have cracked his shell!" one man boasted. The other laughed, but then looked and saw the Newcomer's blank stare. It was odd, disappointment, but also approval as well.


    "You hanged an innocent man, and the Mafia got away with the murder. Raisins are quite different than nuts. Nuts are acceptable in cookies." And with that, he turned and strode away.



Round 2: Night Phase begins now. Send me your PM's within 48 hours.



Note: I apologize for the late post. I had a college placement test today (I finished the math section in half the allotted time), and then had to work the rest of the afternoon and evening. It should not happen again. 


Just want to repost this, as some people may have missed the action on Page 10. 

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you should've said something, or given evidence, rather than just did nothing as an innocent died




I did! But it was already too late.


Everybody started to vote for me while I was gone!

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I did! But it was already too late.


Everybody started to vote for me while I was gone!

Blame Bnus for putting your name down for evidence to save me from dying a third time in a row

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Blame Bnus for putting your name down for evidence to save me from dying a third time in a row




Typically, by attempting to get people to listen to them, people are indirectly claiming to be credible.

Ok now you're making things up. I have never once said I was credible or even indirectly started that. Don't you guys remember what BZ1 said? Never trust Bnus. I even told you guys I could be wrong and if you choose to believe me that is your choice and you understand the risk. 

Actually that was kind of his motto from November - February 

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