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Husky Raid is overplayed

Max Zuckerberg

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Every time I play the Team Action Sack playlist, everyone in the match votes for Husky Raid, every single game. When its not available, which is almost never, its usually Fiesta and snipers or rockets, or other things not too special that can be voted for. But honestly, I'm sick of playing Husky Raid every single game, and I want to play things like Paintball, Medal Madness, or that one game where everyone is very small and runs really fast (I don't remember what it was called as I only played it once). Even Rock and Rail, or Binary Snipers would be sweet every now and then, but I never get to play them because of Husky Raid.

Maybe Husky Raid should be on its own playlist?

Does anyone else feel the same way I do?

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I noticed that as well when I went to action sack that Husky Raid was the main thing being played. When I first got onto the playlist it was so awesome... But that was the first ten times I played it. After that it got annoying and I couldn't understand why everyone kept voting for it. I haven't really played action sack again since that, I don't think it'd be a bad thing to put it in its own playlist.

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