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Assassins Creed at E3 and sales

Unease Peanut

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Assassins Creed Unity





A report has come out stating that The new Assassins Creed Title will feature a brand new four player co-op story alongsode the single player.

Ubisoft has confirmed that they will show two demo's of the new game at E3.


"AC: Unity, two demos planned. Hotness incoming. #E32014"


"One SP, other showcasing 4-player coop."


As quoted from the Twitter account of  shinobi602


Never before has a Assassins Creed title had a four multiplayer co-op. So this 'new' feature will be quite interesting to see.

Polygon has reached out to the publishers for more details and will update when more details become available.


What do you think of adding co-op to Assassins Creed Unity?

Good or bad?



Now for some news from the entire franchise


The Assassins Creed franchise has made 73 million sales!




In 6 years the Assissins Creed franchise has produced 73 million copy sales Ubisoft announced.

Last time Ubisoft released numbers was when they hit 60 million sales.

They also announced that Assassins Creed IV: Black Flag has had less sales than its predeccesor Assassins Creed III.

But the sales for Assassins Creed IV are still climbing. So this might change.


Let's say that each Assassins Creed game sold for 60 bucks.

(Disregarding the fact that the prices will drop and such, that would make it too difficult!)

That would make for


4.380.000.000 Dollars!


What would you do with that amount of money?


Thanks for reading :D










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Might want to cut down on the copy and paste. The mods would rather you give a summary and opinion. Just saying.


Now the article is nice, provides good information and debates on the next Assassins Creed. Now just to get you on the news team instead of Kenway...

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  On 4/22/2014 at 5:55 PM, Fishy said:

Might want to cut down on the copy and paste. The mods would rather you give a summary and opinion. Just saying.


Now the article is nice, provides good information and debates on the next Assassins Creed. Now just to get you on the news team instead of Kenway...


Yea I really tried putting it all in my own words. But the sentences were so jumbled up at one point that I decided to take the core from the source as it is a good summary.


And please no hate on Kenway. He does the best he can!

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