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DIY Parody- "Sweat Ecstasy: Working to Pass the Test ~Inspection Style"


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Billy Bob Joe Bob oinked his pot belly to the camera. Blankly gazed, he churned his pudgy mouth. He needs to speak-- Let the man speak!! 

"I was workin' on editin' my topic when that Kenway boy showed up. Nice chap, but on the dark side of the corn harvest. He got some sort of baw' humbug to him, like something up his ol' crappy patter."


"The boy is nice. Just not something you want just walking up, unlike them 10-pointers. He was here to get done an inspection. He checked every nook-and-cranny  of my topic. Checking the old form boards, those studs, an' getting all into that drywall so he can see them electricals and pipin'. I know darn well that it wouldn't make the cut, but what else can I do? He can expect me to go doing it right, can he?"


Edward did his thing,"Hmm.." 

"Bah' humbug." he muttered under his breath. "This isn't good-- not good at all." he said. 

"You have yourself a major issue Billy. There's barely any electrical in here, and what you do have will honestly start a fire, or catapult you to the next state when touched. The plumbing isn't much better. Just turning the faucet would cause a rupture that'll likely collapse the house."


"What if they both happened at once, like an electrical wave ram-sacking the place? Why are we even standing in here? It's dangerous." 


They both walked out of the house cautiously, leaving Billy quite bothered. 


"There isn't much to do here, so I believe demolition is in order."


Billy winced at the thought, "But why? It's only me living here. If I die, you'll only have one less hillbilly to be messin' with."


"Sir, this derelict piece of trash is first-and-foremost an obstruction to my line of work. Additionally, this building is a forum safety hazard, that of which permits me to act accordingly." Edward tares a piece of thermal paper similar to a receipt, off a device shaped like a tape roller. Billy glared at it like the bad omen it was, while simultaneously marveling at the novelty of the gizmo. 


"Take this error and I'll be on my way." remarked Kenway. 


Billy Bob took his time to strenuously read over the contents of the paper. His illiterate self hadn't seen so many words all at once. It read:


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Billy was peeved. "How can they be doin' this to me? It just was a simple topic."


Bnus replied with his snarly attitude,"Only a simple topic? You posted 'Keep the love' with a mess of numbers. You should be ashamed, because I honestly believed you were a bot. Bots have no place on here, since we already have the 343i bot. Much shame. No remorse. Much sad." 


The community DIY-er popped in with celebrity appeal. Yang roared the audience in legions. 

"Apparently I'm Oprah now. Hey you, hands off the sound effects!" 


The iconic voice appears,"What does the chicken say? Quack. What does the donkey say? EEE- Yaw! What does the Bnus say? Germinate! Germinate!" 


"I know that's you Seymor. Cut the act. Chop! Chop! Sheww! Sheww. Bzzzz!" Yang said with the flare of a prima-donna.

"I'm here to get the DIY-in going on!"

"We green? We all green right? Right."


Everyone is utterly taken aback by Yang's presentation. His stunning impersonation of Ruby Rhod from the 'Fifth Element' quivers even Azaxx. What could this mean? Have the fans gone super green? Are the producers nervous in the service?


We'll find out next time on 'Sweat Ecstasy: Working to Pass the Test ~Inspector Style'.


Yang: "Inspector is short for mod ya'll!--right?" 

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