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How NOT to be a bad teammate


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i hate getting yoinked especially when im getting that revenge kill that is so satisfying only to loose it to my teammate shooting him in the head loosing the satisfaction of my kills after going 1 on 3 only to get blown up 2 seconds later..... this was very recent... 

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Now back to the topic.

I never get whhy people EMP you for a vehicle or shoot you for a weapon. You're wasting their time and you're own and it's not like I'm just going to give it to you since you asked so nicely!

Also when a player yoinks you. Just find a Ghost and splatter his -Yoink!-

Your* own


Anyways, it's because you took something they were gonna get. To them, you just appeared as the biggest -Yoink!- in the game.

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i hate getting yoinked especially when im getting that revenge kill that is so satisfying only to loose it to my teammate shooting him in the head loosing the satisfaction of my kills after going 1 on 3 only to get blown up 2 seconds later..... this was very recent...


It happens. What's unfortunate is that it's highly unlikely to be fixed and will always be with us.


I'm guilty of doing this also since my mentality requires me to Shoot any enemy I see, and there's no notification that the Enemy player was just about to be killed by your Teammate, and yoink them. Very frustrating.


I'm also guilty of some of the stuff from the list but it's caused by accidents and unforseen events. Like the last Ninjas vs The Forum game, I was lagging and I kept splattering people by accident when the lag clips me backward, and forward. I kept killing this one poor dude, and whoever you are I'm sorry lol.


Buuut... I do troll sometimes. └(^o^)┘

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I mainly play SWAT, and I don't really troll.


Unless I've been trolled.


When someone yoinks me for instance, I usually start following them around jacking their kills. Or yoinking them. Or shooting them 4 times and loling as they get 2 shot.


Or if they try to yoink me and end up getting me, I ALWAYS go for the kick. Always. In SWAT, it is not a detriment to have fewer teammates, so having one less **** as a teammate is totally worth being outnumbered.

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