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Halofight 2: Salubrity [Forum Game]

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Halofight 2: Salubrity





Nearly a year ago, a curious member named SEED Factor created a forum game known as 'Halofight'. The game was fairly popular with several players, some of whom are still active on site today and others of whom have faded into nostalgia. Either way, over time, the game died out for various reasons, due to a fall in the numbers of the players who remained active, and thusly the lack of activity that followed. However, dots of activity would appear as others stumbled across Halofight and asked whether it was going. The only thing I could say was no - and several players asked for it to be brought back again.


Over time, I had an interest in reviving Halofight, but there were other things I focused on in my time on the internet, from amazing RWBY rp's to youtube. Further, I also went ahead and started up another forum game called 'Mafia', which seems to be going on successfully as of right now. That game, too, once existed, and once failed on 343iCF.


Seeing the success of a once-miserable failure that didn't even get to starting up, the idea that Halofight, which managed to go on for a few pages, might work out with a revamp to the system, the gears within my head began turning. I started looking around ideas as to how the game should be changed, how it should be played, and how it should be able to continue surviving as a game.


So here's to a few months of fun for us all, I hope. If you're wondering why I've chosen the name Salubrity, well, I guess that's one of the reasons. Any others? Read on below.



1. All 343industries.org rules apply.

2. Rounds will last for 7 days, or 1 week, if you couldn't figure it out. They will begin on Sunday, and end on Saturday, in accordance to North American EST (Approximately.)

3. Having problems with other players in relation to the game? If you believe the measures needs to be taken, send me a PM detailing the issue and I'll see what I can do to help.

4. Achievables are secrets, and you'll only know what they are when you unlock them. These achievables are objects that can feature in the game, from maps to items, and can be considered as prizes for playing.

5. Each player will start a round with 25HP. HP, or health/hit points, are lost from taking damage from obstacles and attacks. Cheating your health will not be allowed and you will be punished.

6. This is Halofight. Keep some sort of the game grounded in the Halo Universe please. You can have a T-Rex, but please try to be a Spartan who runs around with a pet T-Rex.

7. Have fun!


Ultimate Weapons

In the original Halofight game, I awarded Speical weapons to the winner of each round, with the Special weapon being anything the user wanter, cept' it would have a destructive power far above that of the average gun used by players. That system has been scratched now that Health has come into play, and so these weapons have been re-organized into Ultimate Weapons. Ultimate Weapons have then been re-organized into the sub-categories of Beast Armaments and Heroic Ordinance. 


If a player has more than one Ultimate Weapon, unless otherwise specified, they must choose to bring only one into the next game.


Ultimate Weapons will still be the reward for winning the round or being the MVP. These weapons have been forged in the fires of an overheating Xbox 360 by myself, are tailored to your needs, and, just like Special weapons, are devastating. If you get the chance for an Ultimate Weapon as a reward you can pick between a Beast Armament or a Heroic Ordinance. Each subcategory is explained below:


Beast Armaments: Enormously powerful weapons that cannot be dodged or ignored when used. When they hit a player, they do a hefty 10 damage to them. They will probably have side powers with them.


Heroic Ordinance: Weapons that are more elegant and civilized than Beast Armaments but still maintaining the same devastating power, these weapons augment the existing abilities your character already has, improving, strengthening and adding to their impressive arsenal. If a Beast Armament's side power had a power level of 10, then a Heroic Ordinance would have a power level of 100.


Each have their pro's and con's, but both count as Ultimate weapons. When you win an Ultimate Weapon, I will give you a weapon that I design the power of myself. If you win again, you can choose to either take another Ultimate Weapon, or trade your old one back in exchange for a custom ultimate weapon.


How to Play

As explained in the rules, each round lasts for 1 week starting from Sunday and ending on Saturday, in accordance to NA EST. Each player begins the round with 25 HP unless otherwise specified. You are out when you lose all your health. The round will end when:

1. A player survives. Everyone else dies.

2. Time is up. A player has the max health.

3. There is some kind of tie. The best writer (I decide) of posts win.

4. Miscellaneous reason decided by gametype.

Within each post, what you need to do is first separate IC (In-character) and OOC (out-of-character). If you are simply making an OOC only post, you do not need to do it, but if you are making an IC post, then you must, before your IC text, say 'IC', and give the current HP your character is at. This helps for readers to figure out if you're making an OOC comment or if you're moving your avatar around to hit someone or something, and also helps me manage HP. If you don't do so, you'll be punished. 


As it also turns out, trying to be mean within the game is not nice. If somebody attacks you, and you dodge everything, I will step in and burn you. If you auto-hit, I was make you eat a cactus. But don't worry - just stop doing it and you'll be ok. Players who have a sense of decency, it's your job to notify newer and less experienced players what to do and what not to do.


Example fight:



IC - HP: 25/25


I walked over to Drizzy and tried to stab him with my dagger.



HP: 25


I watched as Azaxx walked over to me, unsheathed his dagger and stabbed towards me. I used both hands to grab his wrist, preventing him from hurting me, before I then twisted my arms, hoping I would in turn twist his wrist.


IC - HP: 24/25


There was a snap as I heard my wrist twist, thanks to Drizzy. Grunting, I ignored the temporary pain and went to knee him in the groin. I am a god, he is a peasant. He. will. kneel.


Don't worry, injuries will heal quick in this game. You won't have to worry about trying to live after getting shot in the head - you WILL live, and you'll feel fine. You'll just have lost some HP, that's all. (Unless getting shot in the head removed your last bit of HP, in which case, baibai. Next round will be your salvation.)


I will occasionally drop one-use items a player can use. This is first come, first served. After each round/ near the end of each round, I will begin a vote allowing 3 choices of map and gametype for the next round.


PLEASE: If you are unsure of anything, PM me or ask in this topic. However, I can tell you right now - you do NOT need massive, MASSIVE posts like the ones seen in Halofight 1. Just a paragraph, a few sentences will do.



1. FFA. Pretty much exactly what it is, this gametype is a massive PvP rumble pit with no official alliances. The player with the most amount of HP wins. In case of a tie, I will decide who wins through writing quality and players KO'd. No official alliances means that, should you choose to, you could ask another player to ally for the time being.

2. Team Slayer. Self explanatory. Players are divided into teams of (hopefully) equal size and duke it out with the aim of killing everyone on the opposing team. An MVP will be chosen from the winning team.

3. Survivor. Similar to FFA, but all players WILL die except for one, with brutal, devastating obstacles appearing on the map to take care of business.

4. Capture the Flag. Players are split into two teams, each with their own base with a flag in it. Players from the opposing team must steal your flag and bring it back to their base to capture it, after which it reappears at your team's base. Players must hold the flag for a day before capturing it, while their enemies can make the player drop the flag by dealing 3 points of damage to the flag holder. The team with most points win.

5. ACHIEVABLE: Unlock to play.

6. ACHIEVABLE: Unlock to play.

7. ACHIEVABLE: Unlock to play.

8. ACHIEVABLE: Unlock to play.

9. ACHIEVABLE: Unlock to play.

10. ACHIEVABLE: Unlock to play.



1. Reach Training Grounds. Obstacle courses, forests and traps built for training the ultimate soldiers dot this area.

2. Blood Gulch. A desolate canyon for open battles and players to clash in massive combat, if you listen carefully you might hear the sound of stupidity within the middle of nowhere.

3. New Alexandria. A dense city of skyscrapers are your battleground, and whether you choose to duke it out on ground level or ride the lifts and elevators up the buildings for some height advantage is up to you.

4. Orbital Station Elevators. As the round goes on, players must ascend the orbital elevator, which is filled with traps and dangers. Over time, a single fall may mean death.

5. Pillar. Trapped atop a Forerunner spire, you must explore it's mazelike interior and dangerous, above-cloud exteriors for the enemies whom you must eleminate.

6. 343iCF City. A nighttime world, battle it out in the hometown and frequent subspace portal distortion timey-wimey thingplace, but beware the dangerous Criminal Gangs of the street, or the Assassins of the night on the roofs.

7. Cartographer. An island of trees, beaches and cliffs with a surprising Forerunner interior that holds more than meets the eye.

8. ACHIEVABLE: Unlock to play.

9. ACHIEVABLE: Unlock to play.

10. ACHIEVABLE: Unlock to play.



Sometimes within the game I'll drop a first-post, first-served (You have to actually take the item in your post) item onto the map, giving the player who take sit a temporary or permanent advantage.

1. Health Kit. Instant use. Heals you by 5 damage. 

2. 1-up. Can be used by either a living player to heal 10 damage, or for a dead player to claim it and come back to life with 10 health. 

3. Smelly Pants. Throw it at an enemy to temporarily stun them, preventing their attack against you. 

4. Crusty Underwear. Instant use. Throw it at an enemy to stun them, preventing their attack against you, and also deal 1 damage to them.

5. Halo. Call upon the Forerunner's universal organism-killing super weapon to deal a hefty 3 damage against a player.

6. Staff of Infinite Powers. Instant use. A rare item that can deal 3 damage to all surviving players other than the user, or 6 damage against a single player. 

7. Football. Instant use. A semi-rare item that can be passed to teammates to increase stacks. The more players passed to, the more stacks accumulated, beginning with 1 stack. Passing to the same player twice does not accumulate stacks. Once the passing is complete, the player with the football may kick it at an enemy, dealing damage equivalent to the number of stacks.

8. Bloodthirst. The next attack you deal gives you back 50% of the damage you dealt as health for you, rounded up to 1 point.

9. ACHIEVABLE: Unlock to play.

10. ACHIEVABLE: Unlock to play.


Profile Sheet - Fill in this form and add it in a post. Await approval, and once it's approved you'll be able to play for the next three rounds, until the next active signups where you can re-post your profile, or edit it and await re-approval. 


Member Name: Your current display name/well known display name. You will play Halofight as a character with this name to avoid confusion.


Weapon: You are allowed a main weapon that cannot have any special powers, but possibly a gimmick.


Power: You are allowed a single power. You can, however, trade this for another weapon.


Appearance: Add either an image, or a small description.


Ultimate Weapons: These are rewarded, so unless gifted, this part of your profile should be blank. 


Player List:
















Fan-Created DLC

What is this about? This is something for the players to give their input to the game, whether if it's a possible improvement to an already implemented something, or if they simply want to add to the game, thinking it'll be a fun new addition to the meta. 


First thing to do is organise yourselves. Giving me a bunch of text with information scattered all around? I will not even read a single thing. I'm not gonna listen to your ideas until you first find another player or more to help you develop a larger DLC for the game. These DLC packs you'll create would include new maps, new gametypes, new items, and possibly other things you feel would fit the game. Here are the steps fully needed:


1. Organise yourself. Find one more player, or more if you wish, to work on this DLC together, discussing possible ideas, eliminating the ones that your realize won't work and fleshing out those ideas.

2. Design it. Mold all those ideas into Maps, Gametypes, Items, other stuff that you want added, etc. Note that I will consider the things in your DLC more if you managed to die the DLC content into a singular theme.

3. Name each creation, and credit the creator as well. 

4. If possible, get a gfx banner to go with your DLC.

5. Bring it to me in a group PM, showing me the DLC in a nice, organised way. I'll ask questions about things I don't get, I'll discuss with the group about different aspects of the entire DLC, and together we'll decide what goes into the game and what get's cut. I can't promise that what you create gets in the game but I'll try not to go 'hardy hardy har cut lol'




Now, all is said and done. I hope this game actually survives. GL HF, players. :)



Edited by ♥ Yoko ♥
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Member Name: Happy Gilmore 


Weapon: A golf club, that acts as a DMR lol.


Power: EDIT ~ Ok fine, my power is using my DMR golf club as a golf club, I hit a grenade and when the grenade is hit and is flying through the air, it has a heat seeking guidance system that explodes 4 feet from somebody and causes 5 damage...I am only able to use this power once every 24 hours.


Appearance: lol this is what I will look like!


I pick #4



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Tyrone approved.


Happy Gilmore, your power is both OP and UP. How about you just switch to being able to create shields any time you want, but you can't do it in a massive scale and also that if hit by a large enough attack it'll instantly disintegrate? 

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