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Update the game!

For the last 2 days matchmaking has truly been really really bad!!! In halo3 I have never experienced something like that... We are from Europe and I have talked to a lot of my friends throughout Europe and they have the same problems as me and my team do.. We constantly get American hosts, its lagging really bad, if for some reason 1 in 20 times ( literally) we get host , the other team quits like 2 minutes after game start... Please fix this Asap! I know y'all focused on Xbox one and everything , but now real fans can't even play a decent game without lagging or having black screen ... And I could go on and on with problems.. But anyway please UPDATE THE GAME ASAP!

Oh yeah my internet connection is 75 Mbps down and 25mbps up, so that cannot be a problem for the lag..

Also... I hope y'all could do something about the ranking system as well... It sucks really bad.. From all the halo games halo3 had the best ranking system ever.. Maybe not anyone could become a level 50 but for having k/d here in halo4 you can basically tell who would be a 50, so y'all might as well don't change what was good before.. I'm not here to run my mouth or start a fight but please consider my message! I bet thousands of player , maybe hundred thousands or even more would agree with me... Keep halo Halo! Don't change it into something that it is not!

If y'all keep doing that you will lose lots of true fans who played this game since halo CE ( the original ).. I bet y'all already did... Consider my post!

But most of all! Update the Game!

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This is a communtity forum. We're not 343i.


As for your post, I'm form Europe and I have no problem at all. I even play wireless!

I don't know but it might just be you who's causing lag. I'm no tech expert so don't take my word for it.


Moving on to the complaints about the game itself.

The ranking system is a bit crappy I agree. But the Halo 3 rankins are really not that good either. Win six games and you gain 1 rank, lose 1 game after that and you suddenly get demoted 2 ranks. Bit odd aint it?

I see no possible chance that 343i is going to change the Halo 4 ranking system. All we can hope for is a better one in Halo 5.

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Than again like I said.. Its not me who's causing lag.. I have friends from england, Hungary, Finland, Italy who has the same problem since yesterday! My bad about the thread tho, I just wanted to put my word out there so maybe someone could do actually something about it.. And also 343 doesn't care too much for halo4.. The graphics are amazing , but honestly nowadays even noobs can succeed in the game... But that's a different story.. Like you said.. All we can hope for is a better halo game in the future

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Networking issues are not easy to fix my friend.  I can see that it is quite frustrating for you, but you cannot blame it on "American Hosts".  There is no way to 100% identify who has host, unless you use a dev kit or have found a way to manipulate or intercept packet data on your 360.  It can be done, but that's another story for another day.


You have to understand, that a networking model will never be 100% accurate or functional.  There is simply just too much hardware and softwrare differentials all over the world to make anything function without lag or hiccups.  Everyone likes to say that their side of the game isn't causing lag, but you most likely are.  The Xbox 360 uses the most bandwidth of any other connected device in your house.  So even if 1 or 2 people are using wi-fi or LAN connections in your house, it will cause an issue.


Furthermore, there are about 6 different ports that should ideally be opened and forwarded to your console.  NAT alone is not enough to allow uninterrupted and direct traffic to be outbound and inbound smoothly.  Now this again, changes depending on your ISP provided and global location.  Also take note that the Live service is hosted from Microsoft's Datacenters all over the world.  The service takes the collective bandwidth speeds of the pool of players, and gives host to the player with the best overall connection.  I'm not saying it's accurate, but ANYONES bandwidth or connection stability can change in an instant without warning. 


Unless you would really prefer to sit in a lobby with 11 or 15 other people, and have Live test everyone's connection for 10 minutes before the game starts, I don't see the issue.  For myself, I don't have that much of an issue with the connection in Halo 4.  If I lag, I am the one more than likely causing it, as I usually have a myriad of things running on my home network.

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But you see I did not use any other devices with WiFi.. And like I said before.. My friends throughout Europe have the same issue... Plus I don't know how accurate this information is, but many live players says that the host is usually the person whose on top of the list , right before gamestart when you press the x button... But I dunno.. Its just bothering and annoying that I couldn't play a decent game in matchmaking for 2 days now.

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There could be a myriad for reasons for this effecting you or Europe in general.  Also before I forget to mention it, just because you use a connection that has soley the 360 using it, does not mean your connection will be stable.  geographic location as well as other people in your geographic location dictate the stability as well.  Your connection is one of many "pooled" connections being used by the ISP's lines and equipment.  This is one of the biggest reasons why most company's have a dedicated line for their servers.  Meaning, the line running directly to the company, is not shared by any other customer for said ISP.

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But you see I did not use any other devices with WiFi.. And like I said before.. My friends throughout Europe have the same issue... Plus I don't know how accurate this information is, but many live players says that the host is usually the person whose on top of the list , right before gamestart when you press the x button... But I dunno.. Its just bothering and annoying that I couldn't play a decent game in matchmaking for 2 days now.



Throw that in and run the test.


I got:


88 Ping : 47 MBPS Download : 23 MBPS Upload


While watching Netflix. And I still lag in Halo 4.

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