Popular Post Twinreaper Posted May 6, 2014 Popular Post Report Share Posted May 6, 2014 We all know that I can be an insufferable **** most of the time. I am brutish in my methods and I have an underlying passion for facts. it is how I am by nature, love me or hate me.Now this is similar to a post I made years ago about the community. Inherently by nature I also like to help and educate people. It is my hope this little post will do just that. if it doesn't, oh well. I tried and that is what matters.What makes a Halo player or a player in general a fan? A fan, in every sense of the word and definition implies an underlying and steady praise or legitimized positive view of an object or objects. These objects range from television shows, movies, video games and even to people.What I hope to accomplish here, is to bring to light how single minded and narrow most people's view of the terms commonly used around Halo, do nothing more than to confuse, disrupt and alienate an already by nature, a diverse culture. To begin let us understand exactly what the terms we are using really are.Hardcore FanTo fundamentally understand this term, we must first break it down into it's simpler iterations. Hardcore has many definitions, but 2 definitions are concise and clear across multiple resources.Hardcore has three main definitions as follows,- Unswervingly committed; uncompromising; dedicated- the most dedicated, unfailingly loyal faction of a group or organization.- Resistant to change in belief or fundamental principleFanA fan as commonly referred, is an individual or group that watches, participates or acts in accordance with the subject or subjects favorite or many favorites, scopes. A fan is usually classified subsequently depending on his or her immersion into said objecated passion.Halo PuristThis term is without proper definition and can only be described using various sources and stating commonalities used with it. A Halo purist is a player or fan who believes that time playing or being a part of a franchise or group since the begining, implies they are the biggest and most dedicated of fans. Said group or individual believes also that only their view or stand on what made said object great, is correct and acceptable.Now, for a moment let's look at these terms for exactly as they are, and how they logically and scientifically are inferred together. A Hardcore Fan is someone who is dedicated to their medium. They have an unwavering passion about it, and follow it throughouly without any hint or retaliation for the mediums or itterations it has. They will buy, watch and act out the subject of their fandom no matter what said object is, or operates.A Hardcore Fan is someone who is dedicated to their medium. They refute, refuse and deny all changes to their medium based upon the a percise perspective in which their fandom was created. They will fight for what they believe is true to their specific fandom.As you can see, we already have a paradox. While hardcore infers a complete dedication, it also shows that the dedication is dependent on the specific fans perspective, and is subject to said level of dedication being centered around one particular aspect or itteration. So which Hardcore Fan is correct? They both are. Actually more logically, the term is null and void in a social sense. Ones level of being a "fan" in any sense is only subject to ones own personal acceptable level of immersion. Someone who does not regularly participate in something, does not nessessarily have a lesser knowledge or passion for it. A person alone, excersises his or her own dedication to something in many different ways and mediums.Someone who purchases or plays an occasional item or product is no less a fan or level there of, versus someone who purchases and plays every single item of a fandom. The very nature of this sort of practice calls into play, a very different term and condition of ones own self. For referrence sake, I do not own every Halo title. I do not play every title. I choose to play one specific title. Does that make me any less a fan? No, it only illistrates my own personl bias towards one specific aspect of Halo or title. From there, it is only my own personal view and stance that other players and fans are judged on their level of commitment, or what i would refer to as being Hardcore.In short, it is individuals and or groups that take the term Hardcore, and apply it broadly. Most instances point to such broad aspects as being ones that solidy or justify said groups view. Any view opposing it, is dismissed as "un fan like" or just "wrong". There is no true or right way to be a fan, or judge others based on what particular aspect they see fans on. Length of time, accumilated items or playtime, or even knowledge of it, does not inherently make you a better fan, or a more passionate fan. It just simply shows that you excercise your fandom differently. You are not judge jury or executioner when determining who or what a fan is, no one is. And as such, you cannot rightfully use terms like "Hardcore" "True Fan" and "Purist", without first implying your own bias and singular standpoint.What I am trying to say here is that these terms need to stop. The terminology we commonly use, again, disrupts, confuses and only further alienates people in a community.On my last note, I want to touch on something else that has served as a confusing grey area for many community members. A lot of people since Reach have complained and used terms like "Core Gameplay". Using a term such as Core Gameplay is broad. From that term alone and it's singular usage, one can say that Core, refers to the emchanics or instances first played in the very first iteration of a game or medium. Further, the term can also be used to describe ones first hands on time with a specific iteration.You see, each version of Halo has it's own "Core" aspects. There is very little in terms of quality and settings that is carried over from title to title. Each version of the game offers something new and tweaked. yes you could further use the term to describe the tweaks as "altered CORE" items, but that term in it's usage is only subject to approval and validation by it's singular user. Many other fans or players may have started playing Halo at a different point in time. because everyone has a unique first encounter, this implies that "core" or "true" is only acceptable to a singular person.A gamer who expereinces Halo Reach, will have a different view on what exactly "core" gameplay is. Simply implying that because said gamer didn't play Halo CE or title preceding it, only further shows your own stubborness or unwillingness to accept that the standpoint on those terms, perpetuated, are only a singular "neutral" view. A view that can be taken as both right and wrong, depending on your own personal level of commitment. Knowing this, the only real logical way to apply any term to describe a level of passion or commitment to a franchise, game or object, is to simply use the broadest of terms, that imply a greater range or fandom excercise. Using selective terms, instances and levels of commitment, do nothing short of simply just show how narrow minded, selected and closed you are to a standpoint or beliefe that is not your own, or does not conform with a group or site that shares your views however disimilar or miniscule they are.____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Casual vs Competitive (MLG)This is a debate that always gets everyone's panties in a bunch. Let's explore what the implications of these genres are, and how both sides prove that terms like these do nothing but alienate and cause a rift amongst the gaming community.casual is defined as once in a while, when time allows, and or playing in ranked or competitive playlists.MLG is defined as being the most skilled, and possessing an unmatched dedication to competitive playlists and competition in general.But logically, can you take a term like casual and apply it to discern someones level of competition? Someones level of team spirit or commitment to a game? The answer is no. In any type of game or medium, your level of competition or commitment cannot be classified by such means. Someone who plays one day a week in MM, does not mean they do not possess a competitive spirit, or that they lack the fundamental understanding of competition. Gauging a players spirit for competition based on time played is not accurate. But when we examine by MLG standards, what makes a gamer Casual vs Hardcore, that is the exact type of reference they assume to make. That if you do not play 24/7 or close, if you do not participate in highly competitive gametypes, then you are casual and do not know what true competition is.In the same manor, can your rightfully take a term like MLG and apply it to someone to infer that they alone value competition? Any game is competitive by nature, why else keep any kind of score system. Someone who plays non-stop or competitive playlists does not mean that they have a greater understanding, it simply means that they are more comfortable playing that particular niche as opposed to another. This does not discredit the Competitive gamer, not should it alienate or harm his or her standpoint on the game or the experience.Again, everything is perspective, and everything is inherently competitive. Competition is born from individuals, and perpetuated by the actions and events there of. In light, there is no true MLG or Casual player. Everyone exercises his or her own playstyle, play time or game in general, in many different ways. Again, using these terms only limits and segregates individuals and groups, and further causes animosity and confusion. In the end, what this all really means, is that we are all fans, and we are all players. Nothing more and nothing less. So why bother to use dressed up words or terms? Why go the extra mile to alienate one another just to try and prove a specific individual point? Do yourself a favor and the community a favor, stop it. Just stop calling people terms and names like these. it isn't helping and honestly, it will in the end only confuse the very same developers you are trying to enlighten or sway, to see your side of things. We are not alone here. There are more varied gameplaying styles and preferences than anyone could even begin to cater to. As a community of gamers, shouldn't our singular mission be to create equality across the game? To give everyone a chance to experience something different and great? My last few words deal with what we think is right for the franchise. This is a war that has been waged since Halo CE. Everyone thinks they know what is better for Halo. Everyone has an opinion or idea that will make Halo great again, or what will solidify the franchise. The truth is, we do not. None of us know what is best for the game or franchise. We would like to think that we all have some enlightening viewpoint or inside knowledge as to what needs to be changed. Again we don't. There are so many different resources and opinions out there in the community as a whole, that NO ONE, not even Microsoft nor 343i could even begin to calculate, correlate or sort it all out into an even pile and go through it. For every single person who says "This Halo is bad, and needs to change", there is another that will stand up and have an opposite view. So what does this all mean? Nothing. It simply means that we all have a very different view and standpoint on what would make a game better themselves. Rarely do we ever see a member or avatar, stand up and speak out an opinion or idea that has a broad range of implications for all walks of life within the community. Views that would encompass and embrace a larger scale of players. Most are simply narrow, selfish views or views that try to emulate or speak for others. To everyone I say this, Halo is a game. It's a game that brought us together. It's a game that created all our views, groups and niches. Without eachother, the game would not have survived. A game itself will not sell and thrive on one mere view alone. We must learn to appreciate and accept that change will always happen,. Life is ever changing, and the nature of a game changing is no different. Change is hard to accept, but it's a life lesson we all must cope with at some point. The only people who know what is best for Halo, is the developers and the publisher. They have the resources to examine and assess the overall picture that we cannot. Not everyone will be pleased all of the time. But that is not the creators agenda. their agenda is to simply publish a game that will overall, please a majority or all gamers, from all different groups, views and perspectives. Now I'm rambling. I hope if anything, that after reading this you will all take away some logic or better sense of self in this community. We're in this together, and we cannot change anything if we all do not appreciate or understand our roles in this big pool we call Halo. TL;DR Your friend, Twinreaper 14 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Warlord0520 Posted May 6, 2014 Report Share Posted May 6, 2014 Tbh when i met you i thought you were a meanie but then i realised this is actually how you normally act but in a good way seing as how not every one comes across as a laid back type of person( and you are pretty helpful on this site too when one needs info about certain things). But still, this was a nice read especially for those who dont know you yet. And, i pretty much agreed 100% with everything you mentioned here twinkreaper! 2 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
I_Make_Big_Boom Posted May 6, 2014 Report Share Posted May 6, 2014 To be honest I don't think the terms hurt anyone. It's not really "hurtfull" to call someone MLG. If anything that's a pretty lazy insult. One I doubt most people will take offense to. If someone called me MLG I'd just reply that I'm Casual: Which I actually am. I don't have the time to play Video Games all the time like I used to, so I've been resorted to playing every once in awhile... which is pretty casual to me. I may be Casual, but I am really competetive. Not enough to merit me being labled as "MLG" (which I don't play any of the so called "MLG" playlists in the first place). If I so happened to actually play enough of the Pro Playlists, then sure I'm fine with being called MLG. I do understand what you're saying (Kind of. Really long posts get really hard to read for me). My brain is half working right now since I've been at an Construction Industry-Company Speech/Share thingy all day, and I'm pretty freaking tired. I had to sit and listen to like 20 people make speeches about their respective Companies, and them trying to reel in employees. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Coldfreeze Posted May 6, 2014 Report Share Posted May 6, 2014 That was a long read and an incredibly well written post, I do however have to disagree on some points. I think Halo has a core gameplay mechanic, it's what sets it apart from other FPS titles. Halo introduced a concept called the golden triangle. The golden triangle is a refference to Halo's control scheme: one button for shooting, one button for melee and one button for grenades. This is one of the only things I see as a "core" mechanic. CoD uses this as well and in the later Battlefield games this mechanic was also introduced. Now I know CoD was mostly a pc game, but Halo introduced it to consoles. The other thing I consider a core mechanic are the vehicles, not in terms of there being vehicles, but again in terms of controls. Halo uses a very different control scheme for vehicles, mostly by turning the camera where you want the said vehicle to go. This adds another factor to what defines Halo, your spacial awareness while driving. Due to the camera being your steer, controlling a vehicle gives you more control over the vehicle, allowing you to drift, turn or change direction on the fly. This makes vehicle feel less sticky or heavy to turn. I consider myself a fan/ hardcore fan of Halo, but also a bit of a purist, namely that I consider myself to be a veteran of the series, however I do not use this in arguments about Halo. I think you probably also noticed all the hate about Halo 4 sometimes swooping over the forums, giving arguments is frowned upon and opinions are stated as false, something which bothers me a lot, because coming back with an argument is nearly impossible. I respect that you take the time to clarify some of the aspects of being a fan and your conclusion is in alignment of my own opinion of what makes you a fan. 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BaconShelf Posted May 6, 2014 Report Share Posted May 6, 2014 Eh. I don't give one about multiplayer, as I have found that there are other games that have much more replayablility. However, I get a bit annoyed when I hear the Halo 3 Brigade coming and saying how new players ruin the series, and saying how we should essentially have a Halo 3 clone. Bonus points if they try bringing up K/D, 'casual', or other derogatory terms for players who prefer other games. And of course, the classic 'return to CoD'. Me? I think the campaign is what is integral to Halo. The camapign was what attracted a multitude of players all those years ago- before Xbox LIVE even existed- and it's the only thing I care that much about in the series. Oh, and forge. Can't forget forge. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
rrhuntington Posted May 6, 2014 Report Share Posted May 6, 2014 Those last four paragraphs are beautiful In Halo We Trust. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Twinreaper Posted May 6, 2014 Author Report Share Posted May 6, 2014 I think you all are missing the point of the post. The post isn't supposed to make you rethink what you are or what you are not. I did it to show you all you illogical and misunderstood it is, to throw around the terms we do, to defend our positions and standpoints as individuals and groups. You guys seem to be reading into it, doing the exact opposite of what it was intended to. Your labeling yourselves and taking a perspective standpoint on the information. It was designed to be a learning post, nothing more. I see my words were once again wasted. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
I_Make_Big_Boom Posted May 6, 2014 Report Share Posted May 6, 2014 I think you all are missing the point of the post. The post isn't supposed to make you rethink what you are or what you are not. I did it to show you all you illogical and misunderstood it is, to throw around the terms we do, to defend our positions and standpoints as individuals and groups.You guys seem to be reading into it, doing the exact opposite of what it was intended to. Your labeling yourselves and taking a perspective standpoint on the information. It was designed to be a learning post, nothing more. I see my words were once again wasted. I had a hard time actually getting the gist of what you were actually posting, so my bad. Too much words make me self destruct. (I am pretty slow) I think you're saying we all should just come together as a Community instead of arguing, and labeling each other. While I'm not bothered by labeling (unless the label is hurtful or "questionably suggestive") I do think allot less arguing and the like should tone down a bit. Why can't we all just get along? *Why can't we be friends begins to play in the background * Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Is not JL Posted May 7, 2014 Report Share Posted May 7, 2014 I think you all are missing the point of the post. The post isn't supposed to make you rethink what you are or what you are not. I did it to show you all you illogical and misunderstood it is, to throw around the terms we do, to defend our positions and standpoints as individuals and groups. You guys seem to be reading into it, doing the exact opposite of what it was intended to. Your labeling yourselves and taking a perspective standpoint on the information. It was designed to be a learning post, nothing more. I see my words were once again wasted. Or perhaps there's a reason why we label ourselves? In the first place this has never shattered the community, alienated each specific group further from each other. Sure, we have arguments. Sure, the 'competitive' players might go to the 'casual' players and say that they're just complaining about things that kill them, or that they're just asking for things that would give them an edge. Sure, the casual crowd might go to the competitive gamers and say they should cool off, and that it doesn't 'really matter'. Is it illogical, and misunderstood? Yes, of course. We're all "Fans" and there's no point in splitting it up. We've all taken a liking to Halo, enjoying the good's and acknowledging the bad's. But when we raise a point in our discussion, it always helps to be able to back it up not by cementing that 'we are more correct than you because we are X and you are Y', but by ensuring that they know 'this is the viewpoint of me, who is an X'. Sure, maybe we say it differently, but more often than not that will happen because there appears to be an ounce if idiocy involved within the point (E.g. "WHy does incin cannon kill me but not my teammates !???). But differentiating the player base is both helpful in discussions, where you can make sure that everybody knows every different point of view possible. Why? Because let's face it. There's always going to be a difference between the 'MLG' and the 'Casuals'. One side of them are players who hop on matchmaking just to have a blast. I have no idea how they do it but they can go around, get around 10 kills and 20 deaths, and still be "Having fun". Whether it's actual fun or if I'm wrong, I'm not sure, but they aren't going to be the "MLG" side of players who hop on to Arena, or Ranked, or try to bring up their CSR. These are the players who will, in pubs, consistently perform at the top of their pub lobby teams. These are the players who crave competition, who can feel boredom creeping up them in normal matchmaking now that there really isn't much point in playing, since they're going to do good, and the only thing that might happen is they absolutely demolish the other team - or he/she is put in a team full of noobs who still throw the game despite being carried. Casuals might ask for a buff to a gun - simply because they don't know how to use it - while Competitive players might be asking to nerf it because they've seen it used to it's full capability and it's absolutely devastating. It doesn't matter where you are, or what you are, within a long-standing hobby there's going to be a split in the community someplace, somewhere. In gaming there are the 'casuals' who just play for 'teh funzies', the 'competitives' to like to win, who like a challenge. Maybe in Halo we also have the forgers, who might think that 343i should address the Halo 4 Forge ASAP, or the custom gamers, who think 343i failed miserably in custom game options. This is for other games to. MOBA players have craaaazy competitiveness, considering it's a massive international tournament which gives you the largest $$$ prize in eSports, like, ever - but there's a "casual" crowd to. Call of Duty has some of the biggest eSports names and titles - heck, Cod is something you can participate in at this year's Summer X-Games, and will be broadcast on ESPN - but the casual crowd is SOOOOO MASSIVE. Same with sports; the sports pyramid practically cuts it out into sections for you. Foundation, for the people who just start doing a sport, all the way up to Elite, people who are competing in Olympics and World cups and stuff. There's a "Casual" and "Competitive" crowd, and if we can discern it from the few hundred years of sports history, we should be able to know that - no matter what, a community is just gonna split up like that. You can't prevent it; you can say the wording is illogical and meaningless but you can't say the actual split in player base is. Calling the 'competitive' players 'MLG hardcore fans' and calling the casuals, well, 'casual fans' might be absolutely stupid wording once you take it literally, but you can't say that these different 'castes' are useless, because: (tl;dr) 1. They each give a different point of view to the table 2. All together they're just one community anyway. 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Twinreaper Posted May 7, 2014 Author Report Share Posted May 7, 2014 This wasnt a kumbayah sing along happy post. The laguage, grouping and wording of this sites sycophantic self centered complaints is really ******* annoying me. The fact that you all went through my post shows me just how self centered and illogical it all really is. There is no meaning, or justifying reason to it. There is no deep problem or hidden euphanysim to discover. I utterly hate the way a majority of the community regards itselves and others who disagree with their standpoints. You should all know me well enough to know that I have tried in the past to bring the community together and try to repair the damage that has been caused. It was a lost cause from the start. This was a reflection post to shed my hatred for pretty much everyone who has posted nonsense and bull**** over the past 6 months. I just thought I would go about a different way as opposed to my usual M.O. This thread can be locked now. It's quite obvious I waste my time and breathe even bothering to communicate or enlighten this jaded sad community. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Silent Orbis Posted May 7, 2014 Report Share Posted May 7, 2014 Sadly, the world is this way about everything - everyone labels each other, no one can tolerate other opinions. Everyone perceives things differently - that's the way it is. Just like you are born as ugly or as beautiful as you are - without choice. This isn't just some video game community issue -- IT'S HUMANITY! The fools who hate each other -- who abuse one another because of silly things like skin color or beliefs! And that's just humans... Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ShockGazm Posted May 7, 2014 Report Share Posted May 7, 2014 (edited) This wasnt a kumbayah sing along happy post. The laguage, grouping and wording of this sites sycophantic self centered complaints is really ******* annoying me. The fact that you all went through my post shows me just how self centered and illogical it all really is. There is no meaning, or justifying reason to it. There is no deep problem or hidden euphanysim to discover. I utterly hate the way a majority of the community regards itselves and others who disagree with their standpoints. You should all know me well enough to know that I have tried in the past to bring the community together and try to repair the damage that has been caused. It was a lost cause from the start. This was a reflection post to shed my hatred for pretty much everyone who has posted nonsense and bull**** over the past 6 months. I just thought I would go about a different way as opposed to my usual M.O. This thread can be locked now. It's quite obvious I waste my time and breathe even bothering to communicate or enlighten this jaded sad community. I can understand why you're agitated by the comments above but just to point out, a majority of members here are still young. Just to throw that out there, I'm just skipping a stone over a river here. I get everybody is different regarding mindset but I think it's just instinctive that people throw out their opinion and/or thoughts, even if your post is to basically state the issues on the terms of view regarding the subjects you brought up above. I thought it was a good read, and I already knew this wasn't suppose to be a some what argument. Don't think you've wasted your time with this post, I'm positive other members read this and understood what you're getting at. Edited May 7, 2014 by ShockGazm Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Is not JL Posted May 7, 2014 Report Share Posted May 7, 2014 This wasnt a kumbayah sing along happy post. The laguage, grouping and wording of this sites sycophantic self centered complaints is really ******* annoying me. The fact that you all went through my post shows me just how self centered and illogical it all really is. There's a difference between having two different groups who discuss things from their own point of view and having people who are egotistical, arrogant, self-centered and ignorant. It's fine to have two different groups, but it isn't fine to back up your egotistical, arrogant, self-centered and ignorant argument by calling out a different group for being a different group. It's not exactly the label's or the grouping's problem. It's the people who are being arrogant, who see themselves as the center of the world and thinks that everyone else and everything else revolves around them. THAT's the root of the problem here, not calling people casual or competitive. Chances are we went through your post because we realized that. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Fishy Posted May 7, 2014 Report Share Posted May 7, 2014 Here's the message I got from this topic: Step it up, stop complaining, and deal with it. I don't know about you guys, but that's what stood out to me the most. 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
HIWBC Posted May 7, 2014 Report Share Posted May 7, 2014 This wasnt a kumbayah sing along happy post. The laguage, grouping and wording of this sites sycophantic self centered complaints is really ******* annoying me. The fact that you all went through my post shows me just how self centered and illogical it all really is. There is no meaning, or justifying reason to it. There is no deep problem or hidden euphanysim to discover. I utterly hate the way a majority of the community regards itselves and others who disagree with their standpoints. You should all know me well enough to know that I have tried in the past to bring the community together and try to repair the damage that has been caused. It was a lost cause from the start. This was a reflection post to shed my hatred for pretty much everyone who has posted nonsense and bull**** over the past 6 months. I just thought I would go about a different way as opposed to my usual M.O. This thread can be locked now. It's quite obvious I waste my time and breathe even bothering to communicate or enlighten this jaded sad community. Just a question, no offence, but. Why are you always so moody? This post kinda made me feel like I was personally being shouted at, and it probably made a lot of other people feel the same way. That's not on, especially considering most people haven't done what you're saying here. Even though I know this particular post wasn't aimed at everyone, I'm just simply stating that I felt personally shouted at and I didn't really appreciate that . Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Twinreaper Posted May 7, 2014 Author Report Share Posted May 7, 2014 Every time I turn around, I see people posting things like "Us true fans get it, you don't", or "I was there since the beginning, so I know I'm right" or "Your not a hardcore fan, so you have no say" These are the types of defending points I am sick of seeing. If we were gonna go down that route to defend positions, then by all means and standards I, and about 3 others would have the only right to post anything. Yes I am moody, and I always have been. I have no patience for ignorance and stupidity, a quality most members like about me since it allows me to be 100% honest with everyone and I don't hold my tongue. With me, you know exactly what you will get, I don't hide or sugar coat anything. And yes I can be condescending at times, at that is not usually the result I strive for. I like to report fact, and actual game data derived, pulled and decoded directly from the game files, and sometimes my wisdom and knowledge comes off a certain way or rubs people the wrong way. 3 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Coldfreeze Posted May 7, 2014 Report Share Posted May 7, 2014 Every time I turn around, I see people posting things like "Us true fans get it, you don't", or "I was there since the beginning, so I know I'm right" or "Your not a hardcore fan, so you have no say" These are the types of defending points I am sick of seeing. If we were gonna go down that route to defend positions, then by all means and standards I, and about 3 others would have the only right to post anything. Yes I am moody, and I always have been. I have no patience for ignorance and stupidity, a quality most members like about me since it allows me to be 100% honest with everyone and I don't hold my tongue. With me, you know exactly what you will get, I don't hide or sugar coat anything. And yes I can be condescending at times, at that is not usually the result I strive for. I like to report fact, and actual game data derived, pulled and decoded directly from the game files, and sometimes my wisdom and knowledge comes off a certain way or rubs people the wrong way. You know, I am loving your posts more and more. I felt the same way, but you describe it with such tact and honesty, that I just can't disagree. Even if I gave a statement about what I consider the core gameplay, I just can't disregard your arguments, I can only give my opinion. Keep being awesome! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Is not JL Posted May 7, 2014 Report Share Posted May 7, 2014 Every time I turn around, I see people posting things like "Us true fans get it, you don't", or "I was there since the beginning, so I know I'm right" or "Your not a hardcore fan, so you have no say" These are the types of defending points I am sick of seeing. If we were gonna go down that route to defend positions, then by all means and standards I, and about 3 others would have the only right to post anything. By all means, go ahead and tell them to stop. Are your points valid? Yes. Will you be able to tell people to stop that? Hmm, no. Probably not. Idiots are idiots. Too bad. I have no patience for ignorance and stupidity, a quality most members like about me since it allows me to be 100% honest with everyone and I don't hold my tongue. With me, you know exactly what you will get, I don't hide or sugar coat anything. Man if I were like this I'd be banned lol Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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