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Suppressor VS Saw


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So I had an idea that the Saw could be beaten by the Suppressor, right? So then I tested this theory with my friend. Now obveously, the Saw is one of the best anti-personal weapons in the game, but the Suppressor actualy kills just as fast up close. The Saw is only good in mid range and the Suppressor is only good up close. I tested this on Haven. Now, because my friend isn't as good as me, he got the Saw. The results were actually pretty good. The Saw only won by 15 points, but it would have been by more if I didn't have thruster pack. That thing saved my life about five times! All of my points I got were only because of the fact I could get up in my friends face, and get the first few shots. Over all, Saw won the match, and cut down... the opponent (haha). What do you think?

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This is an interesting find, I always thought that the suppresor was pretty

much useless, and when I read your topic title I was thinking that there

was no way the saw would be inferior to the suppressor in any way. You

have got me thinking a little bit now, thanks!


I still think I'd take the saw over the suppressor, I'm not really a close combat

type of player.

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When the weapon tuning update came out last year, I remember one of the things that was mentioned is that the SAW had been tweaked so that it still killed exactly twice as fast as the Assault Rifle, and though the Suppressor definitely kills a bit quicker than the Assault Rifle provided all shots hit, I'm pretty sure it doesn't kill in half the time.


The thing with the Suppressor is that its fast kill time doesn't make up for just how poor its accuracy is. Even at point-blank range - and I really do mean at punching range - you're almost certain to miss at least one or two shots, so it's very rare that you're even going to get close to its actual best kill time. Plus, thanks to its projectiles you'll have to lead your shots, and even though they're very fast they're still not hitscan, as with something like the SAW or the Assault Rifle: this also means that there's a bit less in the way of bullet magnetism, so just tapping the trigger to keep your reticle tight is less effective. And then the reticle is the hardest in the game to control anyway, so if you want to maintain any degree of accuracy whatsoever you're going to have to shoot much more slowly, and there's little point in picking the Suppressor if you're going to do that.


There's also the issue of ammunition. Sure, the Suppressor has a surprisingly deep magazine and comes with a fair bit of spare ammunition, but unless you're using the Ammo support package it's going to run out very quickly. This isn't a problem for a lot of other weapons like the Assault Rifle or Battle Rifle as they're very popular, so you can always pick up more ammunition from defeated opponents, but since the Suppressor is so rarely used you're going to be very hard pressed to find more ammunition for it once your initial supply is gone. This is one of the few problems that you really aren't going to be able to just plan for in the long term as even the extra magazines from the Ammo package will run out eventually, so taking it as a sole primary might not be the best choice.


Don't get me wrong, the Suppressor is a fantastic weapon if you're playing defensively and forcing opponents to come to you, or can force battles at very close ranges, and the sheer size of its magazine means that provided you don't die in the meantime you'll almost definitely put out enough fire to assure a kill with every reload, even on full-auto. As long as you shoot first or attack from the sides, you might well be able to beat a SAW user. But in a straight fight at anything beyond very close range, against an opponent of your own skill level, it's more likely to get you killed.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well to put it bluntly.....


The Saw is a power weapon and the Suppressor is not.



Power weapons will always be more powerful than loadout weapons , that is there whole purpose, and as a whole package compared to the Suppressor the Saw comes out on top. :)

Edited by Caboose the Ace
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  • 3 months later...

At first I loved the suppresor in halo 4, but later on in multiplayer I realized it's useless unless your in the enemy's face, which you can then just melee at that point anyways. I will go with the SAW, no question. It's extremely accurate to its rate of fire, and can take down Promethean watchers in seconds.


p.s. A while ago I did my first Promethean watcher assassination and it was AWESOME

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Nice work on the testing. I would personally think that the SAW is better overall. True, the Suppressor is extremely effective up close, but I would by far rather choose the SAW. It's great at short and mid-range. It's accuracy is also far better than the Suppressor's. The Suppressor's rounds go everywhere when fired at a target mid to far-range.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  On 10/4/2014 at 6:45 PM, Scariesboo said:

I've never heard about SAW in halo games, Could anyone explain about this, please?

It's like this OP machine gun thing. Brand new in Halo 4, Berri. :P


Interestingly enough, the suppressor was my primary weapon of choice in Halo 4. That's why I liked it, when you're in close range anything is possible. If you're far away just use a magnum as your secondary, lol

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Scariesboo the Saw is....
Actually called the Saw, yes I know.....  :) Its official designation is the M739 Light Machine Gun or Squad Automatic Weapon.


It has a high rate of fire, almost double that of an Assault rifle or Suppressor, and so it literally tears though opponents especially in large groups. It also has a very large magazine.



But it is ineffective at long range and takes along time to reload.

Edited by Emperor Caboose
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  On 10/5/2014 at 12:54 PM, Emperor Caboose said:

Scariesboo the Saw is....


Actually called the Saw, yes I know.....  :) Its official designation is the M739 Light Machine Gun or Squad Automatic Weapon.


It has a high rate of fire, almost double that of an Assault rifle or Suppressor, and so it literally tears though opponents especially in large groups. It also has a very large magazine.



But it is ineffective at long range and takes along time to reload.

Oh. wow, Can i have it then? :)

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The SAW's actually decent at mid-long if you burst fire it. Nowhere near as powerful as the precision weapons, but it will still beat an AR/Suppressor any day of the weak.


Thing is, the SAW is a power weapon, so the only way these two can compete is if we are going off of preferences alone.


Personally, if there is a SAW to my left, a Suppressor to my right, and I am completely out of ammo I'm going with the SAW.

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  On 10/6/2014 at 5:39 AM, Emperor Caboose said:



Wait..... so what if you still had ammo left what would you choose? :)

If I still had ammo left I would more than likely be using a DMR or BR, which is good at nearly any range. So there wouldn't be a point in me picking up another weapon, as I am better with precision weapons than spray/pray anyway. 


If I decided to go against my better instincts, I would still pick the SAW though. As stated before, it's a power weapon and excels at doing what the suppressor (a much more common find) does.

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  On 10/5/2014 at 3:50 PM, The Director said:

The SAW's actually decent at mid-long if you burst fire it. Nowhere near as powerful as the precision weapons, but it will still beat an AR/Suppressor any day of the weak.


Actually, even out to medium-long range for someone who knows what they're doing the SAW can reliably deliver better kill times than any of the precision weapons. Once you're at the kind of distances where the precision weapon wielder actually needs to use their scope then it's definitely the weaker choice, but for pretty much anything shorter than that it's the superior weapon. Heck, even the Assault Rifle can reliably take down a Battle Rifle user at mid-range provided that the user is suitably skilled.

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  On 10/6/2014 at 11:30 PM, Axilus Prime said:

The circumstances where a Suppressor can win against a SAW rarely actually come up in multiplayer sessions. Maybe it's not quite as inferior as we thought, but it's still so greatly inferior that it's not a viable option.


Well, one advantage that the Suppressor does have is that it's a loadout weapon. If you can co-ordinate two or three players on your team, you can create an incredibly deadly combined kill-zone where each player only needs to land three or four shots to kill an opponent, and while this isn't always very effective going forward it's an extremely effective defensive tactic, especially in Objective games.

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  On 10/9/2014 at 11:15 PM, DeadStarRevenant666 said:

Well, one advantage that the Suppressor does have is that it's a loadout weapon. If you can co-ordinate two or three players on your team, you can create an incredibly deadly combined kill-zone where each player only needs to land three or four shots to kill an opponent, and while this isn't always very effective going forward it's an extremely effective defensive tactic, especially in Objective games.

Well, that's definitely gonna kill someone, but...wouldn't multiples of the same weapon coordinated like that multiply the base effectiveness equally? As in, several people with ARs would be able to do the same as the Suppressor group but in less time. And four players coordinated with BRs like that could literally instakill everything.

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  On 10/10/2014 at 7:44 AM, Axilus Prime said:

Well, that's definitely gonna kill someone, but...wouldn't multiples of the same weapon coordinated like that multiply the base effectiveness equally? As in, several people with ARs would be able to do the same as the Suppressor group but in less time. And four players coordinated with BRs like that could literally instakill everything.


Yes, although precision weapons tend to be a bit less effective in defensive situations as they're more of an aggressive weapon. Basically I was just picking out loadout weapons as having an advantage, rather than the Suppressor in particular, although the Suppressor is relevant as it's the topic of this thread. SAW is still definitely the better weapon, it's just harder to co-ordinate a team with it.

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