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Ok so me and my dad started up a Big Team Battle game and 11 minutes into the game we realise this guy is betraying some people, two to be exact. My dad gets in the helicopter driver seat, the guy shoots at my dad while my dad is taking off. The guy jumps into my dads helicopter, and while my dad is flying, he gets lasered by the enemy. Upon getting lasered, it says my dad "betrayed" his partner who was in the passenger seat.. I recorded the video afterwords seing as i had too because we have never seen anything like this before lol We never knew this could happen, i mean yeah there was a bug in 2010 where once you killed a bad guy in living dead, it might say u betrayed him, but this is something very bizarre. I recorded the video i will upload it to my fileshare. The video is called "BETRAYAL ERROR". If you guys want you can check it out, im not sure if 343 or bungie compensates people for bizarre things that happen in halo, like how the guy in halo 3 killed himself with a sniper and got rewarded recon armor etc... Let me know what you guys think.


Edit: The guy who was betraying everyone on our team was the passenger, and my dad was the pilot. They both got lasered by the bad guy at once.

Edit 2: Once my dad got booted, I shot at the guy who booted my dad because he was t-bagging him, and once i went AFK for 1 minute the guy betrayed me and it let me boot him lol. I made a video of it and this one is called "BOOTED BETRAYER" if you guys want to check that one out :)

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