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Wow, i dont write halo fiction frankly because there is just so much canon to work with, frankly there isn't enough "room" if you know what i mean. I am working on a zombie story if anyone is interested..

343 sqauds are sent in. Only 1 returns.



12/4/2552 (4 months after events on The Ark)

Second Field Lieutenant Report:


We have touched down on another one of those "Halos" that ONI brass found. We were sent to wipe out any possible Covenant forces and secure the ring's Control Room nicknamed "Citdel". The problem was that this Halo is just a massive lava and coal ring that screwed havoc on the USNC Herlburg's navigation. Instead of landing outside the Citadel it was somewhere far away that there was no why the men could get there on foot, air, or vehicle. The 135 degree weather and constant daylight from two stars didn't help. The Captian in charge is Samuel McKenlin who had fought in the battle of Earth and Harvest. He was scruffly looking and had an attitude towards whiners. In his rage of this navigation incident he ordered everyone to double shifts and try to get the systems working again. There is one other thing I need to say. The men on night duty claim to hear muultiple sounds emitting from the grounds. As if a million people were screaming to be rescued. I simply dismissed at delusional mirage but then again it might be another life form on this hellhole.



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Halo: Spartans Evolved

(or: CHRYSALIS … I haven't decided).


I won't get too far into it, as I tend to be protective of my things (stems from having things taken from me more times and by more people than I care to remember), and would get really choked-up if I found out somebody took this, too.


Halo: Spartans Evolved explores the notion of Human evolution and how it might impact the turnout of a candidate in Colonel Ackerson's Project: Spartan-III.



It's actually based on the subject of our beloved hero and icon John-117 and his "Luck". His luck, after all, is what Cortana claims made her choose him to save Humankind.


More accurately, it's based on the notion that Master Chief's luck might actually be an innate power or ability that he doesn't even know that he has. One that he doesn't even know that he uses nearly every time he engages in combat or any test of his skill or mettle.



And just as recruits for special projects were taken from Spartan-III's Alpha and Beta companies, so too would any candidates who showed any sign of "mysterious abilities" be taken and placed into a new project.


That project…


Project: Chrysalis



I'm actually not sure which I'd rather use as a title for my fanfic: Halo: Spartans Evolved in homage to Halo: Combat Evolved, or Project: Chrysalis. Or even just Chrysalis. I like Chrysalis so I might just use that, but we'll see.


I've asked for ideas from Vitamin PWN and 343industries here from the community. Each gave me an excellent idea for which they'll receive special privileges as my Consultants. I love you guys. 8)

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This is the fictional story of Johnny a young boy who would later become known the as John 117. It will presented it in installments as time permits me to add to it.






Chapter 1



The First Meeting





Long ago a young boy, unaware of the roll he would play in the fight to save humanity, was playing in his back yard when his mother called out, "Johnny, I brought you home a present. Come inside and see what I got for you.". He ran with all the speed he could muster, stopping for only a moment to give his mother a hug and then charged past her into the kitchen. He stopped and stood frozen in place when he saw a box on the table he recognized only too well. He had seen it so many times at the store, had studied every detail of it and it's content so many times before. Now it sat on his kitchen table. It was now his. He walked slowly towards it, as if in disbelief that this cherished prize was finally his. He climbed onto a chair to look at it while a tear filled smile filled his face. There it was! The toy Magnum Pistol, just like the real soldiers used. He could not believe his eyes. He reached out and slowly ran his hands across the surface of the box, it was real, he wasn't dreaming. He looked back over at his mother, beaming a loving smile at her. She said, "Well.....aren't you going to open it?". Turning back, he carefully opened the box, he wanted to keep everything perfect. As he finally pulled the toy Magnum and it's holster from the box he could feel a sense of the power it held over him. He studied his prize, examined every detail with his eyes wide in amazement. It was his, finally his. He strapped the holster around his waist and placed the gun into it. He immediately felt stronger and more confident as he jumped off the chair and quickly drew the pistol and pulled the trigger shooting an imaginary enemy. He returned it to it's holster, turned, ran to his mother and hugged her and ran back out the door into the back yard.


Once in the back yard his imagination took over. The landscape of the yard changed into an unknown, alien environment that he needed to explore. The trees and bushes became hiding places for an unknown enemy that he had to find and eliminate. The shed was now his home base and the garage on the other side of the yard the enemy strong hold. Moving with caution he made his way to the shed and opened the door slowly. It creaked loudly and he looked around searching to see if his enemy had heard it. He was safe. They must have been too far away or too busy to notice. He slipped inside closing the door after him and inspected his new base. His eyes immediately glimpsed a full face motorcycle helmet that had once been his great grand fathers and given to his dad when he passed away. He walked to the shelf where it had collected many years of dust and picked it up to examine it. As he wiped the dust off of it with a rag he found near by, he knew he would need to wear it if he was to survive an encounter with his foe. He lifted it high over his head then pulled it down onto on to it. It wasn't a tight fit, but it would do. He lifted open the visor and continued his search. His eyes spied a box near where he found the helmet and he opened it exploring it's contents. Inside he found an old leather jacket that had once been his fathers when he was young. He took it out and unfolded it and and inspected his new find. The color matched the helmet he now wore, a faded and worn olive drab green. This would be his armor to protect him as he fought to save the world from a fierce enemy that he knew would fight hard to try and conquer him. Pulling his arms through the sleeves and buttoning it tight he caught a glimpse of himself reflected in a window. He looked at himself and could now see he could battle any foe in any environment and survive. He was a soldier, a spartan, like he had read about in the history books at school. Like them, he would stand against a countless enemy and bring victory to each battle. He turned back to the box and removed an old pair on small leather gloves and put them on. He was ready. John moved back to the door and opened it just enough to inspect the battle field. The coast was clear so he moved cautiously from the base and into this new and exciting world. What would it bring, what would he find, how would he survive?


It did not take him long to encounter his first sign that an enemy was close. He could hear an eerie noise coming from a cluster of bushes and trees near a long wooden fence that was covered in vines and weeds. The sounds it made were echoing throughout the area and seemed to have an excited rhythm. He moved cautiously towards the sound, placing each step softly to the ground so as not to startle the creature. As he neared the place where the noise was coming from it suddenly stopped. He froze immediately. Had he been seen by this fierce sounding enemy who may be readying an attack on him? His eyes scanned the entire area and suddenly the was a flash of movement in one of the trees directly in front of him. He quickly reached to his side and drew his magnum and pointed it right where the branches were moving. The canopy of the tree was thick with leaves and a tangle of branches making it hard for him to see anything but the rustling of leaves at the edge of it. He began to move very slowly forward, eyes fixated of the twitching branches. Then in a flurry of crashing sounds and a blur of movement the creature jumped though the tree and landed directly in front of him not ten feet away! It stood on it's short hind legs, it's little fat belly had small arms above it with finger tips ending in sharp claws. It had a head that was filled with two large, sharp teeth that drew down from under a protruding, whiskered nose. It's long fuzzy tail twitched angrily as it cried out with a screeching series of short chirps followed by a long drawn out scream. His heart raced, his grip tighten on the pistol and he steadied his aim. He would only have one chance, he thought, to kill this menacing enemy before it lunged at him.


<<<<< ***** >>>>>



His mother was watching him from the kitchen window as she prepared the dinner for the night. She could see Johnny in the back yard playing with his new toy gun and squared of in a confrontation with a squirrel the edge of the back yard. She smiled to herself thinking about how much he had wanted that pistol. He had told so many stories of how he would bravely face any enemy if he had such a powerful weapon. He dreamed all the time about becoming a soldier and protecting the world from anyone or anything that tried to hurt them. He had always been very protective of her, though he knew she was able to take care of herself, his chivalrous nature always was present. Johnny had always had an air of confidence about him, but she had seen something in him when he had first strapped his new toy around his waist. She smiled again thinking, "My little soldier, so brave.". She brought her attention back to her dinner preparations as he continued his showdown with the squirrel in the yard.


<<<<< ***** >>>>>



He could feel his finger instinctively tighten on the trigger. In slow motion the hammer of the magnum arced back the suddenly prang forward making a loud noise. His eyes had blinked out of reflex and when they opened the threatening creature that had been there was gone. Only a rustling of nearby bushes told him it had ran in fear. Had he hit it and it was now running off to die? He searched the area where his enemy stood so menacingly before him, but found no evidence of blood or the dark grey fur that had covered it's whole body. Confident now that his foe feared him, he began to move in the direction of it's strong hold, the enemies base. Moving forward he holstered his trusted weapon and crept into the bushes where the creature had vanished. The small limbs gave way as he pressed through the tangle of them. Soon he was deep in this jungle like maze of growth that let only small shafts of sunlight penetrate the canopy of the towering trees above. His heart had calmed and confidence grew as he moved deeper into this darkening environment. His enemy was no match for him and he was certain he would prevail the next time he faced them. In the distance he was able to make out the shape of the structure he looking for and continued towards it as the light began to fade.




Chapter 2



The Gathering Darkness



To be continued................

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Now time for my fan fiction remember i made this a few years back so my writing skills weren't so 1337.




We rage in a war called the Halo. It was just long enough ago to remember. We still read on our last transmission. It was sent by Spartan 117.

“This is Spartan 117. The war is raging. I will still hold off some alien scum long enough for a standing military base to send out more troops. This is Spartan 117 and I resend this message,” He was in the Halo. We don’t know if he is still alive. It was sent in the year of the 5th century of 2000. It would be to cold on the Halo to survive over 4 years. We still keep fragments of the DNA used in the mark VI. Now it is the year 2876, this story takes place in the year 2552, and you can hear the rest of the story now.


Teller’s code Ch. 1

"Master Chief! Master Chief! Do you read?" asked the paramedic.

"Huh? Huh? Where am I?" wondered Master Chief.

"Sergeant he’s ok," said the paramedic.

"Good so were alright?" Johnson asked.

"Yes we are ok?" answered the paramedic.

"K Chief let’s get on up, and move out," said Serge. Then a huge noise erupted "What in the heck, was that?!"

"Sarge’ something just hit our ship it seemed big sir," said the head marine. "Quick Marines do DM=30!" "Sarge that is too much you could do 20 or 15, if it’s to keep our society clean, ok, it was you," said the corporate. Elites were entering. Everyone was doing DM=30. So when they had to man there battle stations they were serious. So they sent out Grunts lead by Brutes, more packs of Brutes, and one pair of Hunters. The Corporate had shot down the Hunters with a 50 cal. sniper. The Hunters were a real threat because they shot down almost all the corporate. “Sarge’, before the Brutes take over!” said corporate. Master Chief threw a grenade to shock the troops of the covenant. Then they heard a Brut,e it sounded like Imfirmerous “Block the gate,” He said, “the Prophet must complete his holy work!”

Then the scarab got there. It was about time! The UNSC had robbed the covenant of their electronics. “Sergeant head for the Scarab we’ll hold them off,” ordered Master Chief. So Serge headed for the Gate 18 and stopped and thought I could get a mongoose and get a marine. So he did. He got a second class marine and took off. The marine had an assault rifle plus a sniper. They rammed Imfirmerous and then sniped him. Brutes don’t have weak spots like Hunters. “Master Chief I decided to come back out and say that you could use a hand from me,” said the Arbiter. “Arbiter watch out!” yelled Master Chief. The Arbiter dove out of the way then shot Imfermerous. Master Chief threw a plasma grenade at Infermerous then he ran back to where he could shoot a rocket launcher. The plasma hadn’t gone off yet so he shot the plasma. Then he turned to his shotgun. Suicide engineers were entering the building. All of them went up top for an aerial attack. “Everyone hide. Get some shotguns from the armory. Draw the big ones your way!” Master Chief said “Chief, Gunny’ don’t keep shotguns in there.” The marine replied. “You’ll figure it out!” Master Chief said “Chief, Chief! Do you read? Marines, he’s not on the line but he said to use your shotguns and to do the rest on our own.” The marine said. “We don’t have any ammo.” Another marine said. “And he said to use the pockets our mamas gave us.” The first marine said. Elsewhere a Brute came up behind Master Chief. He turned around and he was shooting so he reloaded. The engineers were coming down. Master Chief got out his rocket launcher and shot it. He’d got a smoke grenade and aimed at the armory. He needed a gun that can shoot high rate of fire and not lots firepower. He bolted himself to the armory. Then a bomb went off.

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