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How Do You Feel About Weapon Attachments?

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With the Announcement of Halo 5: Guardians and the release of it's teaser art has come a lot of speculation about Halo 5 and descriptive reports regarding the art. 

(If you haven't read it yet, you should definitely check out RedStarRocket91's breakdown of the Halo 5 Teaser Art-HERE)




As you can see in the art above, the Battle Rifle has a different scope. Now, if this means the Battle Rifle has been redesigned or if weapon customization is a new feature in Halo 5, we don't know yet. I would like to see weapon customization come to Halo 5 in the following ways:




I think that every loadout weapon should have at least 5 different skins to choose from. These skins should be unlocked by completing specific commendations with each weapon. Example:


Battle Rifle:

  • 1,000 Kills = New Skin 
  • 5,000 Kills = New Skin
  • 10,000 Kills = New Skin (Gold Skin)
  • 1,000 Headshots = New Skin related to headshots
  • 1,000 Assists = New Skin related to assists




Weapon attachments should be handled carefully. Weapon attachments can greatly affect the way a game is played and the outcome of that game. I feel that with weapon attachments, players can feel more involved and grow closer to their weapon. I don't think they should alter the game significantly but rather, serve more as aesthetic features. Weapon attachments should be unlocked at a rather low level, SR-5 or SR-10 and should continue to be unlocked every few levels. This should include attachments similar to the following: 


  • Red Dot Sight (Optimal for medium range)
  • Reflex Sight (Omptimal for medium range)
  • Iron Sights (Optimal for short range)
  • Sniper Scope (Optimal for long range)
  • Buttstock (Aesthetic)
  • Grip (Aesthetic)
  • Bipod (Aesthetic)
  • Bayonet (Aesthetic, but should be implemented in Assasinations)




This is a feature straight out of CoD, but one that I think Halo can benefit from. It doesn't affect gameplay at all, but again, it would be fun to see your emblem appear on your weapon. Unlocked at SR-15 or SR-20. 


  • Emblem
  • Clan Tag



Those are my opinions on how weapon attachments should be implemented into Halo 5, but I'm really curious as to how you feel about it. Do you think that weapon attachments should be added? How about weapon skins unlocked by completing commendations?


Be sure to leave your thoughts on all of this below!

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Great idea's.


The only problem I have with this is that all there customisations should all be purely aesthetic (only the assissination idea would be fun).

Like with the scopes giving you a different reticle or something. Nothing that allows you to have an upperhand against your opponent because you're a higher level. I wouldn't like that at all.

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While it is a neat idea and having more Skins and different cosmetic items is okay in my book. I just don't like the idea if being able to customise your weapons in such a way that the attachments you use give you a advantage in that way. I just don't like it In a Halo game but I do like your idea of Emblems on weapons etc but that should be from the start. I am also guessing loadouts will return and so if they do then they should not restrict anything from the start ( apart from cosmetic items of course ) :)

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I think attachments in CUSTOM GAMES should be fine. It would add a little variety and immersion for such things. Although for actual matchmaking only aesthetic attachments. 


Also 1,000 kills for a new camo is a bit too much. I like the idea of gold camo but I think 500 kills inbetween camos is nice(which also means MORE camos :D )

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I will happily accept any kind of weapon skins, because they do make them look very nice, such as the Imprint and Bones skins were. But attachments? That's a no go, loadouts were already enough, if any attachments are to be made, it should be fore the armor, the weapons remain monotone in original shape and performance.

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Yeah it sounds good. Though I think the attachments should have balance (my god that word is used too much).


I'm alright with them being unlocked at higher levels. I mean there are already advantages Higher Level players receive in Halo 4 anyway.


Now to fix this I have a solution. All players start in the "New Zone". Once your time playing the game has increased to where you can survive against Higher Level players with Attachments, you leave the "New Zone". Like swimming off the deep end kind of thing. If you just plain old suck at Halo then tough luck.


Also the Attachments should be a little less conventional from other Games. Idk maybe a rearview mirror looking Attachment for your gun that... makes things behind you look bigger then they appear lol. Check it though- You'd have awareness so you see a ******* sneaking up on you.


(Aw my gawd they copying cod- Well guess what? Things like that are becoming the norm nowadays, and in order to keep up Halo has to get with the times. Plus all games copy from each other. Hell even CE looks similar to Aliens in the beginning. And apparently John Spartan came from Demolition Man, though Bungie denies this).


Soo... yeah.

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I think I'm on page with everyone else. I think that they could be a really cool addition as long as they are aesthetic only!!! Have a bunch that you can earn in game by doing things specific to that weapon or better yet the attachment.

eg. Get 1000 head shots for a new scope.


Also it's kind of like armor in my opinion. You have been able to customize your armor since H3 but yet it does not affect gameplay. It is solely so that you can build your own look.

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Here is the way is the way I feel about weapon customization in the Halo games:


You can have your BR that has the Double Rainbow skin with a smiley face shoved on the side with 420MLGHaRdSCOpeZ scribbled on the backside, and a Green reticle replacing your blue reticle, as long as my Black/Gray default BR can slay your light bright looking self with the exact same efficiency.


You may look better because you're a higher level, but you not getting an advantage over me because of that level, brother... (especially if it's XP based ranking up.)

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I'm fine with them as long as 343i is creative in their design. It won't make sense to have red dots and holographic sites/acogs, Halo is too far in the future for that ****.

If the attachments are intuitive and fun to use then I welcome it. If the attachments are going to make Halo more similar to regular military shooters then PLEASE NOOOOOOO.

As far as weapon custimzation goes in general, I really don't think it will add much to the game. It will make things look more stupid and less immersive. Leave the weapon art to the professional designers. Referring to what the dude said above me, we don't need rainbow BR's with hardScop3s etched into the gun.

Pls 343i no.

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Halo 4 had the CoD treatment, and now you want more CoD in Halo 5.


I think you should stick to CoD.  And Halo should go back to being Halo.


The next change for Halo might be Gears of War inspired ideas, 343 did enough damage to Halo 4 with all the stupid Armour Abilities they come up with, half of them were CoD copies.  Halo player do not want CoD or Gears in our game.

I just hope some of the crap from Halo 4 does not make it to Halo 5.


Leave Halo alone, and go play CoD !!!

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(Aw my gawd they copying cod- Well guess what? Things like that are becoming the norm nowadays, and in order to keep up Halo has to get with the times. Self destruct.



But then games lose their Identity and become another generic shooter like most shooters out there today. :) 

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  On 5/25/2014 at 7:31 AM, Caboose the Ace said:

(Aw my gawd they copying cod- Well guess what? Things like that are becoming the norm nowadays, and in order to keep up Halo has to get with the times. Self destruct.



But then games lose their Identity and become another generic shooter like most shooters out there today. :)

Not exactly sure how your phrasing is supposed to be interpreted here, but it is quite obvious that changing Halo 4 to keep up with the norm didn't work out in the long run.


I hope 343 isn't stupid. It is hard to ignore all the vehement feedback they received on the multiplayer. One would think they would change the multiplayer to be more like Halo 2/3 than to make it further from that.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

I would like some asthetic attachments like your BR having a silencer while it does nothing at all it does look cool but I would like armour to affect gameplay just a bit more like the head and chest like airassault chest makes the jetpack fly faster or the scout chest making you run a bit faster or the tracker helmet giving people a small outline if there on the radar like PV on a active camo guy but constant but now that I say this outloud it sounds kinda stupid.

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  On 5/22/2014 at 5:29 PM, Caboose the Ace said:

While it is a neat idea and having more Skins and different cosmetic items is okay in my book. I just don't like the idea if being able to customise your weapons in such a way that the attachments you use give you a advantage in that way. I just don't like it In a Halo game but I do like your idea of Emblems on weapons etc but that should be from the start. I am also guessing loadouts will return and so if they do then they should not restrict anything from the start ( apart from cosmetic items of course ) :)

 then wheres the fun in leveling up if everything is already unlocked.> it also could be that i am not understanding what you mean if so could you please explain

  On 7/2/2014 at 4:25 AM, whyamionline said:

I would like some asthetic attachments like your BR having a silencer while it does nothing at all it does look cool but I would like armour to affect gameplay just a bit more like the head and chest like airassault chest makes the jetpack fly faster or the scout chest making you run a bit faster or the tracker helmet giving people a small outline if there on the radar like PV on a active camo guy but constant but now that I say this outloud it sounds kinda stupid.

ehh i don't think armour effects are a bad idea as long as their realistic but the question may not be can they add this but even if they chose to would they have time to input it into the game with what they already have planned.

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