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Hey , pretty much everybody in the forums are fans of Halo so it won't be hard to get along with anybody here dude! :D Finding Tricks in games is a  skill which is kinda cool.Oh and we have some guy on the forums called Caboose the Ace - soooo get comfortable! All details on what to do and help and all that stuff will probably be located in your email inbox from some 343 bot which will give you the guidance on how to work this joint and eventually you will become a  shoutbox member , etc.



Welcome!  :D



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Really X-Men?



Welcome to the site you! I, as my name reads, am Gemini Dragons. And these happy souls above me are your new friends, along with me as well! We are always happy to see a new friend around the forums so get comfortable your in for a happy awakening.



Tucker for the win. Bowchikawowow

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If you think the Xmen referrence was bad, wait till you see the movie. 2 hours of my life ai cqnnot get back.


Welcome to the forums bud!! We're all a little crazy, some more than others. Watch out for that prick Twinreaper. He's a real sociapathic meany. Crap, I think he heard me....

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