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Halo Hitman

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A new Special Ops team of Spartans is being assembled, as a precaution in the event of the Didact's return. Several candidates have been selected, but one must lead the team. To determine which of the candidates is the most skilled, a free-for-all War Games simulation has been announced. The winner leads the team. May the best Spartan win.


You are attempting to kill all the other players and be the last man standing. You do this by PMing me with the name of your target and the weapon you want to use to do it. (Example: Killing Stabbington with DMR) The available weapons are:
Battle Rifle
Covenant Carbine
Assault Rifle
Storm Rifle
You are not guaranteed a kill. Different players have different resistances and weaknesses against different weapons. When signing up for the game, you will PM me a profile listing each of your resistances. You can assign any number from 1 to 7 to any weapon, but each number can be used only once. For example:
DMR: 1
Battle Rifle: 6
Covenant Carbine: 4
Lightrifle: 3
Assault Rifle: 2
Storm Rifle: 7
Suppressor: 5

This is your resistance profile. It tells me which weapons you are weak against and which weapons you are strong against. When someone attempts to kill you, I will roll a die. (Metaphorically, anyway. I'm actually using a random number generator.) If the number falls below your resistance for the chosen weapon, you will survive. If not, you die. For example, if someone targeted you with a flamethrower, I would roll a die. If my die landed on anything below 5, you would survive the attempt. If you were targeted with a knife attack, and I rolled below 4, you'd live. If this requires any clarification, let me know, and I'll do my best to explain it to you.

Each round will take about 48 hours, including plenty of time in which to PM me your target and weapon of choice. If you fail to send me the name of a target and a weapon of choice, you will take no action that round.


If multiple people attack the same target, I will calculate the attempts chronologically based on who PM'd me first.


If in the last round, all players kill each other, I will reroll. There must be one survivor, no more, no less.



1. Use only a single PM to send in your targets. Don't send a new PM each round, just use the same PM you joined in. If you send a new PM, I consider it a suicide.

2. No changing targets. I will accept the first target you send me each round. Attempting to change your target will result in a suicide.

3. No complaining about outcomes. I am not biased, I am genuinely just using a random number generator. Attempting to get me to change the outcome of a round in your favor will result in a suicide.


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